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58 Cards in this Set

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What personal factors influence perception?
Motivation, values, cognitive style, desires, personality, beliefs and needs, expectations, experience, culture
Action Potential
ion channels open allowing positively charged sodium ions to enter the axon
Afferent Neurons
take information to the CNS
autonomic division
carries information from the CNS to the organs, blood vessels and glands
frontal lobe
goal-directed behavior; concentration; emotional control and temperament; voluntary mvmts; coordinates messages from other lobes; complex problem solving; involved in many aspects of personality
Acetycholine--Arousal, attention, memory, motivation, movement

Dopamine--behaviors and emotions

Serotonin--Regulation of sleep, dreaming, mood, eating, pain and aggressive behavior
All or None Law
excitory or inhibitory messages of neurons
Sympathetic Nervous system
Sympathetic – “Fight or Flight” - relaxes bladder, stimulates ejaculation
Parasympathetic Nervous System
relaxation - also stimulates erection
regulates reflexes, balance, coordination
More negative ions inside the neuron than outside which creates the small electrical charge
regulates respiration, heart rate, blood pressure

--everything necessaary
regulates sleep and wake cycle
Reticular Formation
regulates attention and alertness
major sensory relay center
influences emotion, motivation and governs stress reactions
Limbic System
primitive brain
regulates formation of new memories
governs emotions related to self preservation
parietal lobe
recieves sensory information, visual and spatial abilities
occipital lobe
recieves and process visual information
temporal lobe
smell and hearing, balance and equilibrium, emotion and motivation, some language comprehension, complex visual processing, facial recognition
absolute threshold
least amount of energy that can be detected as stimulation 50% of the time
high sensitivity to light, night vision, perception of brightness
normal color vision
gate control theory
neurological gate in spinal cord controls the transmission of pain messages to the brain
biosyhchosocial theory
interaction of biological, psychological and cultural factors that influence the intensity and duration of pain
walking consciousness
state we spend the most time in and is marked by highly selective attention
triggers sleep
suprachiasmatic nucleus
recieves info about light cycles from the retina and releases neurotransmitters that control body temp, bp, metabolism, hormone levels and hunger
circadiam rhythms
bio rhythm with 24 hour solar cycle of light and dark
psychoanalytic perspective on dream
1. condensation--2 or morelatent thoughts are combined to make up 1 manifest dream image
2.displacement--instead of directing the emotion or desire toward the unintended person or object it is transferred onto a meaningless unrelates object
3.symbolism--where complex or vague concepts are converted into a dream image
unconditioned stimulus
stimulus that invariably causes an organism to respond in a specific way
unconditioned response
response that takes place in an organism whenever an uncondited stimulus occurs
conditioned stimulus
originally neutral stimulus that is paired with an unconditioned stimulus and eventually produces the desired response in an organism when presented alone
conditioned response
after conditioning the response an organism produces when a conditioned stimulus is presented
operant behavior
designed to operate on the environment in a way that will gain something desired or avoid something unpleasent
-changes in behavior happen because of an individuals response to events in the environment
-the organism can emit responses instead of only eliciting response due to an external stimulus
-reinforcement is key
reliable "if-then" relationship between 2 events such as the conditioned response and the unconditioned respose
a decrease in strength or frequency or stopping a learned response because of failure to continue pairing the US and CS or withholding of reinforcement
Spontaneous recovery
reappearence of an extinguished response after the passage of time without training
stimulus generalization
transfer of a learned response to a different but similiar stimuli
response generalization
giving a response that is somewhat different from the response originally learned to the stimulus
memory encoding
processing and combining of recieved information
recency effect
occurs because the last items that were presented are still contained the the STM and available for recall
primacy effect
reflects opportunity to rehearse the first few items in the list
-increases the likliehood it will be transferred to the LTM
middle effect
presented too long ago for the STM
-for LTM too many items presented before and after allowing little rehersal time
rote rehersal
elaborative rehearsal
linking new info in the STM to familiar material in the LTM
mental representation
episodic memoery
personal experiences, recalling memorable "episodes"
semantic memoery
stores facts and generalized information
decay theory
memories deteriorate over time
traumatic brain injury
people cant remember what happened to them shortly before the injury
degenerative and genetic--diminished hippocampus
determined by similarity of competing items
-retroactive--new info interferes with old
-proactive--info already in memory interferes with new info
refers to processes we use to acquire and apply information
compensatory model
rational decision making model in which choices are systematically evalutated on various criteria