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40 Cards in this Set

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is any relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience
organisms learn that certain events occur together. Two variations are classical conditioning and operant learning.
associative learning
is a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes capable of triggering a contitioned response after having become associated with an unconditioned stimulus
classical conditioning
is the view that psychology should be an objective science that studies only observable behaviorswithout references to mental processes
the unlearned, involuntary response to the unconditioned stimulus
unconditioned response
is the stimulous that naturally and automatically triggers the reflexive unconditioned response
unconditioned stimulus
is the learned response to a previously neutral conditioned stimulus, which results from the aquired association between the CS and US
conditioned response
is an originally neutral stimulus that comes to trigger a CR after association with an unconditioned stimulus
conditioned stimulus
refers to the initial stage of conditioning in which the new response is established and gradually strengthened.
refers to the weakening of a CR when the CS is no longer followed by the US; in operant conditioningit occurs when a response is no longer reinforced
is the apperance of an extinguished CR after a rest period
spontaneous recovery
refers to the tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the original CS to evoke a CR
in classical conditioning refers to the ability to distinguish the CS from similar stimuli that do not signal a US
is a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher
operant conditioning
is that occure as an automatic response to some stimulus
respondent behavior
is behavior that operates on the environment, producing consequences
operant behavior
which states that behaviors followed by favorable consequences are likely to recur, and that behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely
law of effect
is the experimental chamber for the operant conditioning... rat pressing the bar
operant chamber/ skinner box
is the operant conditioning procedure establishing a new response by reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behaviors
is any event that strengthens the behavior it follows
strengthens a response by presenting a typically pleasurable stimulus after that response
positive reinforcement
strengthens a response by removing an aversive stimulus after that response
negative reinforcement
are inborn and do not depend on learning
primary reinforcers
are stimuli that aquire their reinforcing power through their association with primary reinforcers
conditioned reinforcers
is the operant procedure of reinforcing the desired reponseevery time it occurs.
condtinuous reinforcement
is the operant procedure of reinforcing a response intermittanly
partial reinforcement
is one in which reinforcement is presented after a set number of responses
fixed ratio schedule
is one in which reinforement is presented after a varying number of responses
variable ratio schedule
is one in which a response is reinforced after a specified time has elapsed
fixed interval schedule
is one in which responses are reinforced after varying intervals of time
variable interval schedule
is the presentation of an aversive stimulus which decreases the behavior it follows
is the mental picture of one's environment
cognitive map
is learning that occurs int he absence of reinforcement but only becomes apparent when there is an incentive to demonstrate it
latent learning
is the desire to preform a behavior for its own sake, rather than for some external reason, and to be effective
intrinsic motivation
is the desire to perform a behavior in order to obtain a reward or aviod a punishment
extrinsic motivation
is learning by watchinng and imitating thw behavior of others
observational learning
is the process of watching and then imitating a specific behavior
may be the neural basis for observational learning
mirror neurons
is positive, helpful, and constructive and is subject to the same prinicples of observational learning as is undesirable behavior
prosocial learning
Kelsey Moore
Period 2
Chapter 8 vocab
<3 :D