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81 Cards in this Set

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Prenatal Period
The time from conception to birth
The period from birth to 18/24 months
Early Childhood
The period from the end of infancy to about 5 or 6 years old
Middle & Late Childhood
The period extending from about 6 to 11 years of age
The transitional period from childhood to early adulthodd
Early Adulthood
The period that begins in late teens or early twenties and lasts through thirties
Middle Adulthood
The developmental period that begins between 35 and 45 years of age to 60 years of age
Late Adulthood
The developmental period that begins in the 60's all the way to death
Conception to 2 weeks
3 to 9 weeks
9 weeks to birth
Motor skills at 2 months
Child lifts head
Motor skills at 5 months
Child sits on their own
Motor skills at 12 months
Child walks
Mental representations of the world
Fitting new info into existing schemas
Modifying existing schemas to fit new info
Object Permanence
Objects exist even when out of view
Sensorimotor Stage
- Birth to 2 years
- Doesn't have object permanence
-Separation anxiety
Preoperational Stage
- 2 years to 6 years
- Start to understand language, images, and words have meaning
- Egocentrism and Conservation
The child is unable to take another person's perspective
Preoperational child doesn't understand conservation
Concrete Operational stage
- 7 to 11 years of age
- Begins when child understands conservation
-Understands math problem but can't tell you how to adjust problem to get a different answer
Formal Operations Stage
-12 years and up
-Able to reason on a logical hypothetical level
Securely attached
-60 - 65%
-Panicked, worried, want to reconnect with mom
-Mothers were very responsive, sensitive, and affectionate
Ambivalently Attached
-Resistant - Angry when mom leaves, refuse to be comforted, stays crying
- Disoriented - Wanted to grab mom but looked away, odd posture on mom
-Mothers were inconsistent to how the responded to the child
Avoidantly Attached
-Children weren't upset when mom left, treated stranger as if they were their mom; no relationship with mom
-Mother was not responsive, not caring
Set the rules and expect them to be followed; very strict
Set high but realistic standards
-Ideal parents
Makes few rules or demands
-Children aren't self-dependent, not individualist
Unconcerned and uninvolved
Based on consequences
Morality based on societal rules and laws
Morality judged in terms of abstract principles which may transcend laws
Stage 1 emo. develop.
-Trust vs. Mistrust
-Served as cornerstone for one's personality
Stage 2 emo. develop.
-Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
-1 to 3 yrs of age
-Want to do things by themselves but is either encouraged or guilted into shame
Stage 3 emo. develop.
Initiative vs. Guilt
-3 to 6 yrs of age
-Initiating activities, asking questions
Stage 4 emo. develop.
-Industry vs. Inferiority
-6 yrs to puberty
-Create things or build things and can be lead to feel good or bad about their efforts
Stage 5 emo. develop.
-Identity vs. Role confusion
-Who are they, what do they like
-Define sense of self or vague
Stage 6 emo. develop.
Intimacy vs. Isolation
-Young Adult
-Can you commit or do you hold back and isolate yourself?
Stage 7 emo. develop.
Generativity vs. Stagnation
-Middle Adulthood
-Help raise generation or sit back and be self-absorbed
Stage 8 emo. develop.
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
-Late Adulthood
-Do you feel good about your accomplishments or do you regret past?
Lateral Hypothalamus
Feeding center
Ventromedial hypothalamus
satiety center
Paraventricular nucleus
satiety center
Externality hypothesis
Overweight people are motivated by external rather than internal cues
Blood flow to genital area, hardened nipples
Increase heart rate, blood flow, peak of arousal
Rhythmic genital contractions
Returning to pre arousal state, lowered heart rate, men enter refractory period
Brain Factors
Hypothalamus is half the size in gay men, and anterior commissure is larger in gay men
Prenatal Factors
-Having an older brother increase chances of being homosexual
Emotions occur in response to physiological changes
Emotional responses occur at the same time as the physiological changes
Schachter and Singer
-Two Factor theory
-Emotional stimuli elicit arousal and then we interpret the causes of arousal to determine emotion
Low Heart Rate
Happiness, Disgust, surprise
High Heart Rate
Skin temp warm, anger, fear sadness
Emotions at birth
disgust, distress, interest
Emotions 2-4 months
happiness, surprise
Emotions 7-9 months
fear, sadness, anger
Left Inactivation
Catastrophic reaction
Right Inactivation
Euphoria or indifference
Approach related emotions
-Left anterior
-Interest, happiness, anger
Withdrawal related emotions
-Right anterior
-Fear, disgust
-Most Primitive
-Pleasure principle
-Source of the libido
-Reality Principle
-Tries to meet requirements of the Id in a socially acceptable or reasonable way
Super Ego
-"Internalized Parent"
-Rigid and moralistic
-If Id say now, it says no
-Composed of ego-ideal (what we should be) and conscience (rules for how we should behave)
Erogenous Zones
-Failure to resolve conflicts at each stage would result in fixation
Oral Stage
-0 to 12/18 months
-conflict=breast feeding
-Tend to be depressed, lack trust, envy and demandingness
Anal Stage
12/18 months to 3 years
-conflict=toilet training
-Anal Retention and expulsion
Anal Retentive
-hold onto everything, rigid, obsessive, neat and orderly
Anal Expulsive
messy, disorganized, everything all over the place
Phallic Stage
-3 to 5/6 years of age
-Oedipus and Electra complex
Oedipus Complex
Boy wants to use penis with mom but dad is in the way
- Give up sexual desire and want to model dad
Electra Complex
-Girls have penis envy; feel inferior
-Sexual attraction to dad because he has penis
-Attraction for dad eventually given up; want to be like mom
Latency Stage
5/6 years to puberty
Genital Stage
Puberty and Forward
Memories are pushed out of awareness
Act as if memory/event never happened
Put feelings on to somebody else
Reaction Formation
Turn around bad emotions to "good" emotions