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70 Cards in this Set

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TV & radio personalities often give information that sounds as if it is based on psychological science, but it is not. This is an example of:

a. pseudoscience
b. introspection
c. focusing on the mind rather than the brain
d. eclecticism
answer: pseudoscience
Which contemporary perspectives' primary aim is to explain the impact of natural selection on behavioral and mental process?
a. biological perspective
b. behavioral perspective
c. humanistic perspective
d. evolutionary perspective
answer: evolutionary perspective
Contemporary psychological perspectives differ from the 'armchair' schools b/c contemporary schools rely heavily on:
a. modern computers
b. scientific method
c. introspection
d. determining the cause of a psychological condition
answer: scientific method
The founding of psychology as an independent discipline is linked to which person?
a. Aristotle
b. John Locke
c. Wihelm Wundt
d. Sigmund Freud
answer: Wihelm Wundt
William James would have believed which of the following statements?
a. psychology should study the structures of human experience only
b. structure and function cannot be separated
c. anecdotal evidence should be emphasized over empirical evidence
d. consciousness is an ongoing, rational state for most humans
answer: structure and function cannot be separated
Didier's therapist says that he is anxious b/c of unconscious conflicts. His therapist is using the _________ perspective to explain his anxiety.
a. biological
b. psychodynamic
c. evolutionary
d. humanistic
answer: psychodynamic
Roberta's therapist says she's anxious b/c of the under active neurotransmitters in her nervous system. Roberta's therapist is using the ________ perspective to explain her anxiety.
a. humanistic
b. behavioral
c. biological
d. cognitive
answer: biological
Which of the following are settings you are likely to find a psychologist?
a. private practice
b. hospitals
c. industry
d. schools
e. all of the above
answer: all of the above
Psychology is the science of:
a. personality
b. behavior & mental processes
c. diagnosis & treatment of mental disorders
d. humans
answer: behavior and mental process
Early influence on understanding behavior and mental processes include the fields of philosophy and:
a. sociology
b. anthropology
c. physiology
d. chemistry
answer: physiology
The ability to draw a conclusion from a study that will also be true in other settings is called:
a. generalizability
b. reliability
c. validity
answer: generalizability
A descriptive study that includes only a single subject is called:
a. case study
b. survey
c. experiment
answer: case study
The variable that an experimenter manipulates in order to measure its effects is called the _________ variable.
a. independent
b. controlled
c. dependent
answer: independent
A true experiment requires:
a. use of humans
b. at least three comparison groups
c. random assignment of research participants to conditions
answer: random assignment of research participants to conditions
The first set to designing a research study is to:
a. formulate a hypothesis
b. collect data
c. report findings
answer: formulate a hypothesis
The measure of central tendency that indicates which response occurred most frequently is the:
a. mean
b. median
c. mode
answer: mode
The measures of variation within a group of scores include the:
a. range
b. significance
c. average
answer: range
Mackenzie agreed to take part in an experiment in which she was asked to drink two glasses of beer over 30 minutes, was given a blood test, and then given a questionnaire. When finished, she was not told the purpose of the study, nor that the drinks had no alcohol. In this case, the researchers:
a. did not use adequate debriefing procedure
b. failed to obtain informed consent
c. violated Mackenzie's right to privacy
answer: did not use adequate debriefing procedure
The process at the start of a study in which the experimenter and participant discuss what will occur in session is called the:
a. introduction to the study
b. warm-up session
c. informed consent process
answer: informed consent process
Sample is to population as:
a. large is to small
b. valid is to invalid
c. part is to whole
answer: part is to whole
After her students surprised her, Dr. Morgan's blood pressure increased and her heart rate sped up. These physical retains were most likely regulated by her:
a. sympathetic nervous system
b. hippocampus
c. spinal cord
answer: sympathetic nervous system
The branch of science that studies the connections between the brain and behavior is called:
a. biological psychology
b. neuroscience
c. biopsychology
d. all of the above
answer: all of the above
One function of the thalamus is to:
a. regulate sleep
b. encode new memories
c. relay sensory information
answer: relay sensory information
Which of the following structure is involved in providing nutrients, insulation, and protection to neurons?
a. axon terminal
b. dendrites
c. glia
answer: glia
The limbic system is important for:
a. emotional behaviors
b. creating cerebrospinal fluid
c. motor coordination
answer: emotional behaviors
After a car accident, Roman had damage to his cerebellum. Roman is likely to have difficulty with which of the following activities?
a. reading
b. yoga
c. understanding emotions
answer: yoga
Memories of emotional events are especially likely to be facilitated by activation of the:
a. amygdala
b. hypothalamus
c. sensory cortex
answer: amygdala
In order to determine how much the environment, as opposed to genes, influences behavior, the best type of study would compare which types of children?
a. MZ twins growing up together
b. MZ twins growing up apart
c. DZ twins growing up apart
answer: MZ twins grouping up apart
The endocrine stem consists of glands that create:
a. hormones
b. endorphins
c. myelin
answer: hormones
When a trait is ___________ it may increase in the population because it makes reproduction or survival more likely.
a. adaptive
b. recessive
c. heritable
answer: adaptive
When perceiving our surroundings, we use both top-down and bottom-up processing to make sense of the stimulate. But, we rely even more on top-down processing when we finds ourselves in ___________ contexts.
a. artistic
b. unfamiliar
c. familiar
answer: familiar
Sonja put on a new watch this morning & found it uncomfortable b/c it was so heavy. However, later, when a friend asked her what time is was, she forgot she was even wearing a watch. This change in sensitivity is known as:
a. sensory adaption
b. perceptual constancy
c. absolute threshold
answer: sensory adaption
The smallest difference between two sounds that you can reliably detect (at least half of the time) is called:
a. transduction
b. absolute threshold
c. just noticeable difference
answer: just noticeable difference
The retina can detect color images with red, blue, and green detector cells called:
a. feature detectors
b. cones
c. rods
answer: cones
Each of the five main external sense travel from the sensory organ through the sensory relay station in the brain, the thalamus, and then on to cortical areas, except for:
a. smell
b. vision
c. hearing
answer: smell
The sand at Jason's feet appeared coarse, and he could see the individual grains of sand. However, the sand farther down the beach appeared tone a smooth, tan surface. This different provides the depth cue of:
a. light and shadow
b. interposition
c. texture gradient
answer: texture gradient
An oil paining itself can include all of the following cues to depth perception except:
a. linear perspective
b. texture gradient
c. retinal disparity
answer: retinal disparity
The Muller-Lyer illusion may be interpreted differently be some people based on their:
a. experience with constructed corners
b. artwork
c. reading
answer: experience with constructed corners
People feel able to divide attention between highly practiced, automatic tasked, like reading or drying, and more demanding skills, like conversation. A recent study of motor accidents found:
a. the accident rate was higher for callers but not or those with speakerphones
b. the accident rate was higher when on the phone
c. the accident rate was the same for callers and non callers
answer: the accident rate was higher when on the phone
Failing to notice the sudden disappearance of an object within a scene is a phenomenon known as:
a. change blindness
b. perceptual set
c. selective attention
answer: change blindness
The interdisciplinary study of how brain action is linked to thoughts, perceptions, and language is called
a. change blindness
b. dual processing
c. cognitive neuroscience
answer: cognitive neuroscience
Your ability to pay attention to only one voice among many is called:
a. selective attention
b. cognition
c. dual processing
answer: selective attention
About an hour after falling asleep, Dane sits up in bed screaming. After his roommate wakes him, he doesn't remember anything. It seems he is suffering from:
a. narcolepsy
b. night terrors
c. nightmares
answer: night terrors
A person who experiences sleep attacks where he or she suddenly lapses into sleep during the day is likely suffering from which sleep disorder?
a. sleep apnea
b. primary insomnia
c. narcolepsy
answer: narcolepsy
Sarah snores a lot when she sleeps. In addition, she has period during which her breathing will stop. It's likely that Sarah suffers from which sleep disorder?
a. hypocretin
b. cataplexy
c. obstructive sleep disorder
answer: obstructive sleep disorder
As Anton remembered his dream, he was running a race. A person utilizing the psychoanalytic or Freudian theory of dream would say that Anton's account of the dream represents the _______ content of the dream.
a. activated
b. latent
c. manifest
answer: manifest
Roberta had a dream in which she was ice asking while reading a psychology book. Earlier that day, she was watching ice skiing on TV while reading her book. Which model or theory of dreams would suggest that this dream is just a way to combine the memories she had that day?
a. manifest content
b. latent content
c. activation-synthesis
answer: activation-synthesis
The theory of hypnosis that suggest that the hypnotic state that separates the executive control system form the rest of the mind is called
a. the dissociative theory of hypnosis
b. the role-playing theory of hypnosis
c. hypermnesia
answer: the dissociative theory of hypnosis
The benefits of meditation include:
a. reduction of inflammation
b. reduction of hypertension
c. enhanced empathy
d. all of the above
answer: all of the above
Don has a morning cup of coffee to keep himself going at work. Lately, he has noticed that he needs more and more caffeine to get the same effect. Don's beginning to develop:
a. abuse of caffeine
b. rebound symptoms
c. a tolerance to caffeine
answer: a tolerance to caffeine
When Harold watched the cheerleaders at the football game he attended he learned to do their new cheer flawlessly. this type of learning is most likely due to:
a. operant conditioning
b. observational conditioning
c. mirror neurons
answer: observational conditioning
In a classical study of taste aversion, rats tasted sweetened water, saw a flash of light and heard a loud clicking noise simultaneously. When they were then exposed to x-rays which caused nausea, the rats lean red to avoid the:
a. loud clicking noise
b. sweetened water, flashes of light, and loud clicks
c. sweetened water
answer: sweetened water
After several visits to the doctor for chemo. treatments, Courtney finds that she begins to feel nauseous just sitting in the waiting room. According to the principals of classical conditioning, Courtney's feelings of nausea in the absence of any chemo. drugs is:
a. unconditioned stimulus
b. conditioned stimulus
c. conditioned response
answer: conditioned response
Stan gets annoyed when his mom nags him to do his homework. When he finally does it, his mom stops nagging. Now he does his homework without any nagging, "Nagging" has served as:
a. punishment by application
b. positive reinforcement
c. negative reinforcement
answer: negative reinforcement
When 2 year old Clarice was playing in the basement ,a large burst of thunder scared her at the same time she saw a cat. Now Clarice has a cat phobia. Clarice's experience is an example of which type of conditioning?
a. operant conditioning
b. observational conditioning
c. classical conditioning
answer: classical conditioning
You are the manager of a telemarking firm and want to get your employees to make the most calls possible while at work. To do so, you should provide bonus money after they make calls using a schedule of reinforcement called:
a. variable ratio
b. fixed ratio
c. fixed interval
answer: fixed ratio
Oskar listens regularly to a radio station that gives prizes to listeners who are asked to call in once every few hours, after either 1, 2, or 3 hours have gone by. This is an example of a schedule of reinforcement called:
a. fixed interval
b. variable interval
c. variable ratio
answer: variable interval
Observational learning is distinguished from both classical conditioning and operant conditioning be the fact that:
a. another person is usually present
b. no "conditioning" takes place
c. no behavior occurs during learning
answer: no behavior occurs during learning
In a classical experiment by Bandura, nursery-school children observed an adult model interact with a Bobo doll, an inflated clown-like toy and then were given a chance to play with Bobo. The results of the research showed that:
a. classical conditioning explains kids' behavior
b. rewards can provide reinforcements for learning
c. exposure to aggression leads to aggression
answer: exposure to aggression leads to aggression
Scientists were surprised to find activation in prefrontal cortex neurons involved in planning motor actions whoever a monkey in their experiment:
a. saw a picture of a peanut
b. saw a peanut
c. saw a man reach for and eat a peanut
answer: saw a man reach for and eat a peanut
Long-term retention of information is greatly enhanced by:
a. elaborative processing
b. repetitive processing
c. visual assessment
answer: elaborative processing
The process of keeping information in short-term memory by mentally repeating it, is called:
a. maintenance rehearsal
b. chunking
c. memorizing
answer: maintenance rehearsal
What is memory?
a. an accurate record ow what we experience
b. the enduring consequences of our experiences
c. our ability to recall facts
answer: the enduring consequences of our experiences
A world famous musician left his multimillion-dollar instrument in the trunk of a taxi. What may have caused him to forget something so important to him?
a. the lack of retrieval cues
b. source memory
c. the novel context
answer: the lack of retrieval cues
Derek states that he vividly remember the day he turned 21. This is an example of a:
a. implicit memory
b. procedural memory
c. explicit memory
answer: explicit memory
Every year around the anniversary of her father's death, without realizing why, Emily experiences a feeling of sadness. This reaction is an example of a:
a. implicit memory
b. explicit memory
c. emotional retrieval cue
answer: implicit memory
Defense attorneys often protest prosecutors' use of eyewitness testimony b/c:
a. source erros may cause an eyewitness to make a false identification
b. eyewitnesses are more prone to forgetting
c. a confident eyewitness is usually right
answer: source erros may cause an eyewitness to make a false identification
Jonathan has difficulty remembering events in his life that occurred after his recent surgery; his neurosurgeon has diagnosed him as suffering from:
a. dementia
b. synaptic enhancement
c. amnesia
answer: amnesia
Studies who that after a heavy session of studying, you should:
a. exercise
b. sleep
c. avoid thinking about the material
answer: sleep
For optimal results in terms of longest-term memory for material, it is best to plan your study sessions so that they:
a. repeat material over and over
b. switch back and forth between class topics
c. occur in widely spaced out shorter sessions
answer: occur in widely spaced out shorter sessions