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22 Cards in this Set

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Authoritative Parents

- tend to be demanding but also warm and responsive

- as adolescents they tend to be high in social and academic competence

Authoritarian parents

- tend to be cold and unresponsive to their children's needs

- high in control and demandingness and expect their children to comply with their demands without question

- associated with youths experiencing negative events at school, depression, delinquency, and alcohol problems

Permissive parents

- responsive to their children's needs and wishes and are lenient with them

- children tend to be impulsive, lacking in self control, and low in school achievement

Rejecting-neglecting parents

- disengaged parents, low in both demandingness and responsiveness to their children

- in adolescence, they exhibit antisocial behavior and low academic competence to internalizing problems

True or False: In contrast to negative findings for Euro-American children, researchers have found that for African American children, especially those in low income families, authoritarian parenting is associated with positive developmental outcomes such as high academic competence and low levels of deviant behavior


What type of parenting is common for Chinese-American mothers that involves unquestionable obedience to parents


True or False: Children's attractiveness influences the way their parents respond to them


Why does attractiveness cause parents to receive preferential treatment?

parents are motivated to invest more time and energy in offspring who are healthy and genetically fit and therefore likely to survive

Bidirectionality of parent-child interactions

idea that parents and their children are mutually affected by each others characteristics and behaviors

When parents are hostile and inconsistent in enforcing standards of conduct with their adolescent children; their children, in turn, are hostile, insensitive, disruptive, and inflexible with them. What does this represent?

Bidirectionality of parent-child interactions

Parents with low SES are more likely than higher-SES parents to use what type of parenting style?

Authoritarian and punitive child-rearing style

Why might the authoritarian style be more typical for low socioeconomic parents?

for protecting children from harm in poor, unsafe neighborhoods, especially those with high rates of violence and substance abuse

True or False: About 17% of children under 18 years of age live in poverty in the United States, the highest rate of child poverty among industrialized, Western countries


True or False: In the past, mothers spent more time with children but now the time that mothers spend with children is equal to fathers

False. Mothers still spend considerably more time with their children than do fathers

True or False: Fathers spend more time with their sons than with their daughters, and mothers spend more time with their daughters than with their sons


What affects sibling relationships?

- siblings relationships tend to be less hostile and more supportive when their parents are warm and accepting of them

- siblings also have closer, more positive relationships if their parents treat them similarly

- siblings also get along better if their parents are getting along

Changes in Families in the US

1. median age at which people first married rose

2. In 1940, the father was primarily the breadwinner but now the majority of women work outside the home

3. average age at which women bore children increased, especially within marriage

4. Upsurge in divorce and increase in number of children borne to unwed mothers

True or False: Although people are more likely to divorce than in the past, most divorced people also remarry. Thus, the number of families including children from one or both parents' prior marriages has increased substantially


What type of parenting style is this?

When Kareem takes away Troy's toy, Kareem's mother takes him aside, points out that the toy belongs to Troy and that Kareem has made Troy upset. Her tone is firm but not hostile, and she waits to see if Kareem returns the toy.


What type of parenting style is this?

When Elene takes Mark's toy, Elene's mother comes over, grabs her arm and says in an angry voice, "Haven't I warned you about taking others' things? Return that toy now or you will not be able to watch TV tonight. I'm tired of you disobeying me!"


What type of parenting style is this?

When Jeff takes away Angelina's toy, Jeff's mother does not intervene. She doesn't like to discipline her son and usually does not try to control his actions, even though she is affectionate with him in other situations.


What type of parenting style is this?

When Heather takes away Alonzo's toy, Heather's mother, as she does in most situations, pays no attention. She generally is not very involved with her child and would prefer her husband deal with discipling Heather.
