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140 Cards in this Set

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knowledge or study
the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
overt; can be directly observed. (crying)
mental processes
covert; cannot be directly observed. (remembering)
empiricism: the goals
to measure and describe behaviors. to gather evidence. to gather data
critical thinking
ability to analyze evaluate and synthesize information
critical thinking key principles
few truths transcend the need for empirical testing. evidence varies in quality. authority or acclaimed expertise does not automatically make an idea true. critical thinkings requires and open mind.
what might a psychologist research?
development, leaning, personality, sensation, and perception
course of human growth.
how and why it occurs in humans and animals.
traits, motivations, and individual differences.
how we come to know the world through our five senses.
sensation and perception
study and compare behavior of different species especially animals.
how behavior is related to biological processes especially activities in the nervous system.
study differences between males and females and how they develop.
human and social behavior
how culture affects behavior
how our behavior is guided by patterns that evolved during our history.
what are the goals of psychology?
description of behavior, understanding, prediction, control
naming and classifying various observable,measurable behaviors.
the causes of behaviors and being able to state the causes
predicting behavior accurately
altering conditions that influence behaviors in predictable ways
to control unwanted behaviors; smoking, tantrums,ect..
positive control
to control people's behaviors without their knowledge
negative control
father of psychology and set up the first lab to study conscience experience.
wilhem wundt
looking inward ( examining and reporting your thoughts feelings ect..) wundt
incorporates both introspections and objective measurement; wundt's approach.
experimental self observation
study of learning,teaching, classroom dynamics, and related topics; promoted by functionalists.
educational psychology
environmental events
any identifiable behaviors
studied little albert with rosalie raynor.
studied animals almost exclusively.
psychology must study observable behavior objectively; studied relationship between stimuli and responses.
watson and skinner
our thoughts influence our behaviors, used often in treatment of depression. cognition and conditioning are combined to explain behavior.
ellis and bandura
"the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
studied thinking, learning,and perception in whole units, not by analyzing experiences into parts.
when threatning thoughts are unconsciously hald out of awareness.
our behavior is largely influenced by our unconscious wishes, thoughts, and desires, especially sex and agression. performed dream analysis and was an interactionist.
your perception of your own body, personality, and capabilities.
positive and negative feelings you have about yourself.
mental perspective used for interpreting events.
frame of reference
fully developing one's potentials and becoming the best person possible.
self-actualization (maslow)
all of our behavior can be axplained through physiological processes. uses brain scans to gather data ex. MRI
study of human strengths, virtues, and optimal behavior.- looks at positive side of human behavior.
positive psychology
study thoughts, memory, expectations, perceptions, and other mental processes.
cognitive psychology
behavior must be judged realtive to the values of the culture in which it occurs.
cultural relativity
rules that define acceptable and expected behavior for members of various groups.
social norms
usually have masters or doctorate; trained in methods,knowledge, and theories of psychology.
treat more severe psychological problems or do research on mental disorders.
clinical psychologist
treat milder problems, such as school or work troubles.
counseling psychologist
MD; usually use medications to treat problems. generally do not have extensive training in providing talk therapy.
recieve additional training post phd or md at an institute for psychoanalysis.
many have masters degrees and perform psychotherapy.
psychiatric social workers
advisor who helps solve problems with marriage, school, and so on.
six basic elements of the scientific method
observation, defining a problem, proposing a hypothesis, gathering evidence/testing the hypothesis, publishing results, building a theory.
scientifically testing predicted outcome of an experiment or and educated guess about the realtionship between variables.
hypothesis testing
defines a scientific concept by stating specific actions or procedures used to measure it.
operational definition
a system of ideas that interrelates facts and concepts, summarizes existing data, and predicts future observations.
observing a person or an animal in the environment in which they/it lives.
naturalistic observation
changes in behavior caused by an awareness of a person or animal being observed.
observer effect
occurs when observers see what they expect to see or record only selected details.
observer bias
attributing human thoughts, feelings, or motives to animals, especially as a way of explaining their behavior. ex my cat acts that way because its depressed
anthropomorphic fallacy
a non experimental study designed to measure the degree of a relationship(if any) between two or more events, measure, or variables.
correlational studies
statistics ranging from -1.00 to +1.00; the sign indicates the direction of the relationship.
coefficent of correlation
closer the statistic is to -1.00 or to +1.00 the....
stronger the relationship
correlation of 0.00 demonstrates...
no relationship between the variables.
increases in one variable are matched by increases in the other variable.
positive correlation
increases in one variable are matched by decreases in the other variable.
negative correlation
just because two variables are related does not mean that one variable casues the other to occur.
correlation does not demonstrate causation
any condition that can change, and might affect, experiment's outcome.
conditions altered by the experimenter; experimenter sets their size, amount, or value; these are suspected causes for behavioral differences.
independent variable
demonstrates effects that independent variables have on behavior. result
dependent variable
conditions that a researcher wants to prevent from affecting the outcomes of the experiment( number of hours slept before the experiment)
extraneous variables
the group of subjects that gets the independent variable
experimental group
the group of subjects that gets all conditions except the independent variable.
control group
subject that has an equal chance of being in either the experimental or control group.
random assignment
results gained would occur very rarely by cahnce alone, usually less than 5 experiments out of 100.
statistically significant
study of results of other studies
alter our expectations about out own emotional and physical reactions; fake pill
only the subjects have no idea whether they get real treatment or placebo
single blind experiment
the subjects and the experimenters have no idea whether the subjects get real treatment or placebo.
double blind experiment
a prediction that leads people to act in ways to make the prediction come true.
self-fulfilling prophecy
in depth focus on all aspects of a single person
case study
natural events such as accidents that provide psychological data
natural clinical tests
using public polling techniques to answer psychological questions
survey method
small group that accuratly reflects a larger population
representative sample
entire group of animals or people belonging to a particular category(all married women)
web based research; low cost and can reacdh many people
internet surveys
problem in research; a tendency to give polite or socially desirable answers
courtesy bias
any unfounded system that resembles psychology and is not based on scientific testing
pseudo psychologies
lines on your hands predict the future
personality traits revealed by the shape of skull
personality traits are revealed by your hand writing
the positions of the stars and planets at birth determine personality traits and affect your behavior
tendency to believe positive or flattering descriptions of your self
uncritical acceptance
when we remember or notice information that confirms our expectations and forget the discrepancies
fallacy of positive instances
tendency to consider personal descriptions accurate if stated in general terms. (so general that something in them will always apply to any one person.
barnum effect
seperating fact from fiction
be skeptical, consider source of info, ask yourself if there was a control group, look for errors in distinguishing between correlation and causation, single examples are not proof.
wundts ideas brought to the u.s. by tichener; dealt with structure of mental life
how the mind functions to help us adapt and survive
william james- functionalist
animals keep features through evolution that help them adapt to environments.
darwin and his theory of natural selection.
emphasizes internal impulses,desires, and conflicts especially those that are unconscious; views behavior as the result of clashing forces within personality;somehwat negative pessimistic view of human nature.
psychodynamic view
emphasizes the study of observable behavior and effects of learning, stresses the influence of external rewards and punishments; neautral scientific somewhat mechanistic view of human nature.
behavioistic view
seeks to explain behavior through activity of the brain and nervous system physiology genetics the endocrine system biochemistry and evolution neautral reductionistic mechanistic view of human nature.
biopsychological view
concerned with thinking knowing perception understanding memory decision making and judgement; explains behavior in terms of information processing neutral somehwat computer like view of human nature.
cognitive view
does research on the brain, nervous system, and other physical origins of behavior.
does psychotherapy investigates clinical problems; develops methods of treatment
studies human thinking and informations processing abilities.
promotes community wide mental health through research,prevention,education,and consultation.
studies and compares the behaviors of different species especially animals.
researches packing, advertising, marketing methods, and characteristics of consumers.
does psychotheropy and personal counseling; researches emotional disturbances and counseling methods
studies the ways in which culture,subculture, and ethnic group membership affect behavior.
conducts research on infant,child,adolescent, and adult development; does clinical work with disturbed children;acts as consultant to parents and schools.
investigates classroom dynamics, teaching styles, and learning; develops educational tests, evaluates educational programs
does applied research on the design machinery, computer, airlines, automobiles. and so on for business industry and the military.
studies the effects of urban noise,crowding,attitudes towards the enviroment, and human use of space; acts as a consultant on environmental use.
studies problems of crime and crime prevention,rehabilitaion programs, prisons, courtroom dynamics; selects candidates for police work.
does research on differences between males and females, the acquisition of gender identity, and the role of gender throughout life.
studies the relationship between behavior and health; uses psuchological principles to promote health and prevent illness.
selects job applicants,does skills analysis,evaluates on the job training, improves work environment and human relations in organizations and work settings.
industrial organizational
studies how and why learning occurs; develops theories of learning.
applies pyschology to manage medical problems, such as the emotional impact of illness, self screening for cancer compliance in taking medicine.
studies personality traits and dynamics; develops theories of personality and tests for assessing personality traits.
does psychological testing,referrals,emotional and vocational counseling of students; detects and treats learning disabilities; improves classroom learning.
studies the sense organd and the process of perception; investigates the mechanisms of sensation and develops theories about how perception occurs.
sensation and perception
investigates human social behavior,including attitudes,conformity,persuasion,prejudice, friendship, aggression, helping, and so forth.
this is too much info
behavior is observed in a natural setting;much information is obtained, and hypothesis and questions for additional research are formed.
naturalistic observation
little or no control is possible;observed behavior may be altered by the prescence of the observer, observations may be biased; causes cannot be conclusively identified.
demonstrates the existence of relationships; allows prediction;can be used in lab,clinic,or natural setting.
correlation method
little or no control is possible;relationshsips may be coincidental;cause and effect realtionships cannot be confirmed.
clear cause and effect relationships can be identified; powerful controlled observations can be stages, no need to wait for natural event.
experiemtnal method
may be somehwat artificial; some natural behavior not easily studied in laboratory.
takes advantage of natural clinical trials and allows investigation of rare or unusual problems or events.
clinical method
little or no control is possible; deos not provide a control group for comparison, subjective interpretation is often necessary, a single case may be misleading ir unrepresentative.
allows information about large numbers of people to be gathered; can address questions not answered by other approaches.
survey method
obtaining a representaive sample is a critical and can be difficult to do; answers may be inaccurate, people may not do what they say or say what they do.
studies personality traits and dynamics; develops theories of personality and tests for assessing personality traits.
does psychological testing,referrals,emotional and vocational counseling of students; detects and treats learning disabilities; improves classroom learning.
studies the sense organd and the process of perception; investigates the mechanisms of sensation and develops theories about how perception occurs.
sensation and perception
investigates human social behavior,including attitudes,conformity,persuasion,prejudice, friendship, aggression, helping, and so forth.
this is too much info