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59 Cards in this Set

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Old Concept of Short Term Memory
short term memory is for storing information until it becomes a long term memory
New Concept of Short Term Memory
information your working with at the moment, whether or not it becomes a long term memory
Working memory
a system for processing or working with current information
3 components of working memory
1. phonological loop
2. visuospatial sketchpad
3. central executive
Phonological loop
stores and rehearses speech information (or oral information)
visuospatial sketchpad
stores and manipulates visual and spatial information
central executive
governs the shifts of attention
declarative memory
a memory/recall of factual information
procedural memory
a memory of how to do something
semantic memory
memory of general principles
episodic memory
memory of a specific event in a persons life
emotional arousal
increases the vividness and intensity of a memory
What takes place psysiologically during emotional arousal?
Hormones are released and the amygdala enchances memory storage of emotionally charged events
levels of processing priniple
how easily we can achieve a memory depends on the number and types of associtions we form
Range of Processing
Shallow to Deep
serial order effect
the tendency to remember items near the beginning and the end of a list better than those in the middle
primacy effect
you can remember the first items well
recency effect
you can remember the last items well
Why does the primacy effect occur?
you can rehearse the first few items without proactive interference from any previous items
Why does the recency effect occur?
there is no retroactive interference from additional items
retrieval cues
associated information that might help you regain a memory at a later date
encoding specifity principle
the associations you form at the time of learning and will be the most effective retrieval cues
state dependent learning
the tendency to remember something better if your body is in the same condition during recall as it was during the orginal learning
mnemonic devices
any memory aid that is based on encoding each item in a special way

(kingdom phylum class order family genus species)

(king phillip can order fresh green salad)
Three ways of normal forgetting
1. interference
2. decay
3. inappropiate retrieval cues
other events, either proactive, or retroactive, interfere with a specific memory
the memory fades away

-from the short term memory is rehersal is prevented
inappropiate retrieval cues
you do not have access to the specific reminders that you need to access the memory
severe loss or deteriortation of memory
When does amnesia occur?
happens as a result of brain injury or damage
What kind of damange did Clive have to his brain?
Hippocampal Damage
What are the two type of amnesia?
1. anterograde
2. retrograde
Anterograde amnesia
inability to store new long term memories
Retrograde amnesia
loss of memory or events that occured shortly before the brain damage
What is hippocampal damage?
The ability to store short term memories is not impacted and the procedural memory is left intact; new procedural memories can be learned
What can frontal lobe damage result from?
1. stroke or trauma
2. Korsakoff's syndrome
Korsakoff's syndrome
a condition caused by prolonged deficiency of Vitamin B1; usually from chronic alcoholism
(not the same thing as a lie)

guesses made by individuals with amnesia to fill in the gaps in their memory

(frontal lobes are IMPORTANT for workng with memory)
explicity memory
a memory that a person can state, generally recognizing that it is the correct answer

(recall test or recognition test)
implicit memory
a meomory that infulences behavior requiring conscious recognition that one is using a memory
-it is not unconscious
-intentional memory not required
-it is incidental learning
How can implicit memory be tested?
a recall test
Explict means...
coming right out and saying it...

explicitly saying that you need an extra day to study for the exam
Implicit means...
means implying what you want to say...

thinking of what happened in your week to suggest that you need an extra day to study
putting together an account of past events, based partly on memories and exceptions of what must have happened
Most memories before the recent past do not have the date attached to them...
we have to reconstruct them
hindsight bias
the tendency to mold our recollection of the past to fit how events later turned out
recovered memories
reports of long lost memories promted by clinical techniques
the process of moving a memory, motivation, and emotion from the conscious mind to the unconscious mind
Does forgetting of traumatic events happen?
some children from whom their is valid documentation of abuse do not remember years later
Amnesia is not the same as repression
Repression implies that is can still be recovered
false memories
a report that someone believes a memory, but that does not correspond to real events
What is memory like?
A computer
sensory memory store
very brief storage of sensory information
short term memory
temporay storage of information just experienced
short term memory
can hold 7 didgets

lasts between 2 and 30 seconds
differences in capacity
some people can remember only 5 and some as many as 9
the process of grouping digits or letters into meaningful sequences
Reasons that short term memories decay unless...
-they are continually rehearsed
-there is something meaningful about them that sticks
long term memories
a relatively permanent store of mostly meaningful information