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44 Cards in this Set

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the processing of information so that it can be stored
the retention of encoded representations over time that corresponds to some change in the nervous system that registers the event
the act of recalling or remembering stored information to use it
modal memory model
the three-stage memory system that involves sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory, developed by Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin
sensory memory
memory for sensory information that is stored briefly close to its original sensory form
short-term memory (STM)
a limited-capacity memory system that holds information in awareness for a brief period
working memory (WM)
an active processing system that keeps different types of information available for current use (20-30 sec)
organizing information into meaningful units to make it easier to remember
central executive
part of the WM, presides over the interactions between the phonological loop, the visuospatial sketchpad, and long-term memory, encodes/filters info to be stored in LTM and retrieves info from LTM when needed
phonological loop
part of the WM, encodes auditory info and is active whenever a person tries to remember words by reading, speaking, or repeating them
visuospatial sketchpad
part of Baddeley's WM, processes visual info, such as objects' features and where they are located
episodic buffer
part of Baddeley's WM, holds temporary info about oneself, drawing heavily on long-term episodic memory
long-term memory (LTM)
the relatively permanent storage of information
serial position effect
the ability to recall items from a list depends on order of presentation, with items presented early or late in the list remembered better than those in the middle
implicit memory
the system underlying unconscious memories
explicit memory
the processes involved when people remember specific information
declarative memory
the cognitive information retrieved from explicit memory; knowledge that can be declared
episodic memory
memory for one's personal past experience
semantic memory
memory for knowledge about the world
procedural memory
a type of implicit memory that involves motor skills and behavioral habits
prospective memory
remembering to do something at some time in the future
a hypothetical cognitive structure that helps us perceive, organize, process, and use information
retrieval cue
anything that helps a person (or other animal) recall information from memory
encoding specificity principle
any stimulus that is encoded along with an experience can later trigger memory for the experience, developed by Endel Tulving
a hypothetical process involving the transfer of contents from immediate memory into long-term memory
neural processes involved when memories are recalled and then stored again for later retrieval
spatial memory
memory for the physical environment; it includes things such as location of objects, direction, and cognitive maps
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
a mental disorder that involves frequent nightmares, intrusive thoughts, and flashbacks related to an earlier trauma
the inability to retrieve memory for long-term storage
the pattern of forgetting over time
proactive interference
when prior information inhibits the ability to remember new information
retroactive interference
when new information inhibits the ability to remember old information
the temporary inability to remember something that is known
the inattentive or shallow encoding of events
deficits in long-term memory that result from disease, brain injury, or psychological trauma
retrograde amnesia
the condition in which people lose past memories, such as memories for events, facts, people, or even personal information
anterograde amnesia
an inability to form new memories
flashbulb memories
vivid memories for the circumstances in which one first learned of a surprising, consequential, and emotionally arousing event
source misattribution
memory distortion that occurs when people misremember the time, place, person, or circumstances involved with a memory
a type of misattribution that occurs when a person thinks he or she has come up with a new idea, yet has only retrieved a stored idea and failed to attribute the idea to its proper source
the development of biased memories when people are provided with misleading information
source amnesia
a type of amnesia that occurs when a person shows memory for an event but cannot remember when he or she encountered the information
the false recollection of episodic memory
memory bias
the changing of memories over time in ways consistent with prior beliefs