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27 Cards in this Set

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Philippe Pinel

Unchained inmates in an asylum in Paris and began the movement of humane treatment of mentally ill persons.


Individual, couple, small group. Work directly with a therapist and discuss concerns or problems. Helps mentally healthy and psychologically disordered persons understand themselves better

Insight Therapy

Understanding of one's motives and actions

Action Therapies

Changing one's motives and actions


Insight therapy that reveals the unconscious conflicts, urges, and desires that cause disordered emotions and behavior

Free Association

Freely expressing what came to the mind. Reveal things that are loosely associated with their flow of ideas. Reveals hidden concerns

Person-Centered Therapy

Client (Person) is literally the center of the therapy.

Behavioral Therapy

Action based. Change behavior through the use of learning techniques

Systematic Desensitization

Series of steps meant to reduce fear and anxiety. Used to treat phobias. Three-Step Process. Relax, List, Fear Confrontation

Aversion Therapy

Reduce frequency of an undesirable behavior. Pair an unpleasant stimulus with the stimulus thatbresults in undesirable response

Token Economy

Tokens can be traded in for food, candy, treats, or special privileges. Earn tokens for behaving correctly, or accomplishing behavioral goals.

Contingency Contract

Formal agreement between the therapist and client in which both parties' responsibilities are clearly stated

Cognitive Therapy

Helps people change their way of thinking

Arbitrary Interference

Jumping to conclusions without evidence.

Selective Thinking

Focusing only on one aspect of a situation.


Draws a sweeping conclusion from one incident and then assumes that the conclusion applies tonareas of life that have nothing to do with tagt event.

Magnification & Minimization

Person blows bad things out of proportion while not emphasizing good things


Takes responsibility or blame for events that are not really connected to the individual

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Focuses on the present rather than the past. Assumes that people interact with the world (observe the world, people around them, make assumptions based on those observations, etc.)

Group Therapy

Group of clients with similar problems gather to discuss the problems under the guidance of a single therapist

Goals of Family Therapy

Discover the unhealthy ways in which family members interact and change those ways to be healthier

Self-Help Group

People meet with others who have similar problems with no therapist in charge

Advantages of Group Therapy

Helps people who may be unable to afford individual psychotherapy. Offers social and emotional support from other people

Psychotherapy Stats

75-90% of people think psychotherapy has helped them

Antipsychotic Drugs

Drugs used to treat hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behavior, etc. Chlorpromazine,


Evens out highs and lows of bipolar disorder

Electroconvulsive Therapy

Delivery of an electric shock to one or both sides of a persons head resulting in a seizure