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87 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following personality disorder must be diagnosed as a Conduct Disorder (such assymptoms of theft, violation of rules, and aggression) in childhood?
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Elaine feels that her life is empty. She has lost all interest in her career and hobbies, and wonders if shewould be better off dead. She is most likely suffering from:
a mood disorder.
Chronic anger ________ the risk of heart disease, and chronic depression ________ the risk of heartdisease
increases; increases

An individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting is his or he


The importance of unconscious conflicts and childhood experiences is of most central importance to
psychodynamic theories.
Four-year-old Timmy had not wet his bed for over a year. However, he started bed-wetting again soonafter his sister was born. Timmy's behavior best illustrates
Psychodynamic theories emphasize that personality involves a dynamic interaction between
conscious and unconscious mental processes.
According to Freud, the unconscious is
the thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories, of which we are largely unaware

Reporting whatever thoughts come to mind even if they are trivial or embarrassing is characteristic of

free association.

Free association is central to the process of
Freud suggested that defense mechanisms protect an individual from
Repression refers to the defense mechanism by which people
banish anxiety-arousing thoughts from consciousness
Four-year-old Timmy had not wet his bed for over a year. However, he started bed-wetting again soon after his sister was born. Timmy's behavior best illustrates
Projective tests are most closely associated with

psychodynamic theories

Abraham Maslow suggested that those who fulfill their potential have satisfied the need for
Which of the following have been criticized the most for offering concepts that are vague andsubjective?
humanistic theorists
Humanistic theorists have been criticized for
underestimating the inherent human capacity for destructive and evil behaviors
A characteristic pattern of behavior or tendency to act and feel in a certain way is called a


.Factor analysis has been used to identify the most basic

personality trait

Personality inventories are designed to assess several ________ at once.


The MMPI is an example of

personality trait

The tendency to accept favorable descriptions of one's personality that could really be applied to almostanyone is known as

barnum effect

A person who is careless and disorganized most clearly ranks low on the Big Five trait dimension of


Which branch of psychology is most directly concerned with the study of how people think about,influence, and relate to one another?

social psychology

Ksana insists that her boyfriend's car accident resulted from his carelessness. Her explanation for theaccident provides an example of
a dispositional attribution.
In explaining the actions of people we do not know well, we often demonstrate the
mere exposure effect
Opinion change resulting from a thoughtful focus on the content of arguments illustrates
central route persuasion.
The impact ofour actions on our attitudes is best illustrated by the
foot-in-the-door phenomenon.
The foot-in-the-door phenomenon refers to the tendency to
comply with a large request if one has previously complied with a small request.
The discomfort we feel when two thoughts are inconsistent is called
cognitive dissonance
Which theory best explains why our actions can lead us to modify our attitudes?
cognitive dissonance theory
What is the social-exchange theory?
Keeping or terminating a relationship by weighing the costs and benefits
Which route of persuasion occurs when people are influenced by incidental cues, such as a speakers attractiveness?
Peripheral Route of Persuasion
Norms are best described as
rules for socially accepted behavior.
When in a different culture, people know whether to greet others by shaking hands or kissing each cheek if they are aware of prevailing
Adjusting one's behavior or thinking toward a group standard is called
Stanley Milgrams conducted an experiment focusing on the conflict between?

Obedience to authority and personal conscience

Participants in the Milgram obedience studies were ordered to
deliver electric shocks to a learner for giving incorrect answers
Social facilitation refers to the tendency to
perform well-learned tasks more effectively in the presence of others
defines people that are more likely to become friends with people who are geographically close


Blindfolded university students were observed to pull harder on a rope when they thought they were pulling alone than when they thought three others were pulling with them. This best illustrates
social loafing.


a loss of self-awareness and self-restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity.
Looting during a riot is an example of


The tendancy for groups to make decisions that are more extreme than the inclination of its members is:

group polarization

Group polarization is most likely to occur in a group in which
each individual has a unique perspective
Violent pornographic movies often perpetuate the myth that
many women enjoy aggressive sexual encounters
The mere exposure effect refers to the fact that people
experience increasing attraction to novel stimuli that become more familiar
Sharing household chores ranks high on a list of things people associate with successful marriages. This best illustrates the perceived value of


When 12-year-old Jamilah saw an old manlying on the sidewalk, he prepared to offer help. But when he noticed several adults walk past the man, he concluded that the man did not need any help. His reaction most clearly illustrates one of the dynamics involved in

bystander effect

The bystander effect refers to the tendency for an observer of an emergency to withhold aid if the
emergency is being observed by a number of other people
According tobystander effect, the ____# of bystanders, the ____likely it is that the bystanders will help.
Greater, Less
Psychologists describe shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation as


Significant dysfunction in a person's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors is most clearly an indication of

learned helpnessness

inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are major symptoms of


The DSM-5 is most clearly designed to ________ psychological disorders


APA's diagnostic manual is used for several purposes, including

description of disorders

The DSM-5 is most likely to be criticized for

classifying an excessively broad range of human behaviors as psychologically disordered.

.A fundamental problem with the diagnostic labeling of psychologically disordered behaviors is that thelabels often

bias our perceptions of the labeled person
A generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by
a continuous state of tension, apprehension, and autonomic nervous system arousal.
ncapacitating efforts to avoid specific anxiety-producing situations is most indicative of certain


Kaylee is so afraid of spiders and insects that she avoids most outdoor activities and even refuses to goto the basement of her own house alone. Kaylee appears to suffer from


Two years after being brutally beaten and raped, Brianna still experiences jumpy anxiety and has troublesleeping and vivid flashbacks of her assault. Brianna is most clearly showing signs of

post traumatic stress disorder

.A learning theory would be most likely to emphasize the role of ________ in the onset of anxiety disorders.

classical conditioning

Schizophrenia is most likely to be characterized by

disorganized and fragmented thinking

Jabar, a 25-year-old auto mechanic, thinks he is Napoleon. He further believes he is being imprisonedagainst his will in the psychiatric hospital where his relatives have brought him for treatment. Jabar ismost likely suffering from


The emotional bonding and mutual support that survivors of natural disasters provide to one another bestillustrates

the tend-and-befriend response.

The subfield of psychology that provides psychology's contribution to the prevention and treatment ofillness is known as


The perception that our fate is determined by chance events is most closely associated with
an external locus of control.
The feel-good, do-good phenomenon refers to the fact that when people feel happy they
are more willing to help others.
The study of positive emotions, desirable character traits, and enabling institutions is central to the emerging subfield known as

positive psychology

According to Eysencks Big Five personality factors “CANOE/OCEAN) predictive value indicated that levels of success in work and relationships related to traits such as

openess and conscientiousness

Freud referred to a lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier psychosexual stage as


Natasha and Dimitri have a fulfilling marital relationship because they readily confide their deepest hopes and fears to each other. This best illustrates the value of

self disclosure

A consistent tendency to be shy is best described as a


The foot-in-the-door phenomenon refers to the tendency to
comply with a large request if one has previously complied with a small request
Professional athletes perform better before an audience than when alone. This best illustrates

social faciliation

Humanistic theorists have been criticized for
underestimating the inherent human capacity for destructive and evil behaviors
The social-responsibility norm refers to the expectation that people should

help those who need help

Attribution theory was designed to account for

how people explain others behavior

A fundamental problem with the diagnostic labeling of psychologically disordered behaviors is that thelabels often

bias our perceptions of the labeled person

Friedman and Rosenman referred to competitive, hard-driving, impatient, and easily angered individualsas ________ personalities.

type a

Attempting to alleviate stress directly by changing the stressor is known as

problem focused coping

When people suffer from_____, they often feel that something horribleis about to happen. Thsesfeelings last minutes and include heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and dizziness.

panic attack

A test that measures or predicts what it is supposed to is said to have a high degree of


Individuals with schizophrenia are particularly prone to delusions of


What is the definition of Foot-In-The-Door
Getting people to agree with smaller request and gradually increase demands
The anterior cingulate cortex of the brain is especially likelyto show elevated activity in people whotypically demonstrate behaviors such as repeated checking locks and doors

obsessive compulsive disorder