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98 Cards in this Set

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A drug company is determining the effects of a treatment for depression. Neither the researcher nor the participants know who is getting the treatment and who is being given a sugar pill. This kind of study is ____________________.
Animals are used in what percent of all psychological studies?
Because psychologists want to be as precise and measure as carefully as they can, they use ________ to study psychology.
the scientific method
True or False: Correlation does imply causation.
Dr. Edwards wants to show a causal relationship between tobacco smoking and cancer. Dr. Edwards should ____________________.
conduct an experiment, using animal participants.
Dr. Jonas wanted to determine what would happen if rats were given food every time they completed a maze. He believed they would learn to complete the maze faster. This belief is called ____________________.
a prediction.
Followers of Freud who modified his original ideas have created a perspective called ____________________.
Freud believed that personality was formed ____________________.
in the first 6 years of life.
Freud believed that personality was ____________________.
formed in the first six years.
How does humanism DIFFER from psychodynamic theory and behaviorism?
Humanism focuses on people?s ability to direct their own lives.
True or False: If your experiment or study does not find support for your hypothesis, then your hypothesis must be incorrect.
In an experiment in which half of the participants are given a caffeinated product and half are given a decaffeinated product to determine if caffeine will make them more talkative, the independent variable is ____________________.
John Watson believed that phobias ____________________.
are learned through the process of conditioning.
Mary was a psychologist who focused on the role of the conscious and unconscious mind. To which view did Mary ascribe?
Mrs. Lewis participated in a study in which she was given no treatment for her condition. Mrs. Lewis was in the ________ group.
One of the main reasons why Freudian concepts are so enduring is ____________________.
they lack of any way to scientifically test them and, therefore, show them to be either useful or useless.
Research shows that planning one's life around one's daily horoscope is ____________________.
a bad idea, since predictions are rarely accurate.
Researchers who allow their expectations about what they will see to affect the results of their observation studies are suffering from ____________________.
observer bias.
Sasha sat in the preschool classroom and watched the children play, writing down how well they interacted with each other. The children could see that Sasha was watching them, so they made an attempt to be extra well-behaved for him. Sasha's research will be impacted by ____________________.
the observer effect.
The psychological perspective that is associated with William James is ____________________.
When Mary took the survey in the mall, she noticed that the interviewer was wearing an Obama button. She answered the questions more favorably toward Obama than she might otherwise have, probably because ____________________.
of courtesy bias.
Which early philosopher believed that the soul could exist separately from the body?
Which of the following illustrates psychology's goal of control?
using rewards to help a smoker give up cigarettes
Which of the following psychological professionals must always have a medical degree?
A functional MRI (fMRI) and a PET scan both provide:
a way to observe the brain as it functions.
A new technique for interpreting EEG recordings that helps researchers obtain detailed and precise interpretations of the signals from different areas of the brain is called:
independent component analysis (ICA)
A special type of glial cells generate a protective fatty substance called ____________________.
A work-related accident left Bob with a paralyzed left arm and an inability to recognize the left side of his visual field. Bob's condition is called:
spatial neglect
Digoxin is an example of a(n) __________ drug, which mimics or enhances the effects of neurotransmitters.
Dorothy has spinocerebellar degeneration, a condition that is likely to cause her to have difficulty with:
walking, speaking, and/or standing.
If the pancreas secretes too much insulin, it results in a condition known as:
True or False: In Kluver-Bucy syndrome, damage to the amygdala is known to exaggerate, or intensify, the fear response.
Nerves that carry messages from the brain and spinal cord to the voluntary muscles are called ____________________.
motor neurons
True or False: Neurotransmitters that "turn on" cells, or lead them to fire, are referred to as inhibitory neurotransmitters.
True or Fasle: Ramon y Cajal was the first who theorized that the nervous system was made up of individual cells.
The "master gland" that controls or influences all of the other endocrine glands is the:
pituitary gland.
The branches of the life sciences that deal with the structure and functioning of the nervous system are:
The drugs called SSRIs relieve depression by:
blocking the reuptake of serotonin.
True or False: The left hemisphere is responsible for comprehending speech as well as producing speech.
True or False: The neurons outside the spinal cord are part of the peripheral nervous system.
The part of the autonomic nervous system known as the eat-drink-and-rest system is the:
Parasympathetic division
The part of the brain that controls life-sustaining functions, such as heartbeat, breathing, and swallowing, is the:
The saclike structures that are found at the end of a neuron's axon and that contain neurotransmitters are called:
synaptic vesicles.
This part of the body is most likely to shut down in times of extreme stress.
digestive system
Too much dopamine in certain parts of the brain can cause _______; whereas too little dopamine in other areas of the brain can cause _______.
schizophrenia; Parkinson's disease
Which sense is the only one that is NOT processed through the thalamus?
Which statement most accurately explains the difference in functioning between the right hemisphere of the brain and the left hemisphere?
The right processes information all at once, whereas the left breaks things down into parts.
______ neurons carry messages to the spinal cord, and _____ neurons carry messages away from the spinal cord.
Sensory; motor
True or False: A highly saturated color would contain a mixture of different wavelengths of light.
True or False: A pictorial depth cue requires visual cues from only one eye.
True or False: According to gate-control theory, a structure in the spinal cord is closed when pain signals come into the spinal cord.
True or False: According to the moon illusion, the moon on the horizon appears much smaller than the moon in the sky.
True or False: Bottom-up processing is influenced by perceptual expectancy.
In 1996, Lindemann proposed a fifth primary receptor which detects this type of taste.
In Gestalt theories, the principle of closure refers to the tendency to ____________________.
complete incomplete figures.
Motion sickness can be explained by ____________________.
conflict between visual and other sensory information
True or False: Nerve hearing impairment can be helped with the use of ordinary hearing aids.
True or False: Opponent-process theory explains color vision at the level of the retina, whereas the trichromatic theory explains color vision at the level of the thalamus.
People who have a problem with their hearing are said to be either totally or partially:
hearing impaired
True or False: People who have been blind from birth but have had their sight restored are capable of depth perception.
True or False: Perception is a process that varies from individual to individual.
Rods are special cells responsible for:
noncolor sensitivity to low light.
True or False: Sensory adaptation occurs in the lower part of the brain, whereas habituation occurs at the level of the receptors.
True or False: Several authoritative studies have shown that manipulating subliminal perception is an effective way of influencing people's actions.
True or False: Taste buds and olfactory receptors are replaced as they die off.
Terry stepped on a nail while walking around barefoot in her yard one week ago. The spot where the skin was punctured still hurts, reminding her to take it easy on her foot. The soreness Terry is experiencing is known as:
somatic pain.
The three aspects of the perception of light are brightness, color and ____________________.
This mammal has the ability to hear at the highest frequency range.
What are the three primary colors of light?
red, blue, green
What is the term for stimuli under the level of conscious awareness?
subliminal perception
Where is the retina located?
at the back of the eye.
Which of the following statements best explains how the sense of taste works?
Molecules of food fit into receptors on taste buds, and neural signals are fired to the brain.
True or False: Women are more likely to be color-blind than men.
"Date rape" drugs are effective for carrying out sexual assaults because they:
render the victim unconscious.
True or False: According to Freud, people dream in terms of symbols.
True or False: As a person enters deeper into sleep, body temperature lowers.
Fred is a cocaine addict. The more he uses the drug, the more he requires of it to get the same effect. Fred is experiencing ____________________.
How many times does the sleep cycle repeat during a typical eight-hour sleep cycle?
4 or 5 times
True or False: Hypnosis can cause people to regress back to childhood.
True or False: It is most difficult to wake up a person in Stage 3 sleep.
Jorge is a teenager experiencing a period of rapid growth. As such, he needs more ________ sleep.
Naturals cycles of activity that bodies must go through are called ____________________.
biological rhythms
Night terrors ____________________.
are a state of panic experienced while asleep.
Niles has begun to suddenly fall asleep during the day, sometimes in inappropriate places. Niles is probably suffering from ____________________.
Over half of drowsy driving fatalities occur ____________________.
under the age of 25
True or False: People deprived of REM sleep tend to show psychotic symptoms, such as halluncinations and paranoia.
True or False: People have often been known to commit immoral acts while hypnotized.
True or False: People spend about one quarter of their lives sleeping.
True or False: People who take amphetamines can lose touch with reality and experience hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.
Psilocybin ____________________.
is contained in a certain kind of mushroom.
The sleep-wake cycle is controlled by the ____________________.
Theodora suffers from an inability to get to sleep, and then to stay asleep. Which of the following would help Theodora with her insomnia?
go to bed and get up on a regular schedule
True or False: There are approximately 10 to 20 million alcoholics in the United States.
When Thomas was pulled over for erratic driving, He was found to have a blood alcohol level of .20%. His symptoms most likely included ____________________.
depressed sensory and motor capabilities.
Which of the following drugs is the most powerfully addicting?
Which of these is NOT considered to be a sign of physical dependency to a drug?
Which statement about marijuana is TRUE?
Marijuana is higher in carcinogens than cigarettes.
________ cause the brain to alter its interpretation of sensations and can produce sensory distortions.