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101 Cards in this Set

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the scientific study of the actions of drugs and their effects on a living organism


specialization concerned with drug-induced changes in the functioning cells of the nervous system


specialization emphasizing changes in mood, thinking, and behavior


~goal to identify chemical substances that act on the nervous system to alter behavior that is disturbed because of injury, disease, or environmental factors

~using chemical agents as probes to gain an understanding of the neurobiology of behavior

Drug action

the specific molecular changes produced by a drug when it binds to a specific target site or receptor

~mimicking brain functions in excess

~stimulates or inhibits release of a neurotransmitter

~facilitate or inhibit entrance of neurotransmitter into vesicles

~inhibit or facilitate reuptake

Drug effects

alterations in physiological or psychological functions caused by molecular changes from drug action

~site of action may be different from site of effects

Therapeutic effects

the desired physical or behavioral changes produced by the drug/receptor interaction

Side effects

all other effects produced by drug/receptor interaction

~negative or undesired effects

~range from mildly annoying to distressing and dangerous

specific drug effects

effects based on the physical and biochemical interactions of a drug with a target site in living tissue

nonspecific drug effects

effects based on unique characteristics of the individual

~mood, expectations, attitude towards drug or administrator, etc. all influence outcome


substance that is pharmacologically inactive, but in many instances still causes both therapeutic and side effects


concentration/amount of drug in the blood that is free to bind at specific target sites


factors that contribute to bioavailability:

1. routes of administration

2. absorption and distribution

3. binding

4. inactivation

5. excretion


drug inactivation;

occurs as a result of metabolic processes in the liver

depot binding

type of drug interaction involving binding to an inactive site, such as to proteins in the plasma, to bone, or to fat

Enteral vs. Parenteral methods of administration

E: utilizes gastrointestinal (GI) tract

~ slow onset, highly variable blood levels of drug

~oral or suppository

P: everything else; injection, pulmonary, topical

Oral Administration (PO)

~most popular route of ingestion

~safe, self administered, economical, comfortable

~dissolve in stomach, pass through wall to reach blood capillaries

~resistant to destruction by stomach acid and enzymes important to normal digestion


movement of the drug from the cite of administration to the blood circulation

~most drugs not fully absorbed until they reach small intestines

first-pass metabolism

liver metabolizes some of a drug before it can circulate through the body, particularly when taken orally

Intravenous (IV)

injection is the most rapid and accurate method

~precise quantity placed directly into blood stream

~quick onset, can't be removed in case of allergy or overdose

~reaches brain almost instantly

Intramuscular (IM)

~slower, more even absorption (10-30 min)

~rate of drug absorption is dependent on rate of blood flow to muscle

~solution can be irritating and cause muscle discomfort

Intraperitoneal (IP)

common for small lab animals

injected through abdominal wall into peritoneal cavity

Subcutaneous (SC)

~injected just below the skin

~absorption rate dependent on blood flow to the site

~slow and steady absorption

~often used to administer hormones


~absorbed into the blood by passing through lungs

~rapid absorption b/c area of pulmonary absorption is large and rich with capillaries

~rapid effect on the brain


application to mucous membranes

~some topically administered drugs can be readily absorbed into circulation

~Intranasal application allows blood-brain barrier to be bypassed


drug administration with skin patches

controlled and sustained delivery of drug at pre-programmed rate

painless, avoids first-pass effect

epidural injection

spinal anesthetics are administered directly into cerebrospinal fluid surrounding spinal cord, by passing blood-brain barrier

Psychoactive Drugs

drugs that have an effect on thinking, mood, and behavior

target the brain


~complex lipid (fat) molecules that make up cell membranes

~negatively charged region at one end, 2 uncharged lipid tails

~arranged in a bilayer, phosphate ends form 2 sheets filled with fatty material

~polar heads are attracted to polar water molecules

passive diffusion

~ how drugs with high lipid solubility move through cell membranes

~movement across membranes is always higher to lower concentration

concentration gradient

~concentration difference on each side of the membrane

~the larger the difference, the more rapid is diffusion

~lipid solubility increases the absorption of drug into the blood and determines how readily a drug will pass the lipid barriers to enter the brain

Cerebrospinal fluid

~liquid that fills the subarachnoid space that surrounds the bulk of the brain and spinal cord

~fills hollow spaces (ventricles) and their interconnecting channels (aqueducts), and central canal

blood-brain barrier

~separation between brain capillaries and the brain/cerebrospinal fluid

~selectively permeable

~capillaries in brain are different than the rest of the body - no intercellular cleft

glial cells and astrocites regulate

intercellular clefts

small gaps between adjacent cells

in walls of capillaries made up of endothelial cells


large openings in walls of capillaries through which molecules can pass


~provide structural support for neurons

~maintain ionic balance in the extracellular environment

~store nutrients to provide energy for neurons

~perform phagocytosis

~extensions of the glial cells

~help maintain endothelial tight junctions

depot binding

binding of a drug to inactive sites

~reduces concentration of a drug at action sites

first - order kinetics

exponential drug clearance from the body


the amount of time required for removal of 50% of the drug from the blood (t1/2)

~determines the time interval between doses

~shorter half-life, more doses

table 1.5

zero-order kinetics

drugs are eliminated at a constant, linear rate, not in percentages


inactivation of a drug through a chemical change, usually by metabolic processes in the liver

~liver produces enzymes to change molecules

~drugs are eliminated via metabolism and metabolites are excreted

microsomal enzymes

liver enzymes

lack strict specificity, can metabolize a variety of foreign chemicals

cytochrome P450

microsomal enzymes

oxidize psychoactive drugs

found in liver, kidney, lungs, intestine, nasal passages

enzyme induction

increase in particular liver enzyme caused by repeated use of psychoactive drugs

~increases the rate of biotransformation

~speeds transformation of other drugs that the enzyme acts on and reduces their effects

opposite: enzyme inhibition; increased potential for toxicity, more intense or prolonged drug effect


the study of the physiological and biochemical interaction of drug molecules with target tissue that is responsible for the ultimate effects of a drug


large protein molecules located on the surface of or within cells

~protein found on surface of cell, receives chemical signals from outside the cell

~extracellular: outside of cells to relay information through the membrane to affect intracellular processes

~intracellular: within the target cell, in cytoplasm or nucleus, hormones to influence neural events


~number and sensitivity of receptors can change


any molecule that binds to a receptor with some selectivity


~binding causes change in receptor shape that initiates a series of events in the cell

receptor agonists

neurochemicals or drugs that have the best chemical "fit" to bind to a particular receptor protein to initiate a cellular response

~attaches readily, produces significant biochemical effect

best fit = high affinity

receptor antagonists

ligands that produce fit but have no cellular effect after binding (low efficacy) and prevent an active ligand from binding; blocks the receptor

inverse agonists

produces an effect opposite one by an agonist


receptor numbers increase


receptor numbers decrease in response to absense of ligands

receptor subtypes

~receptors with different characteristics in different tissues

~respond to the same neurotransmitter but vary in design

dose-response curve

describes the extent of biological or behavioral effect (response) produced by a given drug concentration (dose)

~used to evaluate receptor activity

~classic S shape curve

therapeutic index


toxic dose (for 50% population) /effective dose (dose that produces half of the maximal effect for 50% population)

~the wider the difference, the better

common drugs:

weed = 1000:1; cocaine = 15:1; alcohol = 10:1; morphine = 70:1


combination of two drugs produces effects that are greater than the sum of their individual effects


diminished response to drug administration after repeated exposure to that drug

~increasingly larger doses necessary to recieve same reaction

~metabolic, pharmacodynamic, and behavioral tollerance


enhancement of particular drug effects after repeated administration of the same dose of that drug


the study of the genetic basis for variability in drug response among individuals


nerve cells, transmit info in the form of electrical signaling

soma: cell body, contains nucleus

dendrites: branches from soma that receive info from other cells; signals originate here

axon: single tubular extension that conducts the electrical signal to the cell body to the terminal buttons on the axon terminals

glial cells

provide metabolic support, insulation, and protection for neurons

~four types: schwann cells, oligodendroglia, astrocytes, microglia

sensory neurons

convert physical stimuli into electrical signals

sensitive to environmental stimuli, convert physical stimuli in the world around us and in our internal environment into an electrical signal and transmit info


nerve cells (neurons) within the brain and spinal cord that receive electrical signals

~form interacting neural circuits

responsible for making conscious decisions, recognition, memory, decision making, cognition

motor neurons

control biobehavioral responses appropriate for a given situation

"the essence of life"

extracellular fluid

surrounds neurons, provides nutrients


generate energy from glucose in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)


gap between cells' dendrites

~dendrites and soma receive info from other cells across the synapse

dendritic spines

branch off dendrites, increase receiving surface area

~dendrites and their spines are constantly modified and can change shape rapidly in response to changes in synaptic transmission

"use it or lose it"

changes throughout life permit us to learn new associations

axon hillock

portion of axon adjacent to cell body

generates action potential

terminal buttons

located near the dendrites or somas of other cells, at the ends of the axons

contain neurotransmitters


fatty insulated coating wrapped around axons created by concentric layer of glial cells

~schwann cells and oligodendroglia

~myelin sheath increases speed of conduction along the axon - the thicker the myelin, the faster the conduction

nodes of Ranvier

breaks in myelin sheath on axon

where action potential is regenerated during conduction of the electrical signal along the length of the axon


protein/molecule, receptor activated when you're presented with new stimuli

Watson and Krick 1953

discovered the shape/structure of DNA and that it effects behavior with its changes/differences

~behavioral patterns coded in DNA

~depending on the environment and what's happening around you, they'll react and express DNA differently


macromolecule encoding the instructions for the development and functioning of all living things


memory encoding/changing DNA


closed structural, functional, and biological unit of all living organisms

~building blocks of life

~can replicate independently


separates and protects a cell from its surrounding environment

~made mostly from a double layer of phospholipids

bilayer structure:

~negatively charged hydrophilic heads

~uncharged hydrophobic tails

~provides ways for the cell to decide what gets inside

~receptors decide whats getting in and process info

Chemical reaction

leads to transformation of one substance to another

biochemical reaction

process that leads to transformation of a set of substances to another, usually with the help of a third molecule (enzyme)

~enzyme will fit receptor exactly


~drugs are molecules that travel through the blood to the head to bind with fitting receptors

~mimic regular brain functions, but in excess

ex. cocaine mimics dopamine

~act at several target sites, have multiple effects

~most drugs don't pass into neurons, but act on surface receptors

partition coefficient

measure of a drug's lipid solubility

~used to predict its relative rate of movement across cell membranes

~extend of ionization determines the oil/water solubility of the drug

~higher solubility = more efficient


dissociation of an electrically neutral molecule into charged particles (ions)

~most drugs are not readily lipid soluble because they are weak acids or weak bases that become ionized when dissolved in water

~extent of ionization depends on the relative acidity/alkalinity of the solution (pH) and the intrinsic property of the molecule (pKa)


~1-14 scale, 7 is neutral

~acidic solutions lower pH, alkaline/basic solutions higher pH


~represents the pH of the aqueous solution in which that drug would be 50% ionized and 50% not ionized

~weak acids become ionized quicker in an alkaline environment and less ionized in an acidic environment

~weak bases ionize quicker in acidic environment and less ionized in alkaline environment

drugs as agonists

~ enhance synaptic function by increasing or decreasing neurotransmitter synthesis or release

~prolonging action of the neurotransmitter within the synapse

drug competition

for an enzyme: elevated levels of one drug reduces metabolism of the second, causing potential toxic levels

~ex. alcohol and sedatives (like valium) compete for cytocrome P450


absolute amount of drug necessary to produce a specific effect

~the less you need for the desired effect, the higher the potency

threshold dose

smallest dose that produces a measurable effect


~perform phagocytosis (removing dying cells at sites of nerve damage)

~provide immune system function

responsible for immune response in cells

Schwann cells

~form myelin sheath in a single axon in the PNS

~release growth factors following neuron damage

~provide a channel to guide axons to targets


~form myelin sheath on multiple axons in the CNS

~ inhibit regrowth of axons following neuron damage

Ion channels

relatively specific for a particular ion (some allow more than one type to pass through)

~most are gated channels: closed and can be opened momentarily by specific stimuli

ligand-gated channels

opens when a ligand binds to a receptor on the channel and changes the shape and opens the gate

voltage-gated channels

opened when electrical potential across the membrane near the channel os altered

Resting membrane potential

difference in electrical charge between inside and outside of cell

~at rest, the inside of the cell is more negative

~selective permeability of the membrane and uneven distribution of ions inside and outside of the cell are responsible for the membrane potential

~uneven distribution is due to specific ion channels

action potential

rapid change in the electrical signal that is sent down the axon

~membrane potential must be changed from resting (-70mV) to the threshold for firing (-50mV)

"all or nothing"

rapid changes in the membrane potential of neurons allow them to conduct information and influence other cells


membrane potential (typically -50mV) at which voltage-gated Na+ channels will open, generating an action potential


soluble in lipids

can bypass blood-brain barrier and membrane

influences gene expression

fig. 1.2


interact with gene proteins

used as chemical messengers

common drugs

cocaine: mimics dopamine

atropine: dilates pupils, effect and site = same

morphine: inject anywhere, effects everywhere

xanax: activates GABA, calms you down