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61 Cards in this Set

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a description of an abstract property in terms of a concrete condition that can be measured
operational definition
the tendency for an operational definition and a property to have a clear conceptual relation
construct validity
the tendency for an operational definition to be related to other operational definitions
predictive validity
the tendency for a measure to produce different results when it is used to measure different things
those aspects of an observational setting that cause people to behave as they think an observer wants or expects them to behave
demand characteristics
a method of gathering scientific knowledge by unobtrusively observing people in their natural environments
naturalistic observation
measure behaviors people are unable or unlikely to control like facial expressions, reaction times, eye blink rate, etc
ways to avoid demand characteristics
the variable that is manipulated in an experiment
independent variable
the variable that is measured in a study
dependent variable
cells in the nervous system that communicate with one another to perform information-processing tasks
the part of a neuron that coordinates info-processing tasks and keeps the cell alive
cell body
the part of a neuron that receives info from other neurons and relays it to the cell body
dendrites (from/receive)
the part of a neuron that transmits info to other neurons, muscles, or glands
axons (to/give)
an insulating layer of fatty material
myelin sheath
support cells found int he nervous system
glial cells
the junction or region between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites or cell body of another
neurons that receive info from the EXTERNAL world and convey this info to the brain via the spinal cord
sensory neurons
neurons that carry signals from the spinal cord to the muscles to produce movement
motor neurons
neurons that connect sensory neurons, motor neurons, or other interneurons
the difference in electric charge between the inside and outside of a neuron's cell membrane
resting potential
discovered the neuron's resting potential when working with the giant squid's axon because it is 100 times larger than the biggest axon in humans
biologists Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley
an electric signal that is conducted along an axon to a synapse
action potential (shuts down K+ channels and opens Na+ channels)
the time following an action potential during which a new action potential cannot be initiated
refractory period
knoblike structures that branch out from an axon
termal buttons
chemicals that transmit inf across the synapse to a receiving neuron's dendrites
parts of the cell membrane that receive the neurotransmitter and initiate a new electric signal
neurotransmitter that regulates motor behavior, motivation, pleasure, and emotional arousal
a major excitatory neurotransmitter involved in info transmission throughout the brain
the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain
ntmtter that is involved in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness, eating, and aggressive behavior
chemicals that act within the pain pathways and emotion centers of the brain
drugs that increase the action of a neurtmtter
drugs that block the function of a neurtmtter
the part of the nervous system that is composed of the brain and spinal cord
central nervous system
the part of the NS that connects the CNS to the body's organs and muscles
peripheral nervous system
a set of nerves that conveys info into and out of the CNS
somatic nervous system
part of PNS that controls self regulated action of internal organs and glands
part of PNS controls voluntary movements of skeletal muscles
part of autonomic NS that prepares the body for action in threatening situations (arousing)
sympathetic NS
part of autonomic NS that helps the body return to a normal resting state (calming)
parasympathetic NS
are of brain that coordinates info coming into and out of the spinal cord
an extension of the spinal cord into the skull that coordinates hart rate, circulation, and respiration
a brain structure that regulates sleep, wakefulness, and levels of arousal
reticular formation
large structure of the hind brain that controls fine motor skills
brain structure that relays info from the cerebellum to the rest of the brain
part of midbrain that orients an organism in the environment
part of midbrain that is involved in movement and arousal
outermost layer of the brain visible to naked eye and divided into two hemispheres
cerebral cortex
areas of the forebrain housed under the cerebral cortex near the very center of the brain
subcortical structures
a subcortical structure that relays and filters info from the senses and transmits the info to the cerebral cortex
a subcortical structure that regulates body temperature, hunger, thirst, and sexual behavior
"master gland"
pituitary gland
group of forebrain structures involved in motivation, emotion, learning, and memory
limbic system
a structure critical for creatin gnew memories and inegrating them into a network of knoledge so that they can be stored indefinitely in other parts of the cerebral cortex
plays central role in many emotional processes, particularly the formation of emotional memories
directs intentional movements
basal ganglia
region of cerebral cortex that processes visual info
occipital lobe
region of cerebral cortex whose functions include processing inf about touch
parietal lobe
region of cerebral cortex responsible for hearing and language
temporal lobe
region of the cerebral cortex that has specialized areas for mvmt, abstract thinking, planning, memory, and judgment
frontal lobe
allowed researchers to investigate the functions of the frontal lobe and its connections with emotion centers in the subcortical structures
Phineas Gages's metal rod through skull