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50 Cards in this Set

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What is the absolute threshold?
The smallest amount of stimulus that a person can reliably detect.
You are attracted to someone that is…
similar to you.
A neuron contains:
dendrites, soma, axon hillock, axon, myelin sheath, nodes of ranvier, terminal buttons (pg 43)
What is the law of proximity?
It states that objects that are near or 'proximate' to each other tend to be grouped together.
A neuron consists of an ____, which is in charge of sending signals to the ____, which then recieves them.
axon; dendrite
What is self-actualization?
To realize one’s own potential is known
What are the two Greek roots that mean ‘psychology’ ?
knowledge and spirit.
What is Observational learning?
vicarious learning or modeling
What are the General Adaptation Syndrome stages?
Alarm, resistance, exhaustion
In the human eye there are two different parts that focuses on the colors that you see. Rods are in charge of___ while cones are in charge of____.
light; color
Which does the fundamental attribution error involve?
overemphasizing internal factors when explaining the behavior of others
What is the most effective parenting style?
In Kohlberg’s theory of moral development there are ____levels, which are called, ______.
3; preconventional, conventional, and postconventional
Prenatal development occurs in how many stages?
three stages: first, second, and third trimesters.
What are the basic tastes that every one has on their tongue?
sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami
Define algorithm and heuristic
Algorithm: A step-by-step set of rules that will always lead to a correct solution to a problem

Heuristic: A rule of thumb for solving problems or making decisions

Human memory has ____ basic processes known as ____.
3; encoding, storage, and retrieval
Distress is an _____ state that may take the form of ____ problems.
internal; psychological or physical
One of the subdivisons of delcarative memory is _____ memory, which keeps personal information stored. The other is _____ memory, which keeps the word and concept meanings stored.
episodic; semantic

Describe correlational relationships.

A correlation between 2 things can be positive or negative. A positive relationship means as one increases, so does the other. A negative correlation means increasing one decreases the other.

In Watson’s research with Little Albert, the rat began as the ____ and became the ____.
Neutral Stimuls; Conditioned Stimulus (pg. 181)
During conception, Joe received ____ chromosomes from his mother and _____ chromosomes from his father. Every chromosome he received contained _____ of genes.
23; 23; thousands (pg. 77)
Where are receptors for kinesthesis located?
joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.
Because of ______, Jill can see my face, then _____, allows her to know that it is me.
sensation; perception
Motivation includes factors that _____ goal-directed behavior.
activate, direct, and sustain
What is language?
a set of rules and symbols for communication.
Procedural memory is to ____ as declaritive memory is to ____.
knowing how; knowing that
Cognitive dissonace results when...
one’s attitudes and behaviors are inconsistent.
Operant conditioning consists of positive reinforcement, which ____ the likelihood of repeating a response, then negative reinforcement _____ the likelihood of repating a response, and punishment ____ the likelihood of repeating a response.
strengthens; weakens; strengthens
According to Erikson, middle adulthood is to ____ as early adulthood is to _____.
generativity vs. stagnation; intimacy vs. isolation
What is the order of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?
Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
What does plasticity mean?
the brain’s ability to adapt and reorganize itself following trauma or surgical alteration.
Sleep cycles repeat about every____ minutes, and it is typical for an adult to have _____cycles per night.
90; four to five
What does maintenance rehearsal mean?
trying to remember something by repeating it over and over. only works in short term
What are some benefits of correlational research?
Offers clues to underlying causes, Can identify groups of people at high risk for behavioral or physical problems, Increases understanding of relationships between variables or events
Which sense monitors the position of your body in space and helps maintain balance?
In Freudian theory, the actual events that occur in a dream are referred to as its ____content, while the underlying meaning of a dream is its ____ content.
manifest; latent

People that have an external locus of control tend to be ____ at coping with stress because they don’t think that ____.

poorer; there is anything they can do about it

What is the order of Freud’s psychosexual stages of?
Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
What do a lot of psychologists define learning as?
a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.
Partial reinforcement results in _____learning that is ______ to extinguish.
slower; harder
Presentation of rewarding stimulus serves as _____, while removal of an aversive stimulus serves as _____.
postitive reinforcement; negative reinforcement
What does Gardner describe intelligence as being composed of?
eight distinct intelligences.
What are the concerns of the intelligence tests?
They can be misused by labeling people as 'dumb' and lowering expectations for them. They can also be biased against people of different cultures
What is the best description of sexual orientation?
A continuum with many gradations
In the cerebral cortex, ____ is to vision as _____ is to hearing.
occiptal; temporal
Freud believed that personailty consists of ____ structures, and they are called ____.
3; id, ego and superego
How many major parts are in the brain and what are they called?
3; hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain
Explain the concept of reliability
refers to consistency over time
Explain the concept of validity
refers to whether or not a test actually measures what its trying to measure