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26 Cards in this Set

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change in behavior that results from experience and occurs when organisms benefit from experience so their future behavior is better adapted to the environment
environmental stimuli and some sort of behavioral response become connected
classical conditioning
two types of events go together
occurs when a neutral object comes to elicit a reflexive response when it is associated with a stimulus that already produces that response
i.e. raining and getting wet
operant conditioning
when we learn that behavior leads to a particular outcome
i.e. studying leads to better grades
closely followed by Watson
the environment and its associated effects on organisms were the sole determinants of learning
neutral stimulus
something unrelated to the reflex
i.e. the bell
conditioning trial
when two things are paired together and repeated a number of times
critical trial
when the one thing is presented alone and the reflex is measured
unconditioned response
occurs without any prior training; unlearned, automatic behaviors; a reflex
i.e. salivating because of the food
unconditioned stimulus
this leads to the unconditioned response
i.e. the food
conditioned stimulus
creates a reaction only after training;
the conditioned stimulus
ringing the bell
conditioned response
an acquired reflex or response that is learned; i.e. the salivary reflex
the initial learning of a behavior--the gradual formation of an association between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli
learned association that stimuli occur together in time
a process in which the conditioned response is weakened when the conditioned stimulus is repeated without the unconditional stimulus
spontaneous recovery
previously etinguished response reemerges following presentation of the conditioned stimulus
stimulus generalization
occurs when stimuli that are similar but not identical to the conditioned stimulus produce the conditioned response
stimulus discrimination
animals learn to differentiate between two similar stimuli if one is consistently associated with teh unconditioned stimulus and the other is not
second-order conditioning
helps to account for the complexity of learned associations, especially among people
an acquired fear that is out of proportion to the real threat
fear conditioning
conditioned to fear neutral objects; most important structure is the amygdala
helping people overcome their fears by exposing people to small doses of the feared stimulus while having them engage in pleasurable tasks
systematic desensitization
patients are taught how to relax and imagine a feared object or situation while continuing relaxation exercises ; the relaxation overrides the fear
anxiety that occurs when one stops using some substance
process by which addicts need more and more of a drug to experience the same effects
the idea that stimuli are equally capable of producing conditioning