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62 Cards in this Set

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An individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting.
Joseph Breuer
Sigmund Frued's mentor"
Freud's Unconscious Motivations
sex and violence
Free Association
a method of exploring the unconscious; a person relaxes and says whatever come to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing
Freud called Dream Interpretation.....
"royal road to the unconscious"
3 levels of mind according to Freud
conscious, Preconscious, unconscious
Unconscious (Freud)
mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories, not aware of these
Preconscious (Freud)
temporarily stored thoughts we seem to have forgotten, not conscious but retrievable, "available memory"
Conscious (Freud)
Aware of everything happening in this mind state
(Freud) Personality grows out of efforts to.....
....resolve conflicts between unconscious impulses and society's restraints
Id (Freud)
eros (life/love) and thanatos (death); immediate gratification; driven by sex and violence
Superego (Freud)
contains conscience (things we shouldn't do) and ego ideal (things we should do for rewards of good feeling and pride)
Ego (Freud)
controls id and balances superego; not moral but delays gratification to avoid trouble.
Oral Period
mouth, birth to 1 year, oral fixation
anal period
anus, between 1st and 2nd year, toilet training, anal fixation
anal retentive
very neat, obsessive
anal expulsive
messy, passive-agressive (will do it, but now well)
Phallic Period
about age 4, libido focused on genital stimulation
Oedipus complex
sexual pleasure found in mother, fear of losing unit, castration anxiety
Electra Complex
girls fall in love with father, penis envy
Phallic Fixation
narcissist, falls in love with self
Latency Period
6 to puberty, sexuality is repressed. focus on learning, (sexual energy is focused on education), same-sex friends, school and hobbies, ends with puberty
Genital Period
puberty on - for the rest of your life,
sexual feelings come back and focus on others
block off from conscious awareness any desire or memory the ego finds threatening
cut off from consciousness of external threats to ego
changing forbidden impulses into socially valued-behaviors
redirection of unacceptable urges onto a substitute-more appropriate target
reduce anxiety by attributing unacceptable impulses to someone else
self-justifying explanations for behavior
deal with stress by retreating to earlier stage of development -- when things were easier
Carl Jung
positive, spiritual psychoanalyst, didn't like Freud's sexual approach and atheism
Bipolarity (Jung)
every person has good and bad
anima archetype
feminine side of a man's nature
animus archetype
masculine side of a woman nature
Keep to self, quiet, think about things. Shy.
Gregarious, outgoing, makes friends easily. Confident.
inferiority feelings (Adler)
when you realize you're not as good at something, you work at it very hard to become better
inferiority complex (Adler)
a person is dominated by feelings of inferiority
Alfred Adler's personality factors
birth order, dreams, and first memories
Karen Horney
rejected Freud's male bias, like penis envy
self-actualization (Maslow's Hierarchy)
Happy with self, understand self, top (seventh) of Maslow's hierarchy
Aesthetic Needs
Justice, truth, beauty, things being just the right way, sixth level of Maslow's Hierarchy
Cognitive needs
Learning, understanding world. Fifth level of Maslow's Hierarchy
feel worthwhile, fourth level of Maslow's Hierarchy
Love & Belongingness
need to feel loved, need feel needed. Third level of Maslow's Hierarchy
feeling safe at home, school; shelter. Second level of Maslow's Hierarchy
Physiological Needs
food, water, physical needs etc. First (bottom) level of Maslow's Hierarchy
all our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, in an answer to the question, "Who am I?"
one's feelings of high or low self-worth
Carl Roger's growth promoting factors
genuineness, acceptance, empathy
unconditional positive regard
constant support and acceptance, no matter what the person does
a characteristic pattern of behavior
Emotional Stability
Calm versus anxious, Severe versus insecure, Self-satisfied versus self-pitying
Extraversion (Personality Inventory)
Sociable versus retiring, Fun-loving versus sober, Affectionate versus reserved
Imaginative versus practical, preference for variety versus preference for routine, independent versus conforming
Soft-hearted versus ruthless, Trusting versus suspicious, Helpful versus uncooperative
-Organized versus disorganized
-careful versus careless
-disciplined versus impulsive
Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality (MMPI)
-the most widely researched and clinically used of all personality tests
-originally developed to identify emotional disorders (still considered its most appropriate use)
-now used for many other screening purposes
reciprocal determinism (Bandera)
behavior, internal personal factors and environmental influences all operate as determinants of each other
Internal Locus of Control
control own destiny; more independent, less prone to depression, more able to delay gratification, cope with stress better
External Locus of Control
pass the blame, don't control own destiny (beyond your particular control), outside factors came into play
Learned Helplessness
faced with repeated traumatic events over which they have no control, people come to feel helpless, hopeless, and depressed