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29 Cards in this Set

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an individual's charcteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and acting
free association
freudian technique in which the person in encrouage to say whatever comes to mind as a means of exploring the unconscious
treatment of phsychological disorders by seeking to expose and interpret tensions withiin a patient's unconscious, using methods uch as free association
region of unconscious that contains material that is retrievable at will into conscious awareness
childn's superego develops and incorporates the parents values, develpment of gender identity
defense mechanisms
repression, regression, reaction formation, projection, ratinalizaition, displacement, sublimation
ambigious pictures, make up stories
inkblot test
collective unconscious
jong's concept of inherited unconscious shard by all people deriving from early ancestors
unconditional positie regard
total acceptance "growth promotin"
reciprocal determinism
interaction between personality and environmental factors
psychological disorder
behavior must be atypical dsiturbing, maladaptive, and unjustifiable
factors combine and interact to produce pshycological disorders
neurotic disorders
think normalls and function socially while distressing
psychotic disorder
severely debilitating and involve bizarre thoughts and behavior
mood disorder
characterized by emotional extremes
dissociatvie identity disorder
"multiple personalities" two or more distinct and alternating personlaities
anitsocial personality disorder
in which the person is ggressive ruthlesss, and shows no sign of conscience that would inhipid wrongdoing
emotionally charged confidin interation between a theapist and someone who suffers from psychological difficulties
eclectic appraach
therapistis are not locked into one form of psychotherapy but draw on whatever combination seems best suited to a client's needs
blockin from consciousness of anxiety provoking memories. hisitation during free association
paaitons redriecting to the analyst emotion from other realtionships
behavior therapy
applies priniples of operant or classical condtitioning to the elimination of problem behaviors
counter conditioning
in which new responses are classicals conditioned to stimuli hat elicit unwanted behaviors
systematic desensitization
type of counterconditioning in which a state of realixtion is classically conditioned to a hierarchy of greadually increasin anxiety provokin stimuli
aversive conditioning
unpleasant state becomes associated with an unwanted behavior
token economy
desierable behaviors are promoted in opeople by rewarding them with tokens or secondary reinfoarces
regression toward the mean
tenedency for unusual events to return toward thier average state
meta anylysis
statistically combining results of may different reshearch studies