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27 Cards in this Set

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Semantic Memory

Memory of principles/facts

Ex: Naming the first president, Knowing that a red light means stop

Savings (Relearning) Method

Detects weak memories by comparing the speed of original learning to the speed of relearning

Ex: It took Mary twenty repetitions to learn a list of words, but only five repetitions to relearn the list a semester later.

Procedural Memory

Memories of how to do something

Ex: Walking, Eating with chopsticks, Driving a car

Episodic Memory

Memory for specific events in life.

Ex: 16th birthday party, A trip to Paris, Dinner with friends on Saturday night, First day of college.


Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Disgust, & Surprise

The basic number of emotions

Foot In The Door

Starting with a modest request, in which you accept, and then following with a larger request.

Bait & Switch

Offering an extremely favorable deal, getting the other person to commit to the deal, and then making additional demands.

That's Not All!

Making an offer and then improving the offer before you have a chance to reply.


Simply informing people that they are about to hear a persuasive speech activates their resistance and weakens the persuasion.

Inoculation Effect

People first hear a weak argument and then a stronger argument supporting the same conclusion.


Motivated removal of something to the unconscious; Rejecting unacceptable thoughts, desires, and memories; Material is suppressed but not forgotten.

Ex: A criminal is unaware of his past.


The refusal to believe unpleasant information; The assertion that the information is not correct.

Ex: An alcoholic denies being an alcoholic


When an individual attempts to prove that their actions are justifiable.

Ex: A person being rejected from a job later says, "I didn't want the job anyway!


By diverting a behavior or thought away from its natural target toward a less threatening target; Engaging in the behavior with less anxiety.

Ex: Being angry with your boss but taking it out on a co-worker, or spouse.


A return to a more immature level of functioning; An effort to avoid the anxiety of the current situation.

Ex: Someone who has difficulty dealing with others (newborn sister) results to crying/pouting.


Attributing one's own desirable characteristics to other people; Suggesting that people have your faults may make the faults seem less threatening.

Ex: "I'm not angry, you're the one who's angry!"

Reaction Formation

Presenting yourself as the opposite of what you really are.

Ex: Someone who secretly enjoys porn may participate in a campaign to outlaw porn.


The transformation of sexual/aggressive energies into culturally acceptable, even admirable, behaviors; Associated with socially constructive behavior.

Ex: A surgeon may represent this to aggressive impulses.


(The Big Five Personality Model)

A tendency to experience unpleasant emotions frequently; These type of people tend to have marriage problems.

Ex: "I have many worries"


(The Big Five Personality Model)

A tendency to seek stimulation and enjoy the company of other people; May lead to an increased chance of alcohol abuse, etc.

Ex: "I make friends easily.


(The Big Five Personality Model)

A tendency to be compassionate towards others; These people are more likely to have stable marriages & stable employment, and less likely to be prejudice.

Ex: "I believe people have good intentions!"


(The Big Five Personality Model)

A tendency to show self-discipline, to be dutiful, and to strive for achievement, and competence; These people have a greater than average life expectancy.

Ex: "I complete most tasks early, or on time.


(The Big Five Personality Model)

A tendency to enjoy new intellectual experiences and new ideas

Ex: "I believe art is important for its own sake."


An increase in the startle reflex (automatic response to a loud noise); Preparing yourself that something bad might happen.


An immediate response to danger.

Bipolar Disorder

Someone alternates between mood extremes.

Characteristics - dramatic, unpredictable mood swings, excessive happiness, excitement, irritability, etc.


A long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown.

Characteristics - deterioration of daily activities such as work, social relations, self-care, etc.