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49 Cards in this Set

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The five types of mental behaviors
S: Storing Information
P: Paying Attention
E: Encoding
R: Recalling, Retrieving
P: Perceiving
What does Psychology mean?
The study of human behavior.
What does behavior mean?
Anything I do in response to a stimulus.
The four types of behaviors.
V: Voluntary observable acting
E: Emotions
M: Mental Responses
P: Physiological Responses
What do humanist's believe?
That people are basically good and born good.
Unconditional Positive Regard
Being loved no matter what I do.
The Goals of psychology
To describe something, usually behavior. (stating the characteristics of something.)

1. Describe
2. Predict
3. Explain
4. Helping
Mental Responses
The two types of mental resonses
1. Thinking
2. Information Processing
Information Processing (AKA Cognition)
Mental behaviors that let my memory work and that allow us to think.
Storing information
(Part of the 5 mental behaviors)

Putting something into memory.
Paying attention
(Part of the 5 mental behaviors)

Recalling, Retrieving
(Part of the 5 mental behaviors)

Taking something out of memory.
(Part of the 5 mental behaviors)

Making sense out of something based on my own way of looking at the world.
What is a Neuron?
A nerve cell.
The gap between two neurons
The Sunaps
Myelin sheath
Speeds up the message transmission.
The functioning life support of the neuron.
The soma.
The part of the neuron that receives info about what's going on.
The Dendrites
The Axon
On the Neuron where the message travels down.
What holds the neurotransmitters?
The vesicles.
On a neuron and receives info about what's going in.
The two parts of the nervous system.
1. Central Nervous system
2. Peripheral Nervous system
Central Nervous System
The brain and spinal cord.
Random Assignment
a way to use chance to put people in two or more groups.
The chemical in marajuana
Too little of this neurotransmitter will lead to clinical depression.
Ways to produce Serotonin without taking drugs.
1. Sunlight
2. Green leafy Veggies
3. Red meat
4. Bananas
5. Continual movement
6. Being help by someone who loves them.
Too high and low of dopamine
High: Is involved with hallucination (schizophrenia)

Low: Parkinsans
Higher amount of dopamine that people like.
1. Motivation and Movement: You're motivated to move and get it again (ex: since I like the feeling (dopamine) of going on roller coasters then I'd want to go on one again.)

2. Infatuation
Social Congnition
The field of psychology that studies we process information about people (including myself) and social situations.
A cluster of information about a topic stored in long term memory.
Sensitive Care
Meeting a babies physical and emotional needs quickly and accurately after the baby communicates that it has a need.
Characteristics that develop when a child receives sensitive care.
1. More trust for parents and teachers.
2. More friends.
3. More likely to explore.
4. Keeps trying when things are hard.
5. More likely to ask for help when they see something is beyond their abilities.
Schachter + Singer's belief about emotion.
They believed that you can't have an emotion without a physiological change.
James Lange's belief about emotion.
You can have a physiological response for an emotion and each feeling is a different emotion.
My behaviors (vemp) that are relatively consistent over time and that distinguish me from others.
Three main categories or theories + principles regarding how we get out personalities
1. Psychodynamic Theories
2. Behavioral/Learnig Theories
3. Humanistic Theories
Behavioral/Learning theories
The principles that discuss how we learn our behaviors.

Operant Conditioning and Classical Conditioning.
Humanistic Theories
The theories that focus on human potential. They believe that humans are initially good and loving. We have the power to change our lives.
Psychodynamic Theories
ex: Freuds psychoanalytic theory. Ego, Id + superego are parts of the mind.
Operant conditioning
I learn that my v.o.a. produces an outcome and I learn this by doing the behavior and getting the outcome.
Extinction in operant conditioning
"undoing" the conditioning (learning, training). I learn that a consequence that was there no longer is.
Classical Conditioning
I learn to have an involuntary a.n.s. response; I learn this when one stimulus that does not cause the response is pared with another stimulus that does produce the a.n.s. response.

example: 1. Perfume does not cause my sympathetic n.s. to kick in.

2. Kissing does produce sympathetic arousal.

3. If I kiss my girlfriend while she's wearing the perfume, the perfume all by itself can cause sympathetic arousal.
What did Pavlov do?
Pavlov did a Classical Conditioning experiment with meat powder.
Stimulus generalization in classical conditioning.
When I have an A.N.S. response to a stimulus I've never been conditioned to because the two stimulus are similar to me.
Stimulus discrimination in classical conditioning
I do not have an A.N.S. response to a stimulus I've never been conditioned to because I see them as too different.
Stimulus discrimination in operant coditioning
I do v.o.a. to one stimulus because the outcome is something I like. I do not do the v.o.a. to a similar stimulus because it is something that I don't like.
Extinction in classical conditioning
Presenting the neutral stimulus over and over without the original stimulus.