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25 Cards in this Set

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Unconscious energy based in biological drives


An individual's characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors [persisting over time and across situations]

Free Association

Freud encouraged the patient to speak whatever comes to mind, then the therapist verbally traces a flow of thoughts into the past and into the unconscious


Part of the mind that is inaccessible to the conscious mind but that affects behavior and emotions. (According to freud they were hidden because they feel unacceptable)


Diagnostic and statistical Manuel of mental disorders. Offers standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders

Psychological disorders

Patterns of thoughts, feelings, or actions that are deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional

Fear vs Phobia

Phobia is an uncontrollable, irrational, intense desire to avoid some object or situation.

Fear is response to something thats actually harmful

Major depressive disorder

[MDD] more than just feeling sad about something

-depressed mood most of the day

-diminished interest or pleasure in activities

-increase or decrease in appetite or weight

-insomnia, sleeping too much

-worthlessness, guilt

-daily problem in thinking, etc

Bipolar disorder

"manic-depressive disorder". More than "mood swings". Depression plus the problematic overly "up" mood called "mania".


A period of hyper-elevated mood that is euphoric, giddy, easily irritated, hyperactive, impulsive, overly optimistic, and even grandiose.

Positive symptoms of schizophrenia

Presence of problematic behaviors.

-hallucinations (illusory perceptions), especially auditory

-delusions (illusory beliefs), especially persecutory

-disorganized thought and nonsensical speech

-bizarre behaviors

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia

Absence of healthy behaviors

-flat speech (no emotion showing in the face)

-reduced social interaction

-anhedonia (no feeling of enjoyment)

-avolition (less movement, initiative, focus on tasks)

-alogia (speaking less)

-catatonia (moving less)

Projective tests

A structured, systematic exposure to a standardized set of ambiguous prompts, designed to reveal inner dynamics


Mental spilt from reality and rationality. Spilt from own thoughts so that they appear as hallucinations

Oral stage of psychosexual development

(0-18 months) pleasure centers on the mouth - sucking, biting, chewing


Compulsion to lose weight, coupled with certainty about being fat despite being 15% or more underweight


Compulsion to binge, eating large amounts fast, then purge by losing the food through vomiting, laxatives, and extreme exercise

Binge-eating disorder

Compulsion to binge, followed by guilt and depression

Defense mechanisms

Freud believed we are anxious about our unacceptable wishes and impulses, and we repress this anxiety with these strategies:

-regression- going back to old comforting things, e.g. thumb sucking

-reaction formation- switching unacceptable impulses into their opposite

-projection- hiding ur impulses by attributing them to others

-rationalization - self-justifying instead of facing the real reasons

-rationalization - self-justifying instead of facing the real reasons-displacement- shifting sexual or aggressive impulses towards a more acceptable, less threatening object or person

-denial- refusing to believe painful realities


Fulfilling one's potential, and self-transcendence


Anxiety disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feeling, ideas, sensations (obsessions) or compulsions


Intense, unwanted worries, ideas, and images that repeatedly pop up in the mind


Repeatedly strong feeling of "needing" to carry out an action, even though it doesn't feel like it makes sense

Generalized anxiety disorder

Worrying, having anxious feelings and thoughts about manu subjects, and sometimes "free-floating" anxiety with no attachment to any subject. Anxious anticipation interferes with concentration

Symptoms: autonomic arousal, trembling, sweating, fidgeting, agitation, and sleep disruption

Nature vs nurture

Mental disorders can arise in the interaction between nature and nurture caused by biology, thoughts, and the sociocultural environment