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42 Cards in this Set

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Process that are used to squire, store, retain and later retrieve info


Changing info to a usable form

Sensory memory

Earliest stage of memory in for sorted briefly

Short term memory

Info we are currently aware of or thinking about

Long term memory

The continuing storage of info

Declarative memory

Knowledge about what things are in the world

Procedural memory

Knowledge about how

Episodic memoru

Time stamped memory

Semantic memory

Lost time referance

Implicit memory

Info enclosed during an episode is expressed w/o deliberate recollection

Explicit memory

Memory used to recall specific events


Memory technique used to organize info into groups


Making story simpler


Overemphasizing certain details


Changing details to fit ones own personal background or knowledge base

Misinformation effect

Altering people's responses based on misleading questions

Misinformation accpetance

Info in post event questions is accepted in place of what is actually seen

Source confusion

People sometimes have difficulty ID the actual source of memory being recalled

Imagination inflation

Confidence increases when the event has been imagined

Trace decay theory

Forgetting occurs as a result of automatic fading of the memory trace

Proactive interference

Occurs when you can't learn a new task because of an old task that had been learned

Retroactive interference

Occurs when you forget a previously learned task due to learning a new task

Motivated forgetting

Actively working to forget memories especially those of traumatic or disturbing events or experiences


A general problem solving strategy that may or may not yield a successful outcome


Initial data will almost always anchor subsequent thoughts regardless of their accuracy

Status quo

Automatically has an advantage over every other alternatives

Sunk cost

We tend to make choices in a way that allows us to justify our past choices

Confirming evidence

Leads us to seek out information that supports our instinct while avoiding information that contradicts our intuition


Pairs of alternatives are equal they have simply been outlined in different ways


Other people's actions do heavily influenced ours


An event is not only possible but is likelihood increases to a point of becoming almost inevitable


We analyze information based on experience on what we can remember from it


People have much inflated views of themselves

intrinsic motivation

Desire to do something because it is enjoyable

Extrinsic motivation

The desire to do something because of an external reward

Winers attribution theory

The way which we strive to maintain our positive self image

Incentive theory

People are motivated to do things because in of external reward

Socio biological

Study of genetic and evolutionary basis of behavior in all organisms

Instinct theory

People try to survive and that any quality increases survival will become genetically based

Drive reduction theory

Internal states of arousal or tension which must be reduced

Arousal theory

We are driven to maintain a certain level of arousal in order to feel comfortable

Expectancy value theory

There are expectations as well as values or believe that affect subsequent behavior