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48 Cards in this Set

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Psychoalalysis brainstorm

  • sigmund freud
  • trama
  • laying on couches-> secrets
  • unconscious motivations
  • sexual stages
  • case study
  • id/ego/superego
  • repression
  • hysteria
  • dream analysis
  • difference method
  • talking method
  • dangerous method
  • libido
  • oedipus
  • defense mechanisms
  • castration anxiety
  • penis envy
  • cigar
  • repression
  • sex

What do you know about the life of Sigmund Freud?

  • Had 8 children, more than he could afford.
  • Cocain user.
  • Smoked ~30 cigarettes a day
  • Married to the same woman for his entire life
  • Significant relationship with Carl Jung
  • Prolific
  • 1856-1939

Key Contributions 4

models of personality

psychosexual stages

dream interpretation

defense mechanism

Young Freud 7pt

  1. Born may 6th, 1856 in the czech republic to Jacob and Amalie-- jewish background.
  2. Fathers second family with much younger mother.
  3. Family moved to Vienna in 1860
  4. Lossed younger male sibling early, trauma.
  5. Was mother's favorite "My golden Sigi"-- ran the household around Freud.
  6. At the age of 12 father tells him a story of assault by gentile (non jewish person)
  7. Top student, did very well academically.

What is significant about Freud and the word "conqueror"

A man who has been the indisputable favorite of his mother keeps for life the feeling of a conqueror, that confidence of success that often induces real success.






Begins medical studies, U of Vienna 1873
Starts doing work on nerve cells in 1881, pioneering work with Brucke.

1882-1885- Freud does a clinical internship, specializing in nervous diseases (e.g. hysteria)

1885-1886: studied with Charcot in Paris. Learnt that people who studied from nervous disease were easily hypnotized.

Romantic Life

Met his wife in 1882 with Martha Bernays. Fell quickly and passionately in love. Had a long courtship (4 yrs) because Freud could not afford to marry.

Cocaine 5 pt

  1. thought that if he could study the medicinal purposes of cocaine he could earn a name for himself.
  2. he did this in 1884-1887-- studied the effects of cocaine
  3. perscribed it for his fiance, Martha.
  4. Used it as an anesthetic for father durring eye surgery.
  5. people were beginning to become addicted to cocain







1895- studies of hsyteria with Breuer.

Case of Anna O[never met her, only discussed]:

1892-1896: uses pressure technique [putting hand on forehead and presses] and develops "seduction theory"[started to realize there were a lot of commonalities around their patients, talking about occurrences of childhood sexual abuse]. Freud has theory that children have tramatic experiences in childhood leading to symtoms in adulthood.

1901 Wrote the Psychopathy of Everyday Life- the notion that everything is embedded in our unconsious aka parapraxis.

1896- coins the term psychoanalysis: aims to turn neurotic misery into common unhappiness.

Wrote Interpretation of Dreams in 1900-- launched the psychoanalytic movement. Completed in 1899 but wanted it to be dated 1900.

Family life 2 pt

Father Died in 1896-Jacob Freud Dies

Didn't teach sons of sex, sent them to a pediatrician.


after father died experienced a period of recognized neroticness.

Travel 2 pt

1909 Trip to America. Did not like to travel. Traveled with Jung but viewed trip as a break from their companionship.

Saw the travel stewart reading the psychopathology of everyday life. Viewed this as a conquoring. Everyday people reading his stuff makes him feel accomplished.

1900-1910 2 pt

Wednesday Society meets regualrly at Freud's home-- other people in the feild, nerotics meet to disucss freud's cases.

Starts to write letters to Carl Jung-- interested in Jung as Jung is interested in him.

Alfred Adler

Read book and wrote a positive review of the interpretation of dreams, which hadn't been a blockbuster up until that point.

1910-1938 6 pt

Starts to write more about the death instinct and narcissism.

Starts to try to understand this dying and in trying to explain it comes up with death instinct linking to libido and instinct. aggression, negativity, excitement.

Starts to write about civilization and religion. Starts to apply his concepts to bigger structures.

Continued to develop therepy

Worked on a notion of the dynamic model of the mind.

Burnign Books in Berlin 3 pt

Hitler began buring his books in Berlin in 1933.

"What progress we are making. In the middle ages they would have burned me. In the middle ages they would have burned me. Now they are content with burning my books.

his sisters died in the gas chambers
33 surgeries on his mouth, cancer. Family losses of daughter, favorite grandson.


Leaves Vienna around the time of WWII when his daughter Anna is arrested and spent several hours with the gestapo.
Apartments were ransacked by Nazi's
Vienna was beginning to fall under hitlers lead.
Emigrates to England with help of powerful friends.

Dies on september 23rd, dies of mouth cancer. Physician assisted suicide in England.

Why is Freud so popular?

Most Influencial men of the mellenium

1.Johann Gutenberg was the most influencial person of the millenium.

2. Isaac Newton

3. Martin Luther

4. Shakespear

5. Christopher Columbus

6. Karl Marx

7. Einstein

9. Nicolaus Copernicus

10. Galileo Galilei

11. Leonardo di Vinci

12. Singmund Freud

13. Louis Pasteur (bacteria)

What are Freud's key contributions 4 pt

Deterministic theme

Dynamic theme

Organizational theme

Developmental theme

Deterministic Theme 6 pt

all behavior is determined: even the simplest behavior can be traced to complicated psychological unconcious factors

Parapraxis, or freudian slips mirror these unconcious factors. Even the slip of the toungue-- meaning to say one word that comes out different is labled parapraxis. a way to get to our unconcious.

-energy is fixed, moves from one object to another (libido is the source of what motivates us). sometimes within ourselves, sometimes outside of ourselves. Psychic energy. if it stays embedded in an object it will have a long term impact in a personality.

-plays an important role in personality (e.g. fixation)


  1. the failure to progress from an earlier stage of psychosexual development and is caused by frustration or a threat to the childs ego.
  2. it is caused by overindulgence, anxiety.
  3. we are either not getting our needs met or the meeting of our needs is overwhelming.

Organizational Theme 1 pt.

Topographic model- how the concious is organized. organizational model.

Topographica model organizes unconscious, preconcious, conscious.


technically in our conscious but not at the forefront. can be pulled up. ie. what did you have for breakfast?

Organizational theme structural model

three parts and their definitions

Id-driven by the pleasure principle-- only what brings immediate pleasure to your person. belief is that infants only have ids. Uses wish fufillment: if what it wants isn't available it will visualize it.

ego- reality principle-- wants to satisfy ids impulses but in a manner that accounts for the reality of the world. job is to keep impulses in the unconscious.

superego- internalized societal values, morals. responsible for guilt, good behavior.

Developmental theme 3 pt

adult personality is set by age four or five
psychosexual stages that are grounded in libido or sex that begin at birth and progress as we get older

What are the 5 psychosexual stages (look up ages)

  1. oral
  2. anal
  3. phallic
  4. latency
  5. genital

Oral stage 4 pt

PEZ: primary erogenous zone: mouth, tongue, lips, cheek. What you're deriving pleasure from is your mouth

Conflict is weaning.

in the first six months if the child is overindulged what happens is that you end up with personality characteristics like dependancy, gullibility and pacifity. known as the incorporative period.

may also be an oral sadistic period: biting, spitting, etc. If there is fixation the result may be using, exploiting people, use of biting sarcasm, verbal abuse, hostility.

Anal Stage 4 pt

Primary erogenous zone is the anus and ano-genital region.

Toilet training becomes the conflict.

Anal expulsive period. If there is fixation durring this period there is curelty, wanton destructivness, temper tantrums, messy disorderliness as adults. During this stage childeren realize there is pleasure associated with expelling and retaining feces.

anal retentive period. a fixation with this leads to misery, obstinate, unable to love, obsessed by amassing possessions.

Phallic Stage 4pt

Hallmark of freuds theory. lead to breakup of his movement because he was steadfast with the ideas of what happened durring this stage.

Primary erogionous zone is the genitals.

Oedipus is the conflict. Successful conflict resolution will lead to normal development.

For boys they must repress the sense that they will be castrated by fathers and instead identify with their fathers.

Letter from freud to wilheim fliess

a single idea of general value dawned on me. I have found, in my own case too, the phenomena of being in love with my mother and jealous of my father, and now I consider it a universal event in early childhood.

Holds to this view steadfastly. Does not let it go for the rest of his life. This creates tension in his followers.

Origins of the Oedipus complex

A patient, an obsessional neurotic, describes fear of killing people; ruminates on an alibi. May be an OCD personality. Feels like he will kill people if he goes out onto the streets, feels like he must stay home to avoid harming people. Thinks he must have an alibi to avoid prison.

Freud diagnoses this as a defense against a murder he has already wished to commit in the past (father?).

This patient reminds freud of the tragedy of Oedipus in Greek classics.

Penis Envy

Girls discover their lack of a protruding sexual organ compared to brothers and father. This leads to anger and dissappointement in which the girl blames her mother.

the girls do not have the same anxiety and repression involved to reestablish cathexis for mother. Are able to gather that attachment for their mother more easily.

Results in more gradual and less severe superego.

What happens when the id impulses seek expression?

this creates anxiety. that's what you're feeling when your id wants what it wants.

Types of adult anxiety:
objective-realistic external threat.

nerotic- id-ego conflict, the id wants to lay and do nothing while the ego wants to do something

moral- a conflict between the id and the superego. that's not a moral way to live, we can't do that.

these must be coped with by internal methods called defence mechanisms

How do you cope with anxiety?

anxiety must be coped with by use of defense mechanisms. If we don't have defense mechanisms life becomes difficult. these are internal methods.

What are the different defense mechanisms? 8pt

  1. Denial: person does not acknowlege a threatening experience.
  2. Repression: actively and totally excluding threatening thoughts from consciousness.
  3. Regression: person repeats a behavior that led to satisfaction in an early stage of development
  4. Reaction formation: overemphasis on acting or thinking in ways opposite to a threatening impulse.
  5. Projection: person unconsciously attributes own unacceptable impulses onto someone or something else.
  6. Displacement: shifting an impulse from a threatening event or person to something less threatening.
  7. Rationalization: person unconsciously finds a sensible reason or excuse for performing or thinking about an unacceptable behavior.
  8. Sublimation: unacceptable desires are channeled into socially acceptable outlets.

Group Excersize: come up with an example for each defense mexhanism

Denial: Addiction (I'm not an alcoholic), Illness (having symptoms and ignoring them)

Repression: No memory of a car accident, death, murder, dissociative disorder

Regression: Masterbation (mirroring phallic stage fixation, maybe compulsive?),

Reaction formation: refusing to leave your home even though there is an iminent threat in staying. Doing the opposite of dealing with the threat. Laughing at a funeral.

Projection: A cheater accusing their partner of cheating.

Displacement: A child at school being bullied, going home and bullying a younger sibling.

Rationalization: wouldn't have been able to concentrate in class because too tired, so I skipped.

Sublimation: finding joy in cutting people up, for a surgeon.

Free association

allowing patients to say whatever came to mind.


material to which you have no immediate access. cannot bring unconscious thoughts into consciousness except under certain extreme situations.

Tribe, 2 subsects

drives and instincts, behavior is motivated by strong internal forces.

Libido and thanatos-- sexual instinct and the death or aggressive instinct. both cna be in oppossition or combined to intertwine much of what we do with both erotic and aggressive motives.

dREAMS 3 pt

Provide the Id impulses with a stage for expression. A type of wish fufillment and represent the things we desire

manifest content-seen and remembers

latent conetent-what is really being said in the dream.

Projective Tests

Ink blots. responses are projections of material in teh percievers unconscious mind. represent a way of gaining access to the unconscious through interpretation. ambiguous stimuli that asks the subject to respond.

Freudian Slips

tounge slips that represent unconscious associations that momentarily slipp out.


Belief that the ego is somehow put into a suspended state during a deep hypnotic trance wich allows the hypnotist to bypass and get directly to unconscious material.


many apparent accidents are actual intentional actions stemming from unconscious impulses.

Symbolic behavior.

symbolic representations of unconscious desires. allow for the expression of unconscious impulses.


clients lie on couch while therapist sits out of sight. client is encouraged to speak freely without distractions. takes several, lengthy sessions.

therapist actively interprets the significance of the clients statements, behaviors, and dreams.

Thematic Apperception Test TAT



BLANK piece of paper with instructions to draw the psychologist, or a person. most often used as an indicator of psychological problems. Psychoanalysts typically view the person drawn by the test taker as a symbolic representation of the self.