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90 Cards in this Set

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Of the Big 5, which of the following was found to be the strongest correlate of job performance?
Students in a lecture class constitute what type of group?
Collection of people
The phrase "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again," expresses the need for ?
persistence of Behavior
Who will use an assessment center when determining whom to hire?
A Manager
The multiple hurdle approach to decision making involves
an ordered sequence of screening devices after each of which a decision is made
I am punctual, i assist supervisors with their work, and i make innovative suggestions to improve my department. My supervisor is likely to rate me high on
OCB or organizational citizenship behavior
Why do you begin a validation study with a job analysis?
to help with validity generalization
Cafeteria benefits refer to
allowing employees to choose their benefits from a long list of possibilities
you have applied for a position as a proofreader at Carlos Publishing. Before being hired, you are given a manuscript ans asked to indicate any errors. This type of assessment is an example of
A work Sample
A Computer selects the specific items based on how well you perform on the previous items. This type of test is called
Tailored Testing
Which of the following is a specific property of a work team mentioned in the text
There must be common task goals and objectives
Good Job performances requires
appropriate levels of worker ability
appropriate levels of worker motivation
a lack of organizational constraints
The correlation between scores on the predictor and scores on the criterion is called the
Validity Coefficient
The Realistic job preview as a strategy that allows for
recruitment to increase worker satisfaction
The need theory approach to motivation views motivation as resulting from ?
people's desires for certain things
True or False: all teams are groups, but not all groups are teams
If applicants for a job can do the job successfully, we say the __________ equals 100%
Base Rate
______________ roles are part of an employee's job description and are specified by the organization
Although eric could have succeeded at the job, the company didnt hire him, Eric is considered a
False Negative
As the human resource manager for new millennium enterprises, you hold a face to face meeting will all potential employees in which you ass the applicant a series of preplanned questions. what type of selection method is this?
a structured interview
Which of the following is not one of the six factors that can contribute to the validity of structured interview?

The interviewer should have detailed information about the job before beginning the interview

the interviewer should have detailed information about the applicant's psychological test scored before beginning the interview

the interviewer should be trained in how to conduct a structured interview

The interviewer should make an evaluation of the applicant before completing the interview
the interviewer should have detailed information about the applicant;s psychology test scores before beginning the interview
recent research on fairness in the workplace has increasing emphasized
procedural justice
the basic principle behind goal setting theory is that people are motivated to engage in specific behaviors because of
internal intentions or objectives
your established work group is sent to a seminar in which the group engages in a series of planned activities, facilitated by a trainer, that were designed to accomplish a specific objective. your work group has taken part what?
a team building exercise
inwhich assessment method is the person who administers the test most likely to affect the responses
which type of test will most likely have the largest problem with applicants faking responses
Personality tests
Group think does not need the following conditions to occur ?
group cohesiveness
conformity pressures
weak leadership
isolation of the group from outside influences
weak leadership
A multiple choice test is designed to measure your present level of proficiency in a course. You would call this test
achievement test
which theory of motivation claims that the value of the expectancy times the valence time the instrumentality equals motivation
expectancy theory
research on group decision making has found that
if the majority of group members make a risky choice, the group decision will probably be even riskier
List three things that determine if turnover is good or bad for an organization
the quality of the employees who leave
the cost of replacing employees who have left
the resulting experience level of the organizations workforce.
you attended a training session and learned a more efficient method of performing your job, yet every time you use the new methods your coworkers laugh at your technique, according to reinforcement theory you will
decrease the use of the new method and go back to the old technique
____________ justice has been shown to be more important to women and _____________ just in more important to men
Procedural; distributive
assuming your next exam in this class contains 300 multiple choice questions, and that you have only 30 minutes to complete it. what type of test is this?
a group speed test
as the human resources director of Jackson enterprises you are asked to justify your use of integrity tests. what can you tell your boss?
they predict both counterproductive behavior and job performance
if i wanted to calculate your motivational potential score (MPS), according to job characteristics theory i would need to take which of the following into account?
skill variety, task significance, task identity, autonomy, and feedback
the need theory approach to motivation views motivation as resulting from what
people's desire for certain things
what is not an important factor for goal setting to improve job performance?
Reward for achieving goals
people in individualistic cultures exhibit as much social loafing as people in collectivistic cultures
False, individualists socially loaf more
_________ people tend to procrastinate, wheras _________ people tend to perform better on the job.
State oriented; action- oriented
according to job characteristics theory, experienced meaningfulness depends in part on
skill variety
which of the following most focuses on social comparison with others?
equity theory
when people do not put forth as much effort in a cooperative group as they would if they were working alone, we say they have demonstrated
social loafing
Mr. Pham is high in intelligence and self control and low ing extroversion and need for stimulation. because many successful engineers have this same pattern, i recommend that Mr. Pham become a computer engineer. this is the approach taken by
Vocational interest tests
students who apply to graduate school must take the GRE. which is designed to indicate how much potential the student has to learn new information. the GRE is deigned to measure
Jobs require individuals with specific Knowledge, skills, abilities, and other personal characteristics. These KSAOs are identified by a detailed study called a
Job Analysis
Feelings of frustration and low control generally lead to what type of behavior
Sally Believes that she studies harder then anyone else in the class; yet her grades are not the highest in the class. Most likely sally will experience which of the following
Feelings of underpayment inequity
for an incentive system to work
employees must be able to increase productivity
Ringelmann (1913) found that when people worked in an interacting group on an additive task, the group performance was
worse than the sum of the individual performances
You are about to invest $10,000 in the education of each employee in a very specialized area. why may you hesitate?
a high turnover rate
Which Method would not improve performance based on self-efficacy theory?
Bonuses for good performance
Which theory of motivation claims that motivation and performance are determined, at least in part, by how effective people believe they can be?
self- efficacy theory
True or False: indivduals low on emotional intelligence are socially skilled, enabling them to work smoothly with their colleagues at work
the most frequent target of equal employment opportunity efforts has been the __________ process
after doing a validation study, I repeat it a second time, This time i use a different set of subjects. This is called
Cross- Validity
Zajonc (1965) explained the findings of Triplett (1897) and others on how the presence of an audience influences performance. according to Zajonc's explanation, if you are a highly skilled dancer you can maximize your performance by
Dancing in from of an audience
there is _________ between a team mental model and team performance.
a Positive relationship
before being hired by Rachell Enterprises, your are asked to participate in an exercise in which you are told to pretend that it is your first day on the job and you are faced with numerous items on your desk, including memos. letters, emails, and phone messages. you must deal with each of them appropriately and efficiently. this is called an
In-basket exercise
the field of _________________ is concerned with the interface between people and the physical environment
Human factors
Applicants for secretarial positions at Kelly Publishing Co. must take a typing test. This test measures
What is generally not a reason for turnover
number of friends
when group members spend a lot of time with one another rather than working , we say that ___________ is high
process loss
Bolton Foods hires half the applicants for a new sales position. Their _______________ is 1/2
selection ratio
according to expectancy theory, what are the three factors that determine motivation level?
expectancy, valence, and instrumentality
Which of the following in most strongly related to absence?
the employees prior absence history
the organization's absence culture
the work group's absence culture
job satisfaction
the employee's prior absence history
the sum of forces attracting group members and keeping the group together is known as
Group Cohesiveness
unwritten rules of behavior accepted by members of a work group that apply to all members are know as
a personnel specialist who is concerned about equal employment opportunity and fairness in hiring employees will will likely consult the
uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures
which of the following does not describe people who work together via email?

they are less inhibited

they have more trouble coordinating their efforts

they will be more likely to conform to each other's opinions
the will be more likely to conform to each other's opinion
the group has an ongoing norm that all group members should express their opinions. when ellen joins the group, she tries to force her opinions on everyone, and attacks others when their opinions differ from hers. the group's first response to this norm violation will be to
inform her that she is violating a norm
under affirmative action
a protected group member is given preferences over an equally qualified majority group member
the subjective probability that a person has about his or her ability to perform a particular behavior is
adverse impact is demonstrated when
the selection ratio for a minority group is substantially less that 80% of the selection ratio for the majority group
which of the following in not an example of counterproductive behavior mentioned in the test

Whistle blowing
You have designed a new program to motivate your employees toward 100% accuracy. in the program, you use a system whereby every time an employee performs a task properly you present them with a token,. once they have collected 10 tokens they earn an hour break. if they collect 80 tokens, they can have a whole day off. what theory of motivation have you based your program on?
Reinforcement theory
Which of the following is false about drug testing?

drug testing is a means of controlling drug use at work

Drug testing is decreasing in popularity because it is controversial

Drug tests are criticized on the basis of invasion of privacy

drug testing is considered more acceptable for safety-sensitive jobs
Drug testing is decreasing in popularity because it is controversial
successful salespeople enjoy meeting people ans socializing with them. which dimension of the "big five" is most relevant to these preferences?
True or false: on average, inside sources of recruitment (e.g. employee referral) provide employees who perform better and stay longer than outside sources
groups of individuals who have been the target of discrimination in the past and are protected against discrimination by federal laws are know as
protected classes
Although psychology students in Dr. Romo's General Psychology class agree that nobody should complete more then 2 extra credit presentation per year, Meredith gave six. Meredith is a
rate buster
"the Probability of a particular behavior increases if it is followed by a reward or reinforcement, the the probability of a behavior decreases if it is followed by a punishment" this is
The law of effect
the Psychology faculty at Successful College have agreed that nobody should give more than two conference presentations in a year. this agreement is an example of
a Production Norm
reasons for differences in selection practices across countries include
lack of communication across national borders
economic factors
Cultural values
"during High school, what grades did you get in chemistry class?" this question is most likely to appear on what kind of assessment device
biographical inventory
The approach to selection of employees that is based on scientific principles and statistical analysis is referred to as
the criterion-related validity approach
with ________ systems, rewards are contingent on individual units of productivity
what does research suggest about the relationship between age and performance?
in general, there is not relation between age and performance
which profession would require a higher level of cognitive ability?
according to Maslow's hierachy of needs, which is the most basic need?