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98 Cards in this Set

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The Mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating information


A mental grouping of similar things, events, or people is called an


When forming a concept people often develop a best example, or_______________, of a catagory


Looking for information that is consistent with ones beliefs:

Confirmation Bias

Mental set is an example of:


Thoughts and feelings that are automatic, effortless, immediate, and unreasoned are examples of:


"Our Language shapes our thinking"

Whorf's linguistic hypothesis

"humans have a biological predisposition to acquire language" IS who's view?

Chromsky's view of language development

Telegraphic speech is typical of the _________stage


T/F Thinking without language is not possible


Defining meaningful scores relative to a representative pretested group

Process of standardization

Down syndrome is normally caused by:

An extra chromosome in the persons genetic makeup

Reliability, Standardization and Validity are requirements of what?

A good test

The concept of a G factor implies that intelligence:

Is several specific abilities

Ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and adapt to new situations refers to what?

Most experts view on intelligence in a person

What psychologist proposed that intelligence is composed of analytic, creative and practical aspects:

Robert Sternberg

T/F Telling students they are unlikely to succeed often erodes their performance on aptitude tests


T/F Most researchers studying cognitive ability believe that intelligence is multidimensional.


Level of IQ is equivalent of that of mental retardation


T/F Mental retardation can be caused by environmental aspects rather than being born with a disorder.


-The process by which we appraise and cope with environmental threats and challenges.

- arises from events themselves then from how we appraise them.

Define Stress

Is stress subjective



General Adaption syndrome

These are the 3 Phases of what?

I-Alarm reaction de to sudden activation of sympathetic nervous system

-faintness of shock



-Temp, blood pressure and respiration remain high with sudden outpouring of hormones.

-If persistent may eventually deplete bodies reserves in phase III


-More vulnerable to illness or even in extreme cases colapse and death.

GAS-General Adaption syndrom


-Significant life changes

-Daily hassles

Events that provoke stress responses

What type of personality can be Verbally aggressive, gets stressed out easier. Very high strung, and competative. impatient, anger-prone.

Type A

What type of personality is Easy going, relaxed people.

Type B

#1 Leading reason for death in the US

Coronary heart disease

The clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle

Coronary heart disease

Psychosomatic-Physicologically cause physical symtoms such as:




-stress effecting diseases

-Women are immunilogically stronger than men, less prone to infections.


Mind and body interacting and related to one another.

Biopsycological systems

Alleviating stress using cognitive, emotional, or behavioral methods.

-Problem focused coping

-Attempting to alleviate stress directly

-Changing the stressor or the way we interact with the stressor

Stress coping methods

-Attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional needs related to one's stress reaction.

Emotion focused coping

Individual characteristic pattern of thinking feeling and acting.


was the earliest personality theorist.


A holding place for unacceptable thoughts,wishes, feelings, and memories

-Also nightmares, fears, phobias.

-Processing in which we are unaware


Make an appointment just to talk(no agenda)

Free association

The patient relaxes and says whatever comes to mind

Would be the technique that lead him into the patients unconscious portion of the mind.

Freuds technique

Freuds baby-basic theory that the mind is mostly hidden.

-Beneath our awareness is the larger unconscious mind with its thoughts, wishes, feeling, and memories.(Also what terrorizes you aka arachnaphobia)

-Some thoughts are in the preconsciousness portion and can be retreived with a cue.



3 structures of the personality:

Id, Superego, & ego

Devil on your shoulder-wants what it wants when it wants it.(Operates on the pleasure principle Demanding immediate gratification-sex, food pleasure)


Angel on the shoulder-represents part of personality that represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment and for future aspirations.


Balance beam-mediates between angel and devil.

finding a balance between the two. Wants to make both Id and superego happy.


Identification helped children cope with threatening feelings of competition by identifying with the same sex parent.

-Now called gender identity.

(what we are taught is appropriate for girls and boys Ie:Boys cant play with dolls.)

Freud's belief in what identification did.

A lingering focus of pleasure seeking energies of an earlier psychosexual stage, in which conflicts were unresolved.


Oral, anal, phallic, Latency, and genital

Stages of development

0-18 months(put everything and anything in mouth)

Pleasure centers in the mouth

-sucking, biting, chewing

As adults:

Nail bitters


drinkers, overeaters

chewing gum

toothpicks in mouth


18-36 Months

Pleasure centers on bowel and bladder elimination(Toddlers playing in poop)

-Coping with demands for control

-Potty training

-right brain

-Left brain


3-6 years old

Pleasure zone is the genitals

-coping with incestuous sexual feelings



-Oedipus complex

-Electra complex

-Penis envy

-Fear of castaraton



-Dormant sexual feelings

-Sexual feelings are secret or even non-existant(ewww cooties!)


Puberty- on up



-egotistical sex

-Sexual conquests


-Personality test

-Rorschach inkblot test

-The most widely used test

-A set of 10 inkblots that were designed by hermann Rorschach

-seeks to identify peoples inner feelings by analyzing their interpretation of the blots.

Projective tests

An individuals characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting.

Define Personality

What places the greatest emphasis on the unconscious mind?

Psychoanalytic perspective

Correct order of psychosexual stages proposed by Freud?

Oral, anal, Phallic, latency, genital

According to Freud defense mechanisms are methods of reducing:


Emphasizes the growth potential of "healthy individuals"

Humanistic theories

Projective tests such as Rorschach inkblot test have been criticized because:

Low reliability and low validity

Id is to ego as _______is to_________

Pleasure principle, reality principle

Free association is a key technique in:


According to freuds' theory, personality arises in response to conflicts between:

Our biological impulses and the social restraints against them.

The Oedipus and Electra complexes have their roots in the:

Phallic stage

-Concepts are vague and sunjective

-emphasis on self encourages selfishness in individuals

-humanism fails to appreciate the reality of evil in human behavior.

common criticisms of humanistic perspective

Redirecting impulses to less threatening object


Test consisting of series of inkblots


the conscious executive of personality


Disguising an impulse by imputing it to another person


switching an unacceptable impulse into its opposite

reaction formation

The unconscious repository of instinctual drives


Personality structure that corresponds to a persons conscious.


providing self justifying explanations for an action


the theorist responsible for developing free association:


An individuals characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting
View personality with a focus on the unconscious and the importance of childhood experiences
Psychodynamic theories
Freuds baby–basic theory that the mind is mostly hidden.
–Beneath our awareness is the larger unconscious mind with its thoughts, wishes, feeling, and memories.(Also what terrorizes you aka arachnaphobia)
–Some thoughts are in the preconsciousness portion and can be retreived with a cue.
A holding place for unacceptable thoughts,wishes, feelings, and memories
–Also nightmares, fears, phobias.
–Processing in which we are unaware
Make an appointment just to talk(no agenda)
Freud is responsible for developing it.
Free association
The unconscious repository of instinctual drives
the conscious executive of personality
Personality structure that corresponds to a persons conscious.

The child hood stages of development(Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital) during which according to freud, the Id pleasure–seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones

Psychosexual stages
According to Freud a boy's sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father

Oedipus complex

the process by which according to Freud children incorporate their parents values into their developing super egos


egos protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality

Defense mechanisms

Basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories


Faced with a mild stressor, children and young orangutans seek protection and comfort from their caregivers. Freud might have interpreted these behaviors as regression, a retreat to an earlier developmental stage


It is proposed to be a part of the unconscious mind, expressed in humanity and all life forms with nervous systems, and describes how the structure of the psyche autonomously organizes experience.

Collective unconscious

a projective test is a type of personality test in which the individual offers responses to ambiguous scenes, words or images.

Projective test

projective psychological test consisting of 10 inkblots printed on cards (five in black and white, five in color) created in 1921

Rorschach inkblot test

According to Freud's theories about the three part personality structure, the ___________operates on the reality principle and tries to balance demands in a way that produces long term pleasure rather than pain; the __________operates on the pleasure principle and seeks immediate gratification and the ___________represents the voice of our internalized ideas(Conscience)

Ego, Id, Superego

In the psychoanalytic view, conflicts unresolved during any of the first three psychosexual stages may lead to _________at that stage


Freud believed that our defense mechanisms operate _________(Consciously, unconsciously) and defend us against__________

Unconsciously, anxiety

According to Maslow, one of the ultimate psychological needs that arises after basic physical and psychological needs are met and self esteem is achieved; the motivation to fulfill ones potential

Self actualization

According to rogers, an attitude of total acceptance towards another person

Unconditional positive regard

All our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, in answer to the question "Who am I"

Self concept

A significant dysfunction in a persons thoughts, feelings, or behaviors

Psychological disorder

A psychological disorder marked by the appearance by age 7 of one or more of the 3 key symptoms; extreme inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity