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41 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between Sexuality & Gender?
• Biological & Physiological.

• Psychological & Socio-cultural
What are the sex Chromosomes?
• Female (XX)
• Male (XY)
What are Primary Sex Characteristics?
• Directly involved with reproduction

- ex -
Ovaries, Testes
What are Secondary Sex Characteristics?
• Not directly involved (puberty) but contribute.

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Enlargement of breast, voice.
What is Gender Roles?
• Cultural expectations about behaviors that are appropriate for male or female.

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* Cultural idea in our society that women wear skirts & men don’t.
* Men should not cry while woman are allowed to.
What is Gender Identity?
• Sense of being a male or female.

- ex -
Acquired around 2 or 3 years of age.
What are the three types of conflicts, how are they different?
• Choosing between two good things.
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* Chocolate ice cream or cookie dough and you like them both.

• Choosing between two bad things.

• One choice that involves both.
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* Go to club for fun, but don’t want to look for parking.
What are the three types of personalities, explain?
Type A
• Linked to heart disease & uncompetitive, hostile, high urgency.

Type B
• Relaxed, easy going, laid back.

Type D
• Chronic emotional distress.
What is Freud’s 3 Components of Personality?
• ID
* Immediate Ratification (devil)

• Ego
* Rational

• SuperEgo
* Moral Component (angel)
What is the defense mechanism: Repression?
• Removing an unpleasant memory, thought, or perception from consciousness.

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* Forgetting a traumatic incident from childhood.
What is the defense mechanism: Projection?
• Attributing one’s own undesirable traits, thoughts behavior or impulses to another.

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* A very lonely divorced women accusing men of having only one thing in their mind.
What is the defense mechanism: Denial?
• Refusing to acknowledge consciously the existence of danger or threatening situation.

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* Failing to take a tornado warning seriously and is severely injured.
What is the defense mechanism: Rationalization?
• Supplying a logical, rational, or socially acceptable reason rather than the real reason for an action or event.

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* He tells his friend that he didn’t get the job because he didn’t have connections.
What is the defense mechanism: Displacement?
• Substituting a less threatening object or person for the original object of a sexual or aggressive impulse.

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* After being spanked by his father, Bill hits his baby brother.
What is the defense mechanism: Sublimation?
• Rechanneling sexual and aggressive energy into pursuits or accomplishments that society considers acceptable or even admirable.

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* Tim goes to a gym to work out when he feels hostile and frustrated.
What is the defense mechanism:
Reaction Formation?
• Expressing exaggerated ideas and emotions that are the opposite of disturbing, unconscious impulses and desires.

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* A former purchaser of pornography, Bob is now a tireless crusader against it.
What is Oedipus Complex?
• Occurs in phallic stage, a conflict in which the child is sexually attracted to the opposite-sex parent and feels hostility towards the same parent.

- ex -
* Boys are in love with their mothers and hate their fathers.
The two main types of personality tests?
The two main Personality tests are:
• Myers Briggs (MBTI)
The two main types of projective tests?
The two Projective tests are:
• Rorschach
• TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)
The DSM-IV-TR is?
• It is the Psychology Manual (Like their bible).
What are symptoms of Schizophrenia? Name the two types and their categories?
* Hallucinations
(Visual & Auditory)

* Delusions
- Grandeur (thinks your famous)
- Persecution
What are symptoms of Major Depression Disorder?
Depression, sadness, despair and hopeless.
What are symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?
Ritualistic (checks things over and over, washes hands a lot).
What are symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Nightmares, flashbacks of a trauma.
What are symptoms of Hypochondriasis?
Consistently always thinks physical symptoms are a sign of serious disease.
What are symptoms of Dissociate Identity Disorder (DID)?
Multiple personality.
What are symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder?
Tend to be selfish, manipulative, don’t care of right or wrong. Not regretful of bad behavior, very common in serial killers.
What are symptoms of Autism?
Children disease lack of sensory, language problems, no eye contact.
What are symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
No attention and problems focusing.
What are symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?
Manic depression goes back and forth to baseline.
In your own words explain the Milgram Study on Obedience?
A study consisting of an three individuals:
• Teacher (which is the only volunteer).
• Experimenter (dressed in lab coat and had a serious manner)
• Learner (accomplice of experimenter)

The were all place together with the Learner on an electric chair apparatus that “supposedly” will shock him when he missed questions. The teacher had to take orders from the experimenter and keep shocking the learner despite his heart condition which he falsely claimed about. After reaching the maximum voltages the teacher was asked if he wanted to continue and unfortunately 100% of them agreed to continue despite the gentleman’s screaming and pain.
What is Self Serving bias?
Success is about us, failures is about others.
What is the Halo Effect?
• Negative or positive (mostly positive) generalization of positive based on one trait.

- ex -
* Better looking people perceived better.
What is Groupthink?
Tendency of members of a tightly knit group to be more concerned with preserving group solidarity and uniformity than with objectively evaluating all alternatives in decision making.
Explain the three compliance techniques?
Foot in the door technique
• Tactic that involves getting a person to agree to a large request by first setting them up and having that person agree to a modest request.
- ex -
* Mom agrees to let kid go to the movies with a friend, then agrees again to let him sleepover.

Door in the face technique
• Compliance with the request by first making an extremely large request that the respondent will obviously turn down, the person is also more likely to agree with the second request because they feel guilty for having rejected the first request.
- ex -
* Child asks mom to let him sleep over his friend's house and get's denied. Then requests to let him go to the movies, and it is accepted.

Lowball technique
• Easy request based on unfavorable terms.
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* You will get a free A, but... you got to come at 3AM next class.
Briefly summarize the Zimbardo Prison Study?
Power trip, students taking role of officers & prisoners only lasted a few weeks after things were getting out of control abusing their own classmates.
What is the Solomon Asch Study on Conformity?
• One person agrees with a line and a good percentage agreed with the first person, they went with the crowd.

• Remember about the lines on the board...
- 70% Conformed
- 20% Did Not
What is Cognitive Dissonance?
• Unpleasant state that occurs when people become aware of conflicts between their attitudes and behaviors.

- ex -
* Very patient and like kids , but screams at your own child.
What is Bystander effect?
In an emergency, it is the decreasing of assistance when bystanders increase.
Explain Diffusion of responsibility?
The feeling of bystanders in an emergency that the responsibility is shared by the group, passing on the responsibility.
What is the difference between Prejudice & Discrimination?
• Is an attitude or feeling.

• Is an action against.