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47 Cards in this Set

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A kind of therapy closely related to classical conditioning that is designed to gradually reduce anxiety about a particular object or situation is known as ________ therapy.
learned helplessness
In an experiment, two groups of dogs are given shocks to their feet. One group is able to escape the shocks by jumping over a barrier. The second group is harnessed and cannot escape. After several trials, both groups are put in situations where they can escape. The first group escapes the shocks but the second group just sits and whines, refusing to attempt to escape. The response of the second group is due to ________.
A monkey will huddle next to a cloth "mother" rather than a wire "mother" when scared, even when it was nursed from the wire "mother." This is an example of the ________ motive.


In the experiment with Little Albert, the conditioned response was fear of the ________.
Allison takes a test on Monday and earns a score of 84. When she takes the same test again on Thursday she gets an 83. The test is apparently ________.
The best or most typical model of a concept is called a(n) ________
cleaning up your room to get your parents' approval
An example of a behavior that is learned through operant conditioning is ________


The process by which experience or practice results in a relatively permanent change in behavior or potential behavior is known as ________.
functional fixedness
Failing to see that a wrench can also be used to hammer a nail is an example of ________.
very similar
The IQs of identical twins reared apart are usually found to be ________.
classical conditioning
A researcher trains a little boy to fear a rabbit by making a loud, frightening noise every time the boy approaches the rabbit. This type of learning is known as ________.
A child is praised for using his fork instead of his fingers to eat some spaghetti. This is an example of ________ reinforcement
The mirror test with animals has been used primarily to test for ________.


Information is grouped for storage in short-term memory through the process of ________.
the sensory register; STM; rote rehearsal
You look up a telephone number in the directory. You find the name and the number: 3531416. For a split second, the image of the number resides in ________. The image fades quickly, yet you manage to keep the number in ________ through ________.
Mental categories for classifying specific objects, people, and experiences are known as ________.
The process by which some stimuli, such as snakes, serve readily as conditioned stimuli for certain responses, such as fear in humans, is called ________.
Abigail is trying to figure out how she can best use employee pay to shape her employees' behavior. She is worried about consistent behavior, not speed. Therefore, she is interested in getting a slow but steady rate of response from her workers. According to reinforcement principles, she should probably use a ________ schedule.
decision making
A special kind of problem solving in which we already know all the possible solutions or choices is ________.

primary affect

When given a list of items to remember, people tend to do better at recalling the first items on the list. This is known as the ________.
unconditioned response
A response that takes place in an organism whenever an unconditioned stimulus occurs is a(n) ________.
they are relatively easy to treat, once diagnosed
Each of the following is true of eating disorders except ________.


The language rules that determine how sounds and words can be combined and used to communicate meaning within a language are collectively known as ________.
the sound of the train; hunger
"Every morning a train goes by my house at 6:30 when I am just sitting down to breakfast. Lately, however, the train has been coming by at 4:30 and I am having a terrible time getting back to sleep because I'm so hungry." In this example of classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus is ________ and the conditioned response is ________
anorexia nervosa
Jenny has an intense interest in food but eats sparingly and with disgust. She has an intense fear of becoming obese, and even though she looks emaciated, she still claims she "feels fat" and refuses to eat enough to maintain even a minimal normal body weight for her frame. She is most likely suffering from ________.
relating new information to something you already know
Elaborative rehearsal involves ________.
there is an optimal level of arousal for best performance of any task
The Yerkes-Dodson Law states ________.
his facial expressions
Bob tells Jan that he is feeling fine, but Jan doesn't believe him. What should she focus on to have the best chance to identify any emotions Bob might be hiding?
When someone uses punishment to change a behavior, the probability of the behavior occurring is likely to ________.
be with other people
A need for affiliation is a need to ________.
is better in women than men
Sensitivity to nonverbal cues to emotion ________
episodic memory
Your memories of personal experiences such as what you wore to work yesterday or what you ate for breakfast this morning are stored in ________.
The student who completes a project in school hoping to get first prize in a competition is responding to ________ motivation.
The amygdala is most involved in the processing of ________ memory.
fixed-interval schedule
A young man's fiancé calls at 11:00 p.m. every night. As the usual time for the call approaches, he looks at the phone more and more frequently. His phone-looking is being reinforced according to a ________.
mathematical formula
An example of an algorithm is a ________.
According to Gardner, people who are extraordinarily talented at understanding and communicating with others have strong ________ intelligence.
We give meaning to the raw information entering our sensory registers during the process of ________.
fixed-ratio schedule
Perry works at a job where he is paid by commission. For every car Perry sells, he gets 10 percent of the profits. Perry is being reinforced on a _______
_______________ is not a stimulus motive?
Inborn, inflexible, goal-directed behavior that is characteristic of an entire species is called a(n) ________.
cupboard door opening
Rachel has found that when she opens the cupboard door to get the cat food, the cats come running to the kitchen. Rachel knows that this is classical conditioning and that the conditioned stimulus is the ________.
Our memories of general knowledge items such as the meanings of words or the dates of famous historical events are stored in ________ memory
Sandy's favorite activity is to go to Las Vegas and play the slot machines. Her gambling behavior is being reinforced on a ________ schedule
confirmation bias
The tendency to look for evidence in support of a belief and to ignore evidence that would disprove a belief is called the ________.
Make a loud noise whenever you catch it in the act of chewing shoes, but not at other times.
A puppy has ruined four pairs of shoes by chewing them up at times when the family is not home. Which of the following is the most effective way to use punishment to teach the puppy not to chew shoes?
The type of thinking required to solve problems requiring a creative, flexible, or inventive solution is ________ thinking.