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50 Cards in this Set

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Definition of Psyche
essence of life also linked to breath
Definition of logos
the study of
Definition of psychology
the science of behavior and mental processes
Definition of Science
approach to knowledge based on systematic research and observation
Definition of behavior
observable actions
Definition of mental processes
internal private thoughts
What are the 4 goals of psychology
D- Define
U- Understand
P- Predict
What did Wundt and Tchener want to identify?
The elements of conciousness
Definition of structuralism
to determine the structure of the mind by looking inward on ones own conciousness
Definition of introspection
process of looking inward on ones own conciousness
What did Alston Study and what did he discover
The sensations of hot and cold. To feel something to be very hot both hot and cold receptors are stimulated
Describe Gestalt Psychologists
group of psychologists that believed that conciousness could not be broken down into elements and the whole is different from the sum of its parts
Who lead Gestalt Psychologists
Define Phi Phenomenon
perception of movement of two stationary objects
What is functionalism
a view that emphasizes the useful functions of consciousness
What did James believe?
He believed that mental processes exist only to help us survive as a species
What two psychologists studied memory?
Ebbinghaus and calkins
Define Cognition
all intellectual processes
What is cognitive psychology
viewpoint that emphasizes the importance of intellectual processes. Considered modern day functionalism
What is behaviorism
belief that it is not possible to study conscious experience.
What did Pavlov study
salivation in dogs
What is the social learning theory
theory that we learn most of our behavior through experiences with those close to us.
define unconscious mind
mental activity of which we are unaware
Describe motives
conditions that activate a particular behavior in the unconscious mind that influences us
what is psychoanalysis
exploring the unconscious mind to treat patients with emotional problems
What did Pavlov study
salivation in dogs
What is the social learning theory
theory that we learn most of our behavior through experiences with those close to us.
define unconscious mind
mental activity of which we are unaware
Describe motives
conditions that activate a particular behavior in the unconscious mind that influences us
what is psychoanalysis
exploring the unconscious mind to treat patients with emotional problems
What is humanistic psychology
believed humans determine their own fate but the unconscious mind may affect our decisions
What 2 physiologists started humanistic psychology
maslow and rogers
What is self concept
our idea of what we think we are like.
What is the key element of conscious decision making
self concept
Define psychometrics
attempt to measure intelligence personality and job aptitude
Who started psychometrics
What is neuroscience
focuses on the nervous system in explaining behavior and mental processes
What is the sociocultural perspective
one must understand someone's culture and background in order to understand them
Define social anthropology
studies how cultures are similar and different and how culture influences behavior
What is cultural relativity
encourages us to not judge other cultures that are different
What are the 9 areas of in studypsychology
biological, sensation and perception, learning and memory, cognition, developmental, motivational and emotional, personality, social, sociocultural
What do applied psychologists do
use psychology to help solve and prevent human problems
What are the 5 specialties of applies psychology
clinical, counseling, educational, industrial, health
What is the difference between psychologists and psychiatrists
psychiatrists can prescribe medicine
What are the 8 things we know about humans?
They are biological creatures
Every person is different yet the same
People can fully be understood if you know their culture and social influences
Human lives continuously change
Behavior is motivated
Humans are social creatures
Experiences teach us about the world
Humans can adapt to life
Which four psychologists studied conscious EXPERIENCE?
Wudnt, Tischner, Alston, wertheimer
Which three psychologists studied conscious MENTAL PROCESSES?
ebbinghaus, james, calkins
Which three psychologists studied learning?
pavlov, watson, washburn
Which two psychologists studied the unconscious mind?
Freud, Rogers
Which psychologists believed in the neuroscience perspective?