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31 Cards in this Set

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Developmental Psych
Study of how thought and behavior change and remain table across the life span
Behavioral Neuroscience
Study of the links among brain, mind and behavior
Biological Psych
Study of the relationship between bodily systems and chemicals, and how they influence behavior and thought
Personality Psych
Study of what makes people unique and the consistencies in people's behavior across time and situations
Social Psych
Considers how the real or imagined presence of others influences thought, feeling, and behavior
Clinical Psych
Study of the treatments of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders ang the promotion of psychological health
Health Psych
Study of the role that psychological factors play in regard to physical health and illness
Educational Psych
Study of how students learn, the effectiveness of particular teaching techniques, the social psychology of schools, and the psychology of teaching
Industrial/Organizational Psych
Applies a broad array of psychological concepts and questions to work settings and problems. Selecting personnel; studying the effectiveness of certain programs on worker productivity
Sports Psych
Examines the psychological factors in sports and exercise. Attempts to increase athletic performance through relaxation and visualization techniques
Forensic Psych
Field that blends psychology, law, and criminal justice. Makes legal evaluations of a person's mental competence to stand trial/evaluate the state of mind of a defendant at the time of a crime/fitness of parent to have custody of children/criminal profiles
Medicine men of women/drive out demons
Drilling a small hole in a persons skull to release spirits and demons
Ancient Views
Focused on natural and physical explanations for disorders
Ancient Egyptians and Greeks
Used narcotics to treat pain
Ancient Chinese
Made connections between bodily organs and emotions
belief that the body must be treated as a whole and not just a series of parts
Sigmund Frued (1880's)(Psychoanalysis)
Assumes the unconscious mind is the most powerful force behind thought and behavior
DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition, Text Revision; )
Classification system that includes diagnoses for more than 250 psychological disorders
Philosophy of Empiricism
View that all knowledge and thoughts come from experience
John Locke (tabula Rasa)
Blank Slate
Psychophysics of human perceptions
First scientific form of psychology/lab studies of the subjective experience of physical sensations
Relationship between the physical and psychological worlds (Wilhelm Wundt)
opened first psychology lab in Germany
William James
Founder of psychology in the US
G. Stanley Hall
Founded the American Psychological Association (APA)
argued that breaking down experience into its elemental parts offers the best way to understand thought and behaviors (introspection)
argues it was better to look at why the mind works the way it does than to describe its parts -influnced by darwins natural selection theory
Behaviorism (John Watson, B.F Skinner)
psych can be a true science, only if it examines observable behavior, not ideas, thoughts, feelings, or motives
Humanistic Psych (Abramam Maslow, Carl Rogers
focuses on personal growth and meaning as a way of reaching ones highest potential
Gestalt Psych (Max Wertheimer)
maintains that we perceive things as wholes rather than a compilation of parts
Cognitivsm (Fredrick Barlett)
memory is not an objective and accurate rep of events but a highly personal reconstruction based on ones own beliefs, ideas, and view points