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16 Cards in this Set

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What is developmental psychology?
the study of the many changes throughout life from conception and birth
What are teratogens?
environmental influeces taht can damage the fetus
ie drugs, alcohol, smoking, infectious agents
What are the reflexes of newborns?
-maro, babinsky
permanent: swallowing, breathing, coughing, blinking

temporary: grasping, sucking
-maro- body
-babinsky- hands
Describe locomotor development.
cephalo-caudal pattern: head to tail
center outwards
Describe visual perceptual development.
speech recognition
recognition of forms, patterns, faces
depth perception: visual cliff by gibsona dn walks
Piaget's theory of cognitive development

assimilation: incorporation of new info into existing mental frame works

accommodation: modification of existing frameworks as a result of new info or experiences
What are the four stages of piaget's theory of cognitive development?

concrete operations
formal operations
sensorymotor (0-2)
-develop object permanence

preoperational (2-7)
-symbolic play, egocentrism

concrete operations (7-12)
-knowledge of conservation, reversibility, logical thoughts

formal operations (12-adult)
-hypothetico-deductive reasoning, logical thoughts about abstractions
What are Kolberg's levels of moral development?

-punishment avoidance is right
-whatever benefits the individual is right

-behavior that pleases others is right
-authorities and rules determine what is right

post-conventional - urban
-protecting society and individual is right
-universal principles determine what is right
What is temperament?
characteristic way of responding to the environment
-evident when infants
What is primary drives theory of attachment?

strange situation?
attach to those who care for our needs

strange situation: ainsoworth, moms in waiting rooms
-secure - seek contact, leave
-insecure/avoidant - doesn't care about mom
-insecure/ambivalent- clingy but angry
-disorganized- no real pattern
What is the contact comfort theory of attachment?
attach to cuddly things and people
"security blanket"
What is the cupboard theory of attachment?

harlow's study
attach to those who feed us

harlow's study: rhesus monkey's and fake surrogate mothers
-picked the soft cloth one, over wire with food for comfort
Continuum of parenting styles

authoritarian- parent controls
-low academic performance and social skills

authoritive- shared controls
-higher academic performance, independence, internalized moral standards

permissive- child controls
-poor academic performance, drinking, drugs, promiscuous sex
Adolescence v puberty
adolescence: culturally determined state between child and adulthood

puberty: onset of sexual maturity
What is the imaginary audience?
strong focus on self leads adolescents to feel that everyone else of focused on them
-can't rationalize away
What is the personal fable?
adolescents assume there thoughts and feelings are unique