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65 Cards in this Set

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Sxs last at least a month/ must cause sig. stress or impairment/ survival guilit common
PTSD Sxs - Re-experiencing
memories, dreams, flashbacks, intense distress when exposed to reminders
PTSD Sxs- Psychic numbing and detachment
avoid thought and feelings and talking about event/ avoid places and people ass. with event
PTSD Sxs- hyper vigilance and chronic arousal
insominca, irritability, poor consentraction, always on alert (threat)
severity, duration, proximity to trauma/ social support/ pre-exsiting distress/ biological fators= amygdala hyperactive, hippocampus shrinks, low cortisol
expose to feared stimuli->exinguish fear/ challenge cog./ stress management/ Cog. and Beh. therapy= systematic or in vivo desensitaion
Exposure Tx for PTSD
danger of revictimization= client control/ process trauma= vivid sights, sounds, smells, dont go too far, indiv then group/ reorient to present 1)seek saftey 2)rearrange enviroment 3)reassure self 4)find meaning
Acute Stress Disorder
simliar to PTSD/ occurs within 1 month/ lasts less than 4 weeks/ more dissociative
Anxiety Disorders
Phobias, gen. anxiety, panic disorder, OCD
Anxiety vs Fear
cog.- immediate harm from threat/ somatic= sympathetic NS/ euo
Panic Disorders
panic attacks= intense short periors with mult. sx of anxiety
Panic Attack Sxs
heart pounding/ shaking/ sweating/ nausea/ chills
Theories of Panic Disorder
genetic/ poorly reg. neurot levels (nore. and serotin)/ Cog Theories= introceptive awareness, misinterpectation, catastrophizing
Panic Disorder Txs
tricyclics/ SSRIs/ Benzos/ Cog Tx= more effective, confront situation, relaxation and breathing
persistant fears reaction out of proportion to act. danger/ persisten fear
Kinds of Phobias
animals, natural envir., situational, blood/injury, other
Phobias Persistance and Therapy
hard to extinguish/ avoidance fear/ systematic desensitation= relax training, modeling
not true phobia
Social Phobia
fear of social situations/ person realizes fear is unreasonable/ intense anxiety/ cog. theories= high stds (everyone should like you), focus on neg.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
anxiety and worrying at least 6 months/ cant control->worry about everything
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Sxs
on edge/ low energy/ muscle tension/ restless
Cog. Theories to GAD
focus on threat, belief in worry (worrying prevents bad things), avoid iages of what they fear, automatic neg. thoughts, trauma
Bio. Theories to GAD
deficiency in receptors results in excessive firing in limbric system, genetic possibility
Tx for GAD
cog-beh preferred, lasts 2 yrs, relax skills, benzos=short twem relief, Tonfranil is better,
obsesstion and impulses/ dirt is most common, compulsions= repeated beh. or mental acts/ rules/ beh. prevents harm (not for real), causes distress, time comsumption
OCD Theories
psychodynamic= displayed anxiety uncon. conflict/ cog.-beh.= focus on depression part/ Bio= develop after brain trauma
Somatoform Disorders
common feat.= physical sx not fully explained by med. condition/ conversion disorder= loss of functioning in part of body, voluntary sensory or motor functions affected/ polysymptomatic= loss of functioning, panic disorder related
Somatization and Pain Disorders
runs in family-> females/ anciety and Depression common with it/ Cog. Theory= may experience body sensation more intensly
Tx of Somatization and Pain Disorders
resistant to seek psycholtherapy/ psychodynamic= understand conn. b/t symptoms and eneco./ cog= focus less on sxs, interpret sxs correctly
chronic worry about having serious disease/ tx= helping patient learn to interpret sx properly (decatastophize, wont wanna see a therpaist)
Body Dymorphic Disorder
peroccupation with app. defect- distress, teens, chronis if untreated/ psychosomatic= stress, strains/ factitious disorder= faking sxs (usually to gain somehting)
Dissociative Disorders
Dissocation- parts of consciousness, memories, identity split off
Hidden Observer
Hilgard/ hypnotized. told they would feel no pain during painful procedure, but would recall it if given cue
Dissociative Fugue
suddenly leave home and get new identity
Dissociative Amnesia
unable to recall peronsal info/ antrograde= cant remember new into/ retrograde= cant remeber old/ organic amnesia= chemical cause forgetting/ psychogenic= due to psych. factors
Depresonalization Disorder
frequent episodes of feeling detatched from brain or body/ 1/2 adults have or had it once/ women > men
Dissociative Identity Disorder
2 or more distinct personalites/ abuse/ host unaware of alters/diff. among alters= age, facial expression, memories, gender, blood pressure
identify roles and functions of each alter/have each work thru trauma exp./ say goodby to each
Unipolar Depression
emo= anhedonia (loss of interest in usual activities)/ physio and beh= sleep disturbance and appetitc dist. (under or over)/cog= suicide thought, hopelessness, low self-esteem
Dysthmia vs Major Depression
Dythmia= milder but chronis (2 yrs)/ Major Dep.= severe, short (2 weeks), suicide/ double dep= combo of both
Dysthmia and Major Depression Sxs
sleep dist., appetite change, decision making, self-esteem and hoplessness
Major Depression
5 or more sxs/ depressed mood almost always, anhedonia more prevalent, suciidal thoughts
2 or more sxs/ depressed mood noticed by others first
Suicide (AEA)
anomic=major change (external)/egoistic= alienated (internal)/ altruestic= doing a good deed by doing it
Death: seekers, intiators, ignorers, darers
Postpartum Depression
best prediction is previous depression and lack or work plans
Beh and Cog (SWF)(ISG) Theories of Depression
Behaviors= 1)stress results in reduced pos. reinforcement 2) learned helplessness- lack of control/ Cog= meg cog. triad->maintained with distorted thinking, reformulated learned helplessness- personal, permenent, pervasive
Tx fo Depression (ATM)
Beh= functional analysis- track sxs, interactions/ make changes- alter envir., teach assertion, mood management/ Cog= self monitor mood and thoughts
Interpersonal Therapy for Depression
face losses, let go of past relation -> invest in new, gain new skills
Bipolar Disorder
monia and major depression/ bio base -> heritage/ manic episode (elevated, exponsive, mood for 1 week)/ racing thoughts, distracted
Cyclothymia Disorder
lower level of bipolar disorder/ hypomania and lower level of depression
Bipolar Tx
Biology base= tx is bio, lithium, anticonvulusants/ tx often non compliant b/c miss mania state
pos. sxs= presence of abnormal beh./ neg sxs= lack of normal beh. (harder to detect)
false beliefs (bizzare) person is preoccupied with these/ persecutory- ppl out to get you, grandrose- super human, famous
sensory exp. with no basis/ auditory, visual, tactile (on body)
Pos, sxs of Schizo
disorganized thought and speech= loose assoc., incoherance/ disorganized beh= bizzare
Neg sxs of Schizo
affective flattening- lil emotion repsonse/ alogia- lil talking/ avalition= beh. deficts/ less responsive to meds.
types of Schizo
Paranoia= most dangerous, most organized/ Disorganized- incoherent in everything/ Catatomic= excitement/ Undifferent= cant classify/ Residual= had previous, same sxs remain
Prognosis of Schizo
can he chronic/ 10% suicide/ life exp, shortened by 10 yrs/ most stabilzed within 5-10 yrs of first episode/ better for women
Theories of Schizo
Bio (strong evidence)= polygenic, bio base, brain structurally different/ frontal cortex= largest, raltes to neg. sxs
Neutal Misconnection Syndrome
lack of sync. b/t thoughts and actions- gargbles signals (pos sxs), paralyzed info flow (neg sxs)
Neurot. and Schizo
high levels of dopamine= anti-psychotics reduce dopamine levels
Social Factors of Schizo
schizo mothers= rejecting, disproved/ communication= mixed messages/ family with high expressed emotion= bad, hostile/ social drift
Beh. Cog and Social Interactions (schizo)
reinforce of social interaction, persistance and app. beh./ offer support groups/ family therapy= education, reduce self blame
reduce pos. sxs more/ phenothraztines (old)= thorazine, haldol (2 week shot)/ atypical antipsychotics= clozapine, more eff. across sxs, stablize dopamine, fewer side effects