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16 Cards in this Set

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Attribution Theory
- Theory of how people explain others’ behavior
Fundamental Attribution Error
Tendency for observers to underestimate situational influences and overestimate dispositional influences upon others’ behavior.
Why Study Attribution Errors?
- Reveal how we think about ourselves and others
- Humanitarian reasons
-People should not always be blamed for their problems
[people live off of welfare- to have more compassion towards them]
- Awareness of our biases
Types of Conformity
-Compliance: involves publicly acting in accord with an implied or explicit request while privately disagreeing [disagree but do it because everyone else is doing it]
-Obedience: acting in accord with a direct order
-Acceptance: involves both acting & believing in accord with social pressure
[agree and do it with everyone]
Sherif’s Studies of Norm Formation
you laugh when there is a laugh track in the background of a tv show
Autokinetic effect
(optical illusion):
– If you place people in a completely dark room, and let them observe a pinprick of light for some time, they will have the illusion that this light starts moving erratically after some time.
Asch’s Studies of Group Pressure [line question]
When asked their opinion, 75% of participants follow the group, and give the wrong answer, on one or more occasions.
Factors that influence obedience
•Emotional distance from victim
•Closeness and legitimacy of authority
•Institutional authority
Hostile aggression
physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone
Instrumental aggression
hurt someone to a means as another end
Influences on Aggression
1. Aversive Incidents
•Heat – no ac in car [road rage]
•Attacks –eye for an eye
2. Arousal/Aggression Cues
•Arousal feeds emotion
•Guns –separation- no emotional attachment
3. Media
•Pornography/Sexual Violence
–Distorted perceptions of sexual reality
–Aggression against women
–Causes: overestimate violent acts
–Effects on thinking: disinhibits/desensitizes us, we see violence as a normal thing
•Video Games –correlation –no exercise or interaction with violence on video games
4. Groups [soccer fans get crazy – competition]
–Amplified by: more groups amplified by aggression
Reducing Aggression
•Catharsis: emotional release [rip up paper]
•Social Learning: modeling, reward non-aggressive behavior
Factors influencing attraction
1.Proximity: Geographic nearness is a powerful predictor of friendship. Repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases their attraction (mere exposure effect).
2.Physical Attractiveness: Once proximity affords contact, the next most important thing in attraction is physical appearance.
3.Similarity: Similar views among individuals cause the bond of attraction to strengthen. [Similarity breeds content!]
4. Liking those who like us
Factors influencing when we can help
When will we help:
•Time pressures
•When someone else does
•Number of bystanders
Bystander Effect
Tendency of any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other bystanders are present.
The decision-making process for bystander intervention
•Diffusion of responsibility