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79 Cards in this Set

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3 Hallmark features of Psychosis
Delusion Hallucination and Loosening of Associations
3 Negative-Lack of abilities for Psychosis
avolition, Apathy and blunted affect
Schizofenia Remission Defn:
reduction in pos and neg symptoms for at least 6 months usually with treatment
Schizofrenia Rule of Thirds
1/3 good outcome,, 1/3 chronic course, 1/3 dont respond to treatment
single criterion diagnosis for Schizofrenia
Running commentary on behavior or two voices conversing with each other
What two disorders are important to exclude from Schizofrenia?
rule out Schizoaffective disorder and mood disorder + make sure no bipolar episodes
Differences in Schizophreniform Disorder
it has a short duration,
Brief Psychotic Disorder
it has a short duration and ambivalent to psychosis
Schizoaffective Disorder Differents
it has bipolar and or mood episodes during active symptoms and other positve symptoms
Bipolar Disorder Type 1
has bipolar episodes but NO other active symptoms
Clonazapine use and chief SE
use after failed two trials andcan cause agranulocytosis
How to manage acute psychosis
Benzos and mood stabilizers at Valproic acid
How to treat catatonia
benzos and ECT
treating cognitice deficits and negative symptoms
no drugs
prototypical high-potency antipsychotic
High potency antipsychotics bind what and cause what SE>
bind D2 receptors and cause extrapyramidal side ffects
Clonazapine SE
sedation and anticholinergic SE from H1 and sert receptors
Risperiodne MOA
D2 / 5-HT2 receptor antagonists
Risperidone Dose profile
low does have low incidence of EPS but high doeses have higher likelyhood
EPS SE Profile timeline hours days months years
hours see dystonia, days see akathisia, months see PD, years see Tardive Dyskinesia
inability to sit still
Tardive dyskinesia
purposeless muscle contractions
List the 4 relevant DA Pathways
Mesolimbic Mesocortical Nigrostriatal tubero-infundibular
what pathways do positive signs and symptoms com from
mesolimbic pathway
these drugs with one exception antagonize Dopamine D2 receptors
antipsychotics with the exeption of atypica aripoprazole
Blocking Dopa D2 receptors in the Nigrostriatal pathway causes what SE
Blocking D2 in the Tubero Infundibular pathways causes what SE
Blocking D2 in the mesolimibic pathway causes what
efficacy against positive signs and symptoms
4 main psychopathological domains of schizophrenia
Positive signs and syms, negateive ss, cognitive dysfunction, mood/anxiety syms
List as many negative signs and symptoms as you can (all start with A)
attention deficits, asociality, anhedonia, avolition, alogia,
Atypical antupsychotics work better for what signs and symptoms and for what degree
treating negative signs and symptoms to a modest degree
Only atypical antipsychotic that is better at treating positive signs and symptoms
what does potency mean
'potency' of D2 binding'
Name two low potency Typical antipsychotics
Thiooridazine and Chlorpromazine
Name 4 high potency typical Antipsychotics
Fluphenaine Trifluoperazine thithixine Haloperidol all the rest are mid-potency
Are high potency drugs more efficacious then lower potency drugs
No but dosing must be adjusted
EPS, HPL, Tardive dyskines are more associated with which drug potency do to D2 blockade?
High potency drugs
low potency drugs have interactions with these receptors
H-Histamine H1, Alpha1-Adrenergic, Muscarinic M1
H1 receptor side effects
sedation and weight gain
a1 receptor side ffects
orthostasis and reflex tachycardia
M1 receptor side effects
blurry visionm dry mouth, urinaary retenion and constripation
Special CNS side effects of low potency antipsychotics
lower seiszure threshold except Clozapine
Special cardiax effects of low potency typical antipsychotics
thiordazine -Qtc prolongation-->greats risk of torsadess
SE from high does of thordazine
reinitis pigmentosa
SE of Low potency drugs that has to do with hypothalamus
POMC can cause photosensitivity and skin discoloration
2 typical neuroleptics (antipsychotics) available in depot forms
Haloperidol and fluphenazine
biggest reaspn for acute psychosis
poor medication compliance
4 forms of EPS
Acute dystonia, Akathisia parkonsonism Tardive dyskinesia
Akathisia defn
uncomfortable stae of motor restlessnesss usually in the legs, look for pacing
Tardive dyskinesia defn
potentaially permanent slow writhing movements of the moth and tongue like gum chewing
why is akathisia bad?
predicts agitation and suicidal behavior
patient becomes agitated and restlesss after being stated ona neuroleptic
do not increaase does of antipsychotic it will make the akathinesia worse
treatments for acute dystonia
give anticholinergic drugs like benztropine and diphenylhydramine and if that doesnt work lorazepam
how to treat aakathesia
lower antipsychotic, use benzos or anticholinergics
how to treat neuroleptic induced PD
lower antipsychotic, switch to lower risk agent like atypical, like clonazapine or quietapine
Predisposing factor of NMS
antipsychotic s drugs
predisposing factor of sert syndrome
sert drugs often MAOI
Mental changes in NMS and 5HT
acute MS change delirium
Cital sign changes in NMS and 5HT
hyperpyrexia, tachycardia, labile htn
Muscle changes in NMS
lead pipe ridigid
Muscle chagnes in 5HT
Labs to look for in NMS
look for CK and WBC elecation
hwo to traet neuroleptic malignant syndrome
fluids, resp support and fever reuction
3 Benefits of atypical antipsychotics
lower eps risk,low hol risk, lower long term tardive dyskinesia risk
Major pharm mechanism difference between of atypical antipsychotiscs
atypicals aantagonize 5-HT2A recepters much more than D2 except for ariprazoelwhich is a D2 agonist
Name an additional receptor taht clonazapine blocks
D4 + 5Ht2A>D2
Clonazpine benefits
works when others dont and only drugs show to reduce suicidal behavior
unique motuhs SE of clonazapine
excess saliva
describe risperdone bidnigna
hHT2A>D2 but D2 is high potency then other atypicals
weird SE of risperidone
highes HPL risk
describe metabolic profile of atypicals
clonz and olanz are the worse, then risp and quietapine in the middle
Describe HAM bidnign of risperdone
low H and M but high A so high orthostasis risk
Quiertapine receptor profile
5HT2A>D2 but very low D2
ziprasidone additional blockage
blocks reuptake pumps and 5HTA1 agonist like buspirone
Special zuprasidone intake considerations
mist take with food or not absorbes
Ziprasidone uses
for schizofrenia and mood
Ariprazole special bidnign
D2 agonist and 5HT2A antagonist
Aripirazole profile differecen
partial D2 agonist
ariprazole use
schizofrenia dna cute menia