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27 Cards in this Set

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The force that moves people to behave, think and feel.
An innate biological pattern of behavior
A deprivation that energizes the drive to eliminate deprivation
An aroused state that occurs because of a need
Maintain an equilibrium or steady state
Yerkes-Dodson Law
Performance is best under conditions of moderate arousal rather than high or low arousal.
Set Point
Weight maintained when the individual makes no effort to gain or loose weight
Female hormone produced by ovaries
Male hormone produced by testes and by adrenal glands in male and females.
Human Sexual Response Pattern
Experience during sexual activity consisting of 4 phases. Excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution
Sexual Orientation
The direction of an individuals erotic interest
Hierarchy Of Needs
Needs, safety, love/belongingness
Self Actualization
The motivation to develop ones full potential
Self Determination Theory
Three basic innate needs: competence, relatedness and autonomy
Intrinsic Motivation
performing an action or behavior because you enjoy the activity
Extrinsic Motivation
behavior that is driven by external rewards such as money, fame, grades, and praise
Self Regulation
controls behavior in order to pursue important objectives
feelings that involve arousal, experience and expression
a machine designed to detect and record changes in physiological characteristics
James Lange Theory
a hypothesis on the origin and nature of emotions
Cannon Bard Theory
emotions and bodily changes do not share a cause-and-effect relationship
Two Factor Theory of Emotion
emotion is based on two factors: physiological arousal and cognitive label
Facial Feedback Hypothesis
feedback from facial expressions plays a causal role in regulating emotional experience and behavior
Display Rules
social group's informal norms about when, where, and how one should express emotions
Negative Affect
negative emotions
Positive Affect
positive emotions
Broaden and Build Model
Frederickson's model of positive emotions