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25 Cards in this Set

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1. The first psychology laboratory was established by ________ in the year ________.
A) Wundt; 1879
2. Two historical roots of psychology are the disciplines of
C) philosophy and biology.
3. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the
A) science of mental life.
4. Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow are most closely associated with
D) humanistic psychology.
5. Who would be most likely to agree with the statement, “Psychology should investigate only behaviors that can be observed”?
C) John B. Watson
6. In psychology, behavior is best defined as
B) any action we can observe and record.
7. In defining psychology, the text notes that psychology is most accurately described as a
A) way of asking and answering questions.
8. In concluding her report on the “nature-nurture debate in contemporary psychology,” Karen notes that
D) nurture works on what nature endows.
9. The biopsychosocial approach emphasizes the importance of
A) different levels of analysis in exploring behavior and mental processes.
10. Dr. Ernst explains behavior in terms of different situations. Dr. Ernst is working from the ________ perspective.
C) social-cultural
11. Which perspective emphasizes the learning of observable responses?
A) behavioral
12. Psychologists who study the degree to which genes influence our personality are working from the ________ perspective.
C) behavior genetics
13. Psychologists who study, assess, and treat troubled people are called
C) clinical psychologists.
14. Which subfield is most directly concerned with studying human behavior in the workplace?
C) industrial-organizational psychology
15. Terrence wants to talk to a professional to help him cope with some academic challenges he's facing. You recommend that he contact a(n)
C) counseling psychologist.
16. Which of the following individuals is also a physician?
C) psychiatrist
17. Which of the following best describes the hindsight bias?
B) Events seem more predictable after they have occurred.
18. Theories are defined as
D) principles that help to organize observations and predict behaviors or events.
19. You decide to test your belief that men drink more soft drinks than women by finding out whether more soft drinks are consumed per day in the men's dorm than in the women's dorm. Your belief is a(n) ________, and your research prediction is a(n) ________.
B) theory; hypothesis
20. Which of the following is NOT a basic research technique used by psychologists?
B) replication
21. After detailed study of a gunshot wound victim, a psychologist concludes that the brain region destroyed is likely to be important for memory functions. Which type of research did the psychologist use to deduce this?
A) the case study
22. Well-done surveys measure attitudes in a representative subset, or ________, of an entire group, or ________.
D) random sample; population
23. A psychologist studies the play behavior of young children by watching groups during recess at school. Which type of research is being used?
D) naturalistic observation
24. Illusory correlation refers to
B) the perception of a correlation where there is none.
25. Which of the following would be best for determining whether alcohol impairs memory?
D) experiment