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15 Cards in this Set

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the process by which a schema is changed to incorporate a new experience that does not easily fit into an existing schema
anxious-ambivalent attachment
attachment style in which infants become extremely upset when their caregiver leaves but reject the caregiver when he or she returns
the process by which a new experience is placed into an existing schema
a strong emotional connection that persists over time and across circumstances
avoidant attachment
attachment style in which infants ignore their caregiver when he or she returns after a brief separation
concrete operational stage
the 3rd stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development, during which children begin to think about and understand operations in ways that are reversible
conventional level
middle stage of moral development, in which rules and the approval of other determines what is moral
disorganized attachment
attachment style in which infants give mixed responses when their caregiver leaves and then returns from a short absence
formal operational stage
the final stage in Piaget's theoy of cognitive development; it involves the ability to think abstractly and to formulate and test hypotheses through deductive logic
object permanence
the understanding that an object continues to exist even when it cannot be seen
postconventional level
highest stage of moral development, in which decisions a bout morality depend on abstract principles
preconventional level
earliest level of moral development, in which self-interest determines what is moral
preoperational stage
the second stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development, during which children think symbolically about objects, but reason is based on appearance rather than logic
secure attachment
attachment style for a majority of infants, who are readily comforted when their caregiver returns after a brief separation
sensorimotor stage
the first stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development, during which infants acquire information about the world through their senses and respond reflexively