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31 Cards in this Set

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Learning can best be described as

A relatively permanent change in behavior

Michael noticed that whenever he moved his dog food dish his dog would come into the kitchen and act hungry. The sound of the dish had become a

conditioned stimulus

Which of the following statements is essential to cassical conditioning?>

The Cs and UCS must come close together in time

ever since she was scared by a dog as a young child angelica has been afraid of all dogs. The fact that she is not only afraid of the original dog but all types of dog is an example of

Stimulus generalization

Helen has overcome her fear of toy snakes. However on one occasion her fear returned when she found a toy snake in the cushions of her couch. Such a reaction is called a

Spontaneous recovery

In the experiement with Little Albert the conditioned stimulus was the

The white rat

Albert was conditioned to fear the white rat

Which of the following would be an example of viscarious classical conditioning

As a young child tony frequently observed his older sisters jump around and scream when anyone saw a spider. Subsequently tony experiences feelings of fear when he sees a spider

Cindy has cheesy tacos at a local resturant. Later she became terrible il and suffered. What might we predict based on conitioned taste aversion.

Cindy will probably get nauseated the next time she tries to eat cheesy tacos

Rescorla found that the CS must ____ the UCS for conditioning to take place


Thordike law of effect.

Some good happens from an action, so therefore good things will happen from that action

John gets compliments from carla for wearing a nice shirt. So everytime he sees carla he wears a nice shirt

To a dog _____ is an example of a primary reinforcer. Where as _____ is an example of a secondary reinforcer

Dog food; a frisbee

If u stay up and study and wake up tired. Then in the future u study before u go to bed so that u advoid the worry and sleeplessness such a behavior is

negative reinforcement

With operant conditioning ____ are imprtoant in forming an association whereas with classical conditioning ____ are important in forming an association

consequences; antecedent stimuli

If a bill collector checks the mailbox and somedays he recieves payments and other days he does not what schedule of reinforcement is evident here

variable interval

Little jimmie mother was upset that jimmie had not picked up his building blocks after being told to. The next morning had found all his blocks picked up and put into a bag on top of the refrigerator. Jimme mother told him he couldnt play with the blocks for two days. What type of punishment did she use

Punishment by removal

Instinctiive drift in animal behavior is

genetically determined and not under the influence of learning

A credit card reward mile program is an approach of

token economy

Neurofeedback is a form of ____ and works to change a persons _____ through a series of reinforcements

biofeedback; brain activity

In Tolman maze study the fact that the group of rats receiving reinforcement only after day 10 of the study solved the maze far more quickly than the rats who had been reinforcement from day one can be interrepted to mean that these rats

had already learned the maze in the first 9 days

An ability to perform the recipe is an example of

latent learning

Which theory is commonoly reffered to as the aha phenomenon

kohler insight theory

Learned helpness may be due to a higher level region of the brain known as the ____ which helps subject determine what is controllable

Ventromedial prefrontal cortex

Bandura studies found that learning can take place without actual performance What is this referred to as

learning/performance distinction

what is the correct sequence of the four elements of obbservation learning

Attetnion. Memory. Imitation. Desire


SHeila almost got hit by a car at a street corner. From that day on shelia loks before she reaches the street corner. This change in behavior is the result of


At home u rattle the chain on your dog leash every time u prepare to take him or a walk. After several episode like this u find ur dog comes to the door when u pick up the leash. What is the condtioned stimulus

the leash

A child has been classically conditioned to fear a white rat. The child shows no fear to a black rat this is called

Stimulus discrimintation

During the cold winter u have stopped taking ur dog for walks. Whats more that when u accidently rattle the leash the dog doesnt expect he is going for a walk. What has occured


What is the relationship between negative reinforcement and punishment?

Negative reinforcement strengthens a response while punishments weakens a response.

What does instinctive drift mean

The animals would learn skills through reinforcement but eventually revert back to their genetically controlled patterns of behavior

What does AMID stand for

Attention, memory, imitation, desire