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101 Cards in this Set

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What would be different, if anything, if psychologists wanted to repeatMilgram's study on obedience to authority today?

It would be deemed unethical

You are asked to "name all the uses you can think of for abrick," writing each one on a card. If you are working by yourself youwill probably come up with far more responses than if you are working as partof a group. This is most clearly an example of what psychologists call

Social Loafing

According to Asch's studies of conformity

Conformity is maintained if the group size is greater than 3

Larry believes that women like to talk and gossip more than men, andconcludes from this that women are more likely to talk on cellphones whiledriving. In an effort to conclude whether his hypothesis is valid, he thinksback to all the people he saw driving and talking on cell phones that morning.Which of the following threatens the validity of any conclusions Larry comesto?

Confirmation Bias, memory

In 1911, _________ coined the term "schizophrenia."

Eugene Bleuler

According to a 1994 survey, approximately what percentage of people willsuffer from some sort of psychological disorder at some point in their life?


Where did the study of abnormal behavior (and eventually psychology) come from?

Hippocrates OR Witchcraft and Demonology

What was the impetus for Milgram's experiment?

Psychologist's wanted to know is people would obey authority when asked to perform morally objectionable tasks

In the classic experiment, Stanley Milgram measured obedience to authority by determining whether people would _____ when an experimenter told them to do so

Shock the test subjects (obey/comply with authority)

One person is most likely to come to the aid of a second person if the first person

is alone

A basketball game ends with a score of 155-13. The fans who paid to seethe game say it was exciting, but those who got in free say it was boring. Whatpsychological principle is probably responsible for the difference inreactions?

cognitive dissonance

The statement, “Hispanics eat spicy food” is an example of what?

neutral stereotype

Attributions that we adopt in an effort to maximize our credit forsuccess and minimize our blame for failure are called

Self-serving bias

What can we learn about the brain from a savant like Derek Paravacini

To excel so profoundly in one aspect the brain must sacrifice proficiencyin other aspects.

In comparing the emotion elicited by major vs. minor chords in music,what appears to be the explanation for why minor chords sound relatively sad?

The minor third closely mimics human speech when the speech pattern isperceived to be sad.”

The pattern of behavior or role that males andfemales are expected to follow is known as _______;the biological aspect of being male or female is known as _______.

Gender... Sex

Psychologists us primarily two kinds of personality test. What are they?

Personality Inventory and Projective Tests (objective and projective tests)

A psychic claims that he can read the minds of people on the planet Zipton, which is millions of light years away. The main scientific objection is that this claim

is not falsifiable

Any scientific study goes through 4 steps. Which of the following is NOT one of these steps?


The steps are:

1. Hypothesis, 2. Interpretation, 3. Method, 4. testing, observation, theorize, etc...

To say that a theory is parsimonious is to say that it

makes simple, acceptable assumptions

A psychologist wishes to investigate the effect of televised violence on aggressive behavior. Which of the following would be a practical operational definition of aggressive behavior?

Some aggressive action that can be counted (EX: how many times a person punches a large plastic doll)

Why do investigators sometimes repeat an experiment that other researchers have already completed?

To check whether the results are replicable

Some investigators claim they have taught monkeys to understand spoken English, but another scientist argues that the results might be due to a Clever Hans effect. What does this mean?

The monkeys may be responding to subtle visual cues accidentally given by investigators

In an effort to compare the mathematical abilities of men and women, an investigator administers a test to 100 male engineering majors and 100 women who answered an ad in the newspaper. What is wrong with this study?

Lack of representative samples

In order to study the attitudes of the people who live in Tennessee, Iobtain a copy of the census of that state and interview every 1,000th person onthat list. My procedure will provide an approximately

Systematic random sample

Student experimenters were told that a special diet makes rats learnfaster. They also knew that therats in Group A had the special diet and the rats in Group B had a regulardiet. The students tested all the rats in a maze, counting how many errors theymade. In fact, the scores showed that the rats in Group A had fewer errors thanthe rats in Group B. Which of the following problems is most likely to haveinfluenced the results?

Experimenter bias

An experimenter announces, "This is an experiment onhypnosis." Although the experimenter does not actually hypnotize anyone,most of the participants behave the way they believe hypnotized people do.These results are an apparent example of the effects of

Demand characteristics

The advantage of the experimental method as opposed to correlation studies is that an experiment

Can lead to the discovery of cause-and-effect relationships, while correlational studies cannot prove causation

Which of the following would best describe the kind of research a psychologist would use to study whether facial expressions have the same meaning for various people throughout the worlds?

Cross-cultural theory

The nervous system is made up of two types of cells called _____ and ______

neurons, glial cells

The information transmitted from an axon to another neuron can be either

excitatory or inhibitory (on or off)

Which of the following if NOT associated with REM sleep?

delta wave activity

Being deprives of slow-wave sleep results in:

>Primarily physical effects (tired, fatigued, andhypersensitivity to pain)

> physical effects, with just a few nights ofdeprivation leaving people feeling tired, fatigued, and hypersensitive tomuscle and bone pain

A friend has a big exam tomorrow; what's the best advice you can offer?

Review the material then, at a reasonable hour, go directly to sleep

Which of the following statements about sleeping medications is TRUE?

They are effective in the short run, but not in the long-term, canbecome addictive and provide less quality of sleep, effective for short termtreatment of insomnia, can cause drug-dependency insomnia

In the middle of an engaging conversation, your friend suddenly fallsover asleep. When he awakens, heinforms you that this has happened on several occasions. Your friend probablyhas a disorder known as:


The theory that suggests dreams are the mind's attempts to make sense ofrandom neural activity occurring in the brain during sleep is the:

Activation-synthesis model

The primary problem with Freud's approach to dream analysis is that:

There are an infinite number of potential interpretations (dreams are not testable)

During REM sleep, the motor cortex is activated, but the body is very still. This pattern occurs because ____ running through the brainstem ____ motor activation.

Spinal neurons.... inhibits

Which of the following drugs will animals not self-administer?

Hallucinogens (PCP)

Parkinson's disease is thought to be caused by a deficiency in theactivity of the neurotransmitter


Brain surgery is sometimes conducted under local anesthesia while thepatient remains awake. During such surgery, suppose the surgeon lightlystimulates a few neurons in the patient's left parietal cortex. What will thepatient probably experience?

Touch sensations somewhere in the right half ofthe body

The area of the forebrain that relays sensory information (except forsmell) to the cerebral cortex is known as the


Which type of brainscanning technique provides a high-resolution image of brain activity by recording radioactivity from chemicalsthat are injected into the bloodstream?

Positron emission tomography (PET scan)

As light passes through the eye it is focused by the _______, whichalways focuses light in the same way, and the _______, which is flexible andenables focusing on objects at different distancesby varying its thickness.

Cornea.... lens

It is hard to perceive color when the light is dim, because vision indim light depends on the


About what percentage ofhumans are born with a blind spot in their retinas?


If a drug prevents sodium from crossing the membrane of an axon, whatchanges in the activity of the neuron?

It stops transmitting action potentials

Nearly all illegal recreational drugs AND legal medical drugs (such asthose used to combat Parkinson'sdisease and depression) exert their effects at


Receptor cells for hearing are found along a membrane within thecochlea. This membrane is called the_______ membrane.


What happened to the sleep cycles of the people who spent a few weeks inMammoth Cave?

Their sleep cycle adjusted to be about 25.1 hours in length

Which kinds of animals tend to sleep more than others?


People suffering from narcolepsy

can randomly fall asleep at any time

When a sound comes fromdirectly overhead, it is difficult to localize because

It reaches the two ears at the same time and withthe same intensity

One study compared memory abilities in young adults and older adults atdifferent times of day. Early in the morning, the older adults performed_______ than the young adults; later in the day, the older adults performed_______ than the young adults.

Equal or better ..... worse

The evolutionary theory of sleep proposes that sleep evolves primarily as a means of

Conserve energy

An investigator who wished to identity whether a person is in stage 1, 2, 3, or 4 of sleep would probably rely on which device?

EEG (Gross electrical potentials)

Which of the following is NOT good advice for someone who is having trouble sleeping?

Use sleeping pills

Who discovered classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

A nursing mother puts her baby to the breast as soon as she hears itcry. After a few days, her milkbegins to flow as soon as the baby cries. In terms of classical conditioning,what is the conditioned response?

The flow of milk

An event that decreases the probability of a response is known as


You scan the night sky looking for meteors. Sometimes there is a brieftime period between meteors, butsometimes you have to wait for a long time after seeing a meteor until another oneappears. This is an example of which type of schedule of reinforcement?

Variable interval

Which of the following would a behaviorist be least likely to study?

Human thought processes

After a subject has developed a classically conditioned response, an investigator begins presenting the conditioned stimulus by itself. Which of the following is likely to occur?


Why did Ebbinghaus usenonsense syllables in his memory experiments?

because if he used real words, his priorexperience with those words might influence his memory (People have no previouslearning of nonsense syllables)

After the end of the semester, certain students seem to have forgotteneverything they learned. To find out whether their amnesia is complete or onlypartial, their professor teaches them the material again to see whether theylearn any faster the second time than they did the first time. What kind of memory test is this?

Savings (relearning) method

The term "working memory" has been adapted by meany researchers to replace more traditional terms

short-term memory

You memorize twenty poems while your twin plays video games. Then bothof you memorize another poem and you forget it faster. Why did you forget itfaster

Proactive Interference

If asked to tell your social security number, you are being asked to perform a _____ memory test

Free recall

Remembering how to tie your shoes is an example of a ____ memory


Although the patient H.M. suffered severe amnesia, he remained fairly nromal in his ability to learn ____.

New skills

Psychologists use the term _______ to refer to your tendency to respondto or to remember some stimuli morethan others at any given time.


Research indicated that becoming an expert on something requires

about ten years of concentrated practice

You work for the automobile club and you are asked to find the fastestway to get from Caribou, Maine, to Deadhorse, Alaska. There are thousandsof possible routes, but you decide to test only routes that stay mostly oninterstate highways and that appear to be fairly direct. Your way of solvingthe problem relies on

Heuristics problem solving

The system for converting a deep structure into a surface structure in alanguage is called ______ grammar.


When an experimenter flashes the letter P on the screen for a splitsecond, you cannot identify it. Yet when the experimenter flashes PARK on thescreen for the same period of time, you do identify it. This is an example ofthe

Word-superiority effect

What is the Stroop effect?

The difficulty of naming the colors in which words are written instead of reading the words themselves

Edgar suffers a stroke on the left side of his brain and as a result hasa condition characterized by inarticulate speech and difficulties using andunderstanding grammatical devices. This conditionis known as _______ aphasia.


The main reason IQ tests were developed was to

predict school performance

A new worker at Consolidated Generic Products cannot perform any of thecompany's traditional tasks as well as more experienced workers can. However,when the company teaches all the workers a new skill, this new worker learns itfaster than the older workers. The new worker apparently has a high degree ofbody

Fluid Intelligence

The British scholar who was the first to argue that a tendency towardhigh intelligence is hereditary was

Francis Galton

Men have ____, and women have ___ chromosomes


What is the evidencethat a newborn infant prefers the sound of his/her own mother's voice to thatof other women?

Sucking harder when hearing mother's voice

An investigator shows a child two balls of clay of equal size and thensquashes one of them and asks the child whether the squashed ball has more claythan the round ball. The experimenter is testing whether the child has theconcept of


According to Erik Erikson, the identity crisis (the question "Whoam I?") is of greatest concern to people of what age?

Adolescents (12-20 y/o)

According to Freud, we go through stages ofsexual development in the following order:

Oral, anal, phallic, latent, genital

Johnny, who is 8, has absolutely no interest in girls or anythingrelated to sex. According to Freud, Johnny would be in which stage?


Which of the following best supports an incentive view of motivation?

A woman eats a piece of birthday cake although she is not hungry

Maintaining stability of temperature, body weight, body water, and otherbiological conditions is known as


According to Masters and Johnson, human sexual arousal proceeds through 4 stages:

Excitement, plateau, climaz, resolution

According to the James-Lange theory, someone who felt almost no changesin heart rate and other autonomic responses would be likely to feel

Relatively weak fear and anger

Paul Ekman drew conclusions about the consistency of human nature fromone culture to another, based on his studies of

facial expression

Which of the following views on stress wouldLazarus most strongly endorse?

stress depends on our perception/interpretation of an event

What role, if any, does chronic stress seem to play in the development of cancer?

Makes people more vulnerable by weakening the immune system

Why are women (generally speaking) sexually attracted to tall, athleticmen?

Because tall, athletic men can provide protection to the woman andchildren

Men strongly desire women with a waist-to-hip circumstances ratio that is close to what?


Why does a woman have much more to consider when selecting a mate than a man does?

Women have to invest considerably more when it comes to children

According to Freud, what does the id do?

Urges behavior towards immediate fulfillment of biological devices

Which of the following do humanistic psychologists try to encourage?

unconditional positive regard

Which of the following would be a view expressed by somebody with an external locus of control?

Without the right breaks, it is impossible to become an effective leader
