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38 Cards in this Set

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What is the biological model?
The biological model holds that psychological disorders are caused by physiological malfunctions (ex. nervous system or endocrine glands) and are often stemmed from hereditary factors
What model of psychological disorders did Freud and his followers develop?
Freud and his followers developed the psychoanalytic model
What is the psychoanalytic model?
The psychoanalytic model was the view that psychological disorders result from unconscious internal conflicts (which can usually be traced to childhood). The psychoanalytic model argues that in order to resolve their problems effectively, people must become aware that the source of their problems lies in their childhood and infancy.
What is the cognitive-behavioral model?
The cognitive behavioral model suggests that psychological disorders result from learning. From this perspective, fear, anxiety, sexual deviations and other maladaptive behaviors are learned and they can also be unlearned. The cognitive behavioral model stresses both internal and external learning processes in the development and treatment of psychological disorders. The model has been criticized for its limited perspective.
What is the diathesis stress model?
The diathesis stress model suggests that a biological predisposition called a diathesis must combine with a stressful circumstance before the predisposition to a mental disorder is manifested. According to this model, people are biologically prone to developing a particular disorder under stress, whereas others are not.
What is the systems approach?
The systems approach, also known ans the biopsychosocial model, examines how logical risks, psychological stresses and social pressures and expectations combine to produce psychological disorders. According to this model, emotional problems are "lifestyle diseases" that result from a combination of risk factors and stresses.
What is prevalence?
Prevalence refers to the frequency with which a given disorder occurs at a given time.
What is the incidence?
Incidence of a disorder refers to the number of new cases that arise in a given period.
What is insanity and competence?
Insanity is a legal term, not a psychological one. It is typically applied to defendants who do not know right from wrong or are unable to control their behavior. Competence is when the defendant is able to understand the charges against them.
What has the American Psychiactric Association contributed to the research of psychological disorders?
The American Psychiactric Association has issued a manual describing and classifying the various kinds of psychological disorders (DSM). It was coordinated with the 10th edition of the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases. The DSM provides a complete list of mental disorders with behavior patterns etc... It does not, however describe treatments for these diseases. It has gained increasing acceptance because of its detailed criteria for diagnosing mental disorders.
It is likely that people in early societies believed that ______________________ forces caused abnormal behavior.
It is like that people in early societies believed that supernatural forces caused abnormal behavior.
There is growing evidence that ________________ factors are involved in mental disorders as diverse as schizophrenia, depression and anxiety.
There is growing evidence that genetic factors are involved in mental disorders as diverse as schizophrenia, depression and anxiety.
_________________ is a legal term that is not the same thing as mental illness.
Insanity is a legal term that is not the same thing as mental illness.
(T/F) The line separating normal from abnormal behavior is somewhat arbitrary
(T/F) About two thirds of Americans are suffering from one or more serious mental disorders at any given time
(T/F) The cognitive view of mental disorders suggests that they arise from unconscious conflicts, often rooted in childhood
You are talking to a friend whose behavior has you concerned. She says, "Look, I'm happy, I feel good about myself and I think things are going well." Which viewpoint on mental health is reflected in her statement?
The individual's view
A friend asks you, "What causes people to have psychological disorders?" You respond, "Most often, it turns out that some people are biologically prone to developing a particular disorder. When they have some kind of stressful experience, the predisposition shows up in their behavior." What view of psychological disorders are you taking?
Diathesis-stress model
What are mood disorders?
Mood disorders are characterized by disturbances in mood or in a prolonged emotional state, sometimes referred to as affect.
What is the most common mood disorder?
Depression is the most common mood disorder
What are the symptoms of depression?
Depression is characterized by overwhelming feelings of sadness, lack of interest in activities, and perhaps excessive guilt or feelings of worthlessness. Clinical depression is different from the normal kind of depression that all people experience from time to time. It is ongoing. The DSM distinguishes two forms of depression: major depressive disorder (episode of intense sadness that may last for several months) and dysthymia (involves less intense sadness but persists with little relief for a period of 2 years or more). Depression is two to three times more prevalent in women than in men. Children and adolescents can suffer from depression, but the symptoms are more difficult to see.
What is mild traumatic brain injury?
Mild traumatic brain injury is characterized as fatigue, headache, loss of sex drive, apathy, etc... that generally lasts for a few days that arise following a sudden trauma to the brain.
How many people commit suicide each year in the US?
Over 30,000 people commit suicide in the United States every year
What is mania?
Mania is a state in which the person becomes euphoric or "high", easily distracted, excessively talkative and might have a grandiose self esteem. They sometimes get more aggressive and hostile towards others as their self-confidence grows and grows.
What is bipolar disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which periods of mania and depression alternate, sometimes with periods of normal mood intervening. It is much less common than depression and occurs equally in men than it does in women. It is strongly linked to heredity and can be treated with medications.
What are cognitive distortions?
Cognitive distortions are illogical and maladaptive responses to early negative life events that leads to feelings of incompetence and unworthiness that are reactivated whenever a new situation arises that resembles the original events
(T/F) People with a mood disorder always alternate between the extremes of euphoria and sadness
(T/F) More men attempt suicide, but more women actually kill themselves
(T/F) Most psychologists now believe that mood disorders result from a combination of risk factors
(T/F) Mania is the most common mood disorder
Bob is down in the dumps most of the time. He is having a difficult time dealing with any criticism he receives at work or at home. Most days he feels that he is a failure, despite the fact that he is successful in his job and his family is happy. Although he participates in various activities outside the home, he finds no joy in anything. He says that he is constantly tired, be he has trouble sleeping. It is most likely that Bob is suffering from:
Clinical depression
Mary almost seems to be two different people. At times, she is hyperactive and talks nonstop. At those times, her friends say she is bouncing off the walls. But then she changes: she becomes terribly sad, loses interest in eating, spends much of her time in bed and rarely says a word. It is most likely that Mary is suffering from:
Bipolar disorder
What is an anxiety disorder?
Anxiety disorders are disorders in which the person does not know why he or she is afraid, or the anxiety seems inappropriate at circumstances. They are more common than any other mental disorder.
What is a specific phobia?
A specific phobia is an intense, paralyzing fear of somthing that perhaps should be feared, but the fear is excessive and unreasonable. About 10% of people in the US suffer from at least one specific phobia.
What is a social phobia?
A social phobia is characterized by excessive, inappropriate fears connected with social situations or performances in from of other people
What is agoraphobia?
Agoraphobia is intense fear of crowds, public places, and other situations that require separation from a source of security such as the home. It affects about 3% of the population
What is panic disorder?
Panic disorder is characterized by recurring episodes of a sudden, unpredictable and overwhelming fear or terror. They can occur without any reasonable cause and are accompanied by feelings of impending doom, chest pain, dizziness or fainting, sweating, difficulty breathing, and fear of losing control or dy9ing. They usually only last for a few minutes, but they may recur for no apparent reason.
What is generalized anxiety disorder?
Generalized anxiety disorder is defined by prolonged vague but intense fear that are not attached to any particular object or circumstance. It is generally attached to the word neurotic. Its symptoms include the inability to relax, muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, apprehensiveness about the future, constant alertness to potential threats and sleeping difficulties.