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43 Cards in this Set

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preparedness in classical conditioning
ex) monkeys, humans
- animals are predisposed to develop conditioned responses to some "NEUTRAL" stimuli more than others
- monkeys can be classically conditioned to fear snakes but not flowers
- humans are not biologically prepared to fear knives and guns- we are conditioned to
conditioned taste aversion. "belongingness"
- developing avoidance reactions to the taste of food
- single trial learning
- little stimulus generalization (someone may avoid spaghetti but still ear lasagna)
- "belongingness"- innate tendency to LEARN some associations but not others
biological psychology
- that area of psychology that studies the interaction of biology, behavior, and mental processes
- why do we have the types of bodies we have?
- how does our body type influence our behavior and mental processes?
Darwin earlier works
- voyage of the beagle- studied on some coast
- on the origin of species- discovered that all creatures have common ancestry and organisms adapt to their environments
Darwin- evolution
- struggle for survival because organisms produce more offspring than the environment can support
- offspring show individual differences
Darwin- natural selection
- "survival of the fittest"= individuals who are best ADAPTED to their environments survive to reproduce
- individuals that reproduce PASS ON THEIR ADAPTATIONS (characteristics)
- as environments change, the traits that are adaptive change
- evolution is an ongoing process
the human genome
- humans have 46 chromosomes in each cells nucleus (23 from each parent)
- x and y determine our physical sex characteristics (the 23rd chromosome)
- tightly coiled structures of DNA and PROTEIN
- where genes are organized
- each 1 DNA molecule
double helix
- 2 strands make a twister latter
- sugar and phosphate backbone
- connected by bases- adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine
- segment of a DNA molecule
- about 20,500 in humans
(human genome project 2003)
- contain information needed for PROTEIN SYNTHESIS (composition) in the sequence of bases
- set of genes we inherit (GENETIC MAKEUP)
how natural selection works
- environmental pressure (changes in environment)>
- competition (for resources)>
- selection of fitterst phenotype (from among a variety of phenotypes)>
- reproductive success (genotype corresponding to fittest phenotypes are passed to next generation)>
- that phenotype continues and increases (into the next generation)
what determines genotype and phenotype?
- dominant v. recessive genes
- impact of prenatal environment
- impact of environment during development
how are genes and behavior linked through evolution?
- evolution favorts genotypes (genetic variations) that favor adaptive behavior
brain evolution. what advantage does the size of a humans brain allow and provide for?
- rapid increase in brain size, relative to body size
- humans are proportionally the biggest brained animal relative to body size
- this allows greater behavioral flexibility which provides an adaptive advantage
nervous system
- network of neurons that extends all through the body
endocrine system
- hormone system
- the body's chemical messenger system
structure of the neuron: dendrites
- receiving message and carries into neuron
structure of the neuron: cell body
- contains cells DNA
- interprets message- determines if cell "fires" or "doesn't fire"
structure of the neuron: axon
- sending portion of the neuron
Glial cells (B, MS, NS, RI)
- bind the neurons together- act as support cells of the nervous system
- provide an insulated covering of the axon(the myelin sheath)
- help form new synapses (act as conductor)
- respond to injury
Myelin Sheath
- covering of axons formed by glial cells
electrical responses of neurons: resting potential
- the electrical charge of the axon in its inactive state, when the neuron is ready to "fire"
- at rest, the inside of a neuron is more charged than the outside
- ions- electrically charged chemicals
electrical responses of neurons: action potential
- when nerve cell "fires"- electrical impulse travels down axon (axon becomes permeable)
- positive ions flow rapidly into cell
- ion pump then pumps them out
- electrically charged chemicals
absolute retractory period
- cell cannot fire for a brief millisecond pause
- serves as communication link between neurons
- cell membranes separated by a synaptic cleft
axon terminal
- end of axon
- contains synaptic vesicles with neurotransmitters until needed
neurotransmission. how is it halted?
- the release of NT from axon terminal into synapse
- float across synapse and bind to receptor site on receiving cell dendrite
- activity of NT halted via chemical breakdown or reuptake into the axon terminal (recycles them back into vesicles)
neurotransmitters: excitatory or inhibitory
- "fire"
- "don't fire"
- have numerous?
- have varying?
- underlie?
- psychotropic medications and street drugs?
- types- serotonin, endorphins
- functions ex) voluntary movement, thinking
- psychological disorders
- mimic, enhance, or inhibit NT's
definition of neural plasticity
- the nervous system's ability to change with development and experience
process of neural plasticity (G:d+a, NS, P, M)
- process begins before birth and until maturation is complete (early adulthood)
- growth of dendrite and axons
- creation of new synapses (new connections)
- pruning- the dying off of many of the new cells that we don't need
- myelination-increases speed that impulses are conducted at
- improved performances of synapses
- enriched environments > growth of dendrites and axons
plasticity after injury
- CNS neutrons have limited capacity for regeneration in adulthood
- production of new neurons in the adult brain
efforts to increase adult neural plasticity
- stimulating axon growth
- stem cell implantation- cells with potential to become a variety of specialized cells
peripheral nervous system: somatic nervous system- sensory input and motor output
- sensory input- sensory neurons carry messages from sense receptors towards the CNS
- Muscle movement- motor neurons carry messages from CNS to muscles and glands
what is the function of the spinal cord?
- connects brains to somatic nervous system
what are spinal reflexes?
- involuntary motions (do not require brain activities)
- pathway from sensory nerves (sensor neurons), to spinal cord (interneurons), to motor nerves (motor neurons)
autonomic nervous system: sympathetic division. when is it active? what activities?
- active during arousal
- activates fight-or-flight responses (body is prepared for action)
autonomic nervous system: parasympathetic division. when is it active? what activities?
- active during rest and digestion
- digestion because has avaliable energy for it to use (digestion requires a lot of energy)
how do the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system work?
- work in opposition of each other (when one is active, the other is passive/not)