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51 Cards in this Set

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refers to how consistent your measurement is
3 kinds of consistency and reliability in psychological measurement
1. internal consistency
2. temporal consistency
3. procedural consistency
internal consistency
do the items of my measure consistently measure the same construct?
temporal consistency
how consistent is my measure over time? Test-retest reliability
procedural consistency
how consistent is my measure across different administrators? Interobserver agreement, interrator reliability
validity of a pscyhological measurement tool
refers to the extent to which we are measuring what we intend to measure
How does reliability relate to validity?
a measurement must be reliable in order to be valid
Types of measurement validity
1. face validity
2. content validity
3. predictive validity
4. concurrent validity
face validity
it looks as if the test measures what it's supposed to measure
content validity
the content of teh test is representative of the content domain that I intend to measure
Predictive validity
My test specifically predicts some specific criteria
concurrent validity
my test relates in the appropriate way to some concurrent criterion
brilliant studies simply become bad studies without
good measurement instruments
What does validity refer to in psychology?
validity refers to how accurate or correct a psychological proposition (or measure) is.
in teh context of psychological studies validity usually refers to
how accurate (valid) the conclusions of the researchers are, given their research design and their results
internal validity
the extent to which we can be confident that the change of the IV resulted in teh changes of the DV.
Thus, if a study is high in internal validity, we can confidently conclude that in our study
the changes of our IV were causing the changes to the DV
3 requirements for confirming causation
1. covariation
2. temporal sequence
3. eliminating confounds
external validity
refers to the extent to which a research finding is actually representative of what typically happens in the real world.
if a study is high in external validity, then we can confidently conclude
that the findings apply to situations outside of the research environment
external validity is closely associated with the issue of boundary conditions
2 basic issues of external validity
1. to what extent will my results generalize to other people
2. how much will my results generalize to other situations
confounds threaten
internal validity
artifacts threaten
external validity
construct validity
the extent to which the independent and dependent variable actually represent the abstract theoretical variables that the researcher is interested in
basic issues
am i really manipulating the variables that i hoped to manipulate?
am i really measuring the variables i hoped to measure?
conceptual validity
how well your specific research hypothesis follows from teh broader theory it was designed to test.
threats to the internal validity of psychological studies
1. history
2. maturation
3. selection
some event takes place between the testing of the different levels of your IV
participants become older (more mature), wiser, stronger, or more experienced between the testing of teh different levels of your IV.
participants are not randomly assigned to the different conditions of your IV
statistical regression
experimenters choose participants on the basis of their having scored very high or low on a test
differential mortality
people dropping out of study
demand characteristics
characteristics of the experimental procedure that subtly (or not so subtly) suggest how the participants are expected to act.
participant reactance
the research participant behaves so as to disconfirm the experimenters expectations
evaluation apprehension
a participants concerns about being judged either favorably or unfavorably by another person
some ways to counter participant reaction bias:
1.anonymous participation
2. cover story
3. secret or unobtrusive observations
4. the "bogus pipeline"
5. indirect or implicit assessment
how can you control for confounds
remember there is no such thing as a perfect study
be careful and be prepared!
use apporopriate control groups
use random assignment if possible.
measure and control for confounds.
how can you determine if you have significant artifacts
-remember that it's virtually impossible to eliminate all artifacts
-administer your study with different populations
artifacts are very difficult for us to recognize
becase we aren't aware of the water that we swim in
operational definitions
to specify the operations anyone must go through to set up the independent variable in the same way they did.
pilot experiment
a small scale version of the experiement you are planning
3 ways to determine reliability
test retest
alternative form
split half
alternative form
a second test having items similar to the first is constructed and given to the same peeps
split half
a single test is statistically split into halves and scores of the two halves are correlated
concurrent validity
tow measures taken at th same time to compare test score with criterion
choice reaction time
time it itakes to give one of several responses when one of several stimuli occur
composite dependent variable
gives some indication of overall performance
percent savings
percent saved=number of trials to learn - number of trials to relearn/ number of trials to learn x 100
physiological measures
behavior is a private event but the physiology of the body can be measured
dual task methodology
the primary task and a secondary task is performed