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45 Cards in this Set

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A change in the quality or pattern of mental activity such as increased alertness or divided consciousness is called a

Altered state of conciousness

The sleep wake cycle typically follows a 24 hour cycle and is regulated by the

suprachiasmatic nucleus

The pineal gland receives instructions from the _____ to release ____

Suprachiasmatic nucleus; Melatonin

Which of the following is involved in determining when we sleep?

Body tempature

Which theory states that sleep is a product of evolution?

Adaptive theory

In which stages of sleep do people typically experience hypnogogic images

N1 NREM stage 1

Which of the following is a characteristic of n3 sleep

deepest stage of sleep

A person who relies heavily on sleeping pills or alcohol to sleep might experience _________ the following night

REM rebound

Sleepwalking occurs in _____ sleep whereas night-mare occur in _____ sleep

n3 NREM stage 3 REM

If you find yourself lying in bed unable to sleep for more than 20 minutes hwat should you do

Get out of bed and find some light activity to do

In which disorder do people tend to snore in a very loud manner

sleep apnea

In Freud theory the actual content of a dream is called

manifest content

Michael finds that most of his dreams are a little more than random images that seemingly have been put into a strange storyline. Which theory of dreams best explains this"

Activation synthesis hypothesis

According to Calvin Hall what are most dreams centered around

Everyday life

Freud says that dreams are a means of

wish fullfillment

Studies show that most people tend to

Dream in color

The primary key to hypnosis is finding someone who

accepts suggestions easily

Hey I could not help it I was hypnotized What best explains this rationale for one behavior while hypnotized?

Basic suggestion effect

Your friend tells u she is seeing a therapist who wishes to use hypnosis as part of her therapy. How your friend is concerned that she might be hypnotized without knowing it. What might you tell her?

That yo actually hypnotized yourself and you cannot be hypnotized against your will

Which theory of hypnosis includes the idea of a hidden observer


As consequences to stopping drug use headaches nausea shaking and elevated blood pressure are all signs of


What drug physical withdrawal symptoms included severe mood swingss paranoia extreme fatigue and an inability to feel pleasure


which of the following statements about nicotine is true

in terms of addictive power nicotine is more powerful than heroin or alcohol

______ is a tranquizlizer that is also known as the date rape drug


Typically narcotics have the ability to

suppress the sensation of pain

Most studies of marijuana effect have found that

it creates a powerful psychological dependency

Jane is aware that she is sitting in her psychology class and its almost lunchtime she is also aware of how tired she is since staying up late to watch a movie. Thus if jane is aware of what is going on around her and what is going on within her then ti safe to say that she is in an

State of waking conciousness

What part of the brain is influential in determining when to sleep


As the sun begins to set Winston finds himself becoming more and more sleepy. What structure is sensitive to light and influences when to go to sleep and when to awaken

Suprachiasmatic nucleus

Carlos is pulling an all-nighter in preparation for his big psychologgy test tomorrow. According to the research what is the result Carlos memory when he deprives himself of sleep the night prior to his exame?

Carlos will actually remember less if he deprives himself of sleep the night before

Your uncle karl who recently retired has mentioned how he doesnt sleep as well as he did when he was younger. For many years he regularly slept about 7-8 hoursbut now that he is in his 60s he tends to get only 5-6 hours per night. What would you tell him

Getting less sleep seems to be a common consequence of aging.

You find yourself driving very late at night. As you are driving you realize that u aactually were falling off to sleep for a couple of seconds. That is called a


Studies have found that certain chemicals that help repair damaged cells only function while we sleep. What theory best explains this?

Restorative theory of sleep

In which stage of sleep do sleep spindles occur


Josef has had a very demanding day. Through his work is not physically challenging it tends to mentally drain him. What tyoe if sleep will Josef probably require more of?

REM sleep

Your doctor has told u that ur youngest son suffers from somnambulism what is another name for somnambulism


Gerald has difficulty falling off to sleep. Harley can fall off to sleep easily but often wakes up early. Dale typically sleeps for 10 hours. All three are tired and not rested upon rising. Who seems to be experiencing insomnia

All three suffer from insomnia

Very young infants who suffer from sleep apnea may be more at risks for SID. Why might these have difficulty breathing

The brain stems is not yet fully mature

Bill suddenly and without warning slips into REM sleeps during the day. He oftens falls to the ground and is difficult to awaken. Bill may have a condition called


Calvin had a dream about his dog snoopy. In which he constantly looked for him but couldnt find him. In reality Calvin dog had died after being hit by a car According to freud his dream is an example of ____ while the inner meaning that he misses his dog terribly is an example of ___

Manifest content; Latent conten

When Tawny is asked to write down her dreams as a class assignment she is bothered by the fact that her dreams often seem to jump randomly from scene to scene with little meaning. What theory best explains her dreams.

Activation synthesis

Anthony therapist is using hypnosis to help him recall the night he was supposedly abducted by aliens. Danny therapist is using hypnosis to help him prepare for the pain of dental surgery since danny is allergic to dentist painkillers. Patrict therapist is using hypnosis to help him quit drinking and smoking. Which client has the highest change of succes


Bobby agreed to be hypnotized during a comedy routine. While hypnotized he stood on his chair and crowd like a rooster. Later when his friends asked why he did this bobby replied that he didnt know ti must have been because he was hypnotized What theory best explains his behavior

the social cognitive explanation of hyonosis

Jackie has found that when she tries to quit driknig she gets headaches has night sweats and the shakes. This is an exmaple of


Which drug depending on the dosages can be a hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant or painkiller pcp
