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49 Cards in this Set

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The amygdala
part of the brain involved in emotional responses
The Sympathetic division of the nervous system
is involved in emotions
What causes heart rate to increase, digestion to slow down, and energy to be sent to the muscles to help deal with whatever action the stressful situation requires?
The sympathetic nervous system
binge and then vomit
Anorexia nervosa
people who are attempting to become extremely thin by refusing to eat.
is the hormone that causes you to feel full
What causes blood sugar levels to drop and causes you to feel hungry?
What needs must be met first according to Maslow?
Physiological needs
What increases your chances of contracting an STD?
More sexual partners
What STD's symptoms are first mistaken for the flu usually?
Organic dysfunction
are sexual problems that result from physical causes
Masters and Johnson
did NOT participate in sexual activity with thier subjects, they observed only
what is the 1st phase of sexual response?
Who designed equipment to measure physiological activity during sexual activity?
Masters and Johnson
Equal treatment in genders
is probably decreasing the differences in cognition
A gender stereotype
is an assumption as to what a person or group of people is like based on a person or group being female or male.
Membership in a religous organization
assists in not feeling alone with one's struggles
Having a good social support system is correlated with
a person's ability to cope
What can lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients?
20 minutes of meditation
is the refusal to recognize or acknowledge a threatening situation
Symptoms to burnout
include dissatisfaction, pessimism, and a desire to quit your job.
What depresses the release of natural killer cells, making unchecked growth for cancer more likely
STRESS! is a killer!
Diffusion of responsibility
is what happens because each person thinks someone else will take responsibility
The bystander effect
is the phenomenon that occurs when people dont help because they think others will do so
is defined as healing others for no personal benefit
Aggressive children
tend to watch more violent TV more than nonaggressive children
is associated with aggression
means physical nearness
Repeating a question is different ways
helps testers check for valid answers
The Rorschach test
is a projective test focusing on the interpretation of inkblots
The Halo Effect
our 1st impression of someone can cause us to interpret future info that we recieve from them with a positive view
Interviewer bias
causes us to interpret info falsely
An eclectic view
means using a variety of approaches
The minnesota twin study
concluded that identical twins who share the same genes are more similar in personality than are any other type of sibling
Twins and schizophrenia
A person with an identical twin diagnosed with schizophrenia is at greatest risk for developing it
Delusions and hallucinations
are a feture of paranoid schizophrenia
remaining in the same position for hours
is a feature of catatonic schizophrenia
some argue that humanism does not pay adequate attention to unpleasent or negative human qualities
Flat affect
is a lack of emotional responsiveness
when on experiences false perceptions, such as seeing demons or hearing voices
Delusions of persecution
are false beliefs in which people are convinced that others are trying to hurt them in some way
the biological explination for mood disorders
emphasizes an imbalace of brain chemicals
is anger turned inward
A prefrontal lobotomy
is a form of psychosurgery
is used to treat severe depression and was originally develped to induce seizures in schizophrenics
used to treat depression require dietary modifications and carful observation of other medication due to interactions
have fewer side effects than other catigories of antidepressant drugs
Trycyclic antidepressants
increase the activity of serotonin in the brain
are used to treat mania