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75 Cards in this Set

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Source Amnesia

inability to remember from where existing knowledge was acquired.

Proactive Interference

Is an explanation for forgetting in long term memory. The basic theory states that interference occurs when information that is similar in format gets in the way of the information that someone is trying to recall.

Retroactive Interference

Occurs when you forget a previously learnt task due to the learning of a new task.

Motivated Forgetting

Forgetting occurs because we are motivated to do so. Some experiences or memories are so painful or upsetting that thinking about them would produce overwhelming anxiety.

Anorexia Nervosa

A lack or loss of appetite for food (medical condition)

Bulimia Nervosa

Desire to loose weight by overeating and afterwards, purge, vomit, or fast.

Sexual Orientation

Sexual identity (heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual)


Denying existence of the problem or reality.


Taking the position of a child in some problematic situation, rather than acting in a more adult way.


Forms of a defense in which unwanted feelings are displaced onto another person, where they then appear as a threat from the external world.


Involves taking out our frustrations, feelings, and impulses on people.


The action of subbing someone or something by force.


Made up of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs and desires; Operates pleasure principles.


Self-esteem or importance


Self-critical conscience, reflecting social standards learned from parents and teachers.

Free Association

Psychoanalysis therapy in which a client is asked to freely share thoughts, random words, and anything else that comes to mind.

Oedipus Complex

A child's desire to have sexual relations with the opposite sex with the parent.

Projective Tests

Evaluating personality by looking at a picture that's notably inkblots.


Outgoing and social


Anxiety, fear, moodiness, worry, envy, frustrations, jealousy, and loneliness.


Intellectually curious, open to emotion, sensitive to beauty and willing to try new things.


Trait of being careful, or vigilant; desire to do well.


Kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm and considerate

Spotlight Effect

People considerably overestimate how much attention other people are paying attention to them.

Self-serving Bias

Cognitive bias often used to protect self-esteem.


Triggering "fight-or-flight" response causing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to surge through the body.

Type A Personality

Impatient/ aggressive

Type B Personality

Relaxed personalities

Emotion- focused coping

Problem focused strategies aim to remove or reduce the cause of the stressor, including problem-solving.

Problem- focused coping

Tackles the problem of a stressful situation causing stress

Aerobic Exercise

"Cardio" pumping oxygenated blood by the heart to deliver oxygen to work muscles.

Bipolar Disorder

Causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry.


Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders- Text Revision

Major Depressive Disorder

Difficulties carrying out his r her usual work, school, domestic or social activities due to symptoms of depression.

Biopsychosocial Approach

Biologically, psychological, and social factors and their complex interactions in understanding health illness, and health care delivery.

Token Economy

A system for providing positive reinforcement to a child or children by giving them tokens that can be exchanged for other reinforcers.

Systematic Desensitization

A type of behavior therapy used to help overcome phobias and other anxiety disorders.


Effects of drugs on the mind and behavior.

Tardive Dyskinesia

Cause by long-term use of neuroleptic drugs, which are used to treat psychiatric conditions.


Apparent perception of something not present.


Generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.


Depending on a drug that's been discontinued.


Out of touch with reality. Disorganized speech, behavior, or decreased participation in daily activities.


Fear or aversion to something

Panic Attack

Intense fear or discomfort; palpitations, pounding heart, accelerated heart rate.

Antisocial personality

Shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others.


Disrupt functioning or neat arrangement

Dissociative Identity disorder

Results in two or more split identities.


That lead to repetitive behaviors (compulsions)

Panic Disorder

Debilitating anxiety and fear arise frequently and without reasonable cause.


Situations where the person perceives the environment to be unsafe with no easy way to get away.

GAD (General Anxiety Disorder)

Anxiety and flashbacks triggered by a traumatic event

Social Phobia

Self-consciousness arising from fear of being closely watched, judge, and criticized by others.

Strategies to Improve Memory

- Focus on main materials

- Avoid cramming

- organize information

Maslow's Hierarchy Needs

- Physiological needs: food, water, warmth, rest

- Safety needs: security, safety

- Belongingness and love needs: intimate relationships, friends

- Esteem needs: prestige and feeling of accomplishment

- Self actualization: achieving one's full potential, including creative activities.

Factors Influencing Taste Preference

- Prenatal shaping, innate taste

- Conditioning of preferences

- Flavoring the well-known

- Repeated exposure

Alcohol Effects on Teens' Contraceptives

- Brain is still developing

- Can lead into lifelong damage to brain function

- Contraceptives: will increase ovulation

- Can reduce liver's ability to metabolize alcohol

Population Most Vulnerable to STDs

Women because their skin is covered by a thin, more delicate mucous membrane that easily allows viruses and bacteria to pass.

Big Five Theory and Hoe They Change Over Time

Conscientiousness, agreeableness, neurotisim, openness and extroversion can change over time by genetics, consequence, and personality slows down.

What Correlates with Happiness?

Health, social activity, and religiosity

Not Correlated With Happiness

Age, gender, parenthood, intelligence, physical attractiveness, and money

Effects Associated With Stress

High blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, depression, anxiety.

Adaptive Coping Strategies

Getting someone to help you if a situation starts to get stressful.

Maladaptive Coping Strategies

Ways of dealing with stress that usually makes things worse

Common Causes of Stress

Loss of a job, death, divorce

Health Consequences in Obesity

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, high levels of triglycerides

Causes pf Obesity

Genetics, physical inactivity, frequent eatting

Causes of Anorexia

Low-self confidence, social pressure

Cause of Bulimia

Dieting, fear of getting fat, eating large amounts

Alternative Uses of Antidepressants

Massages, exercise, pet therapy

Effective Treatment of ECT Therapy

Major depression

Most Risk of Experiencing Major Depressive Disorder

No energy, thoughts of death, insomnia, weight, appetite

What are SSRIs Commonly Prescribed to treat?

Moderate or severe depression

Results That Behaviors are Labeled as Disorders

ADHD, Emotional, ODD, Anxiety, OCD

What are the Benefits and Negative Consequences of Diagnostic Labels?

Positive: Ignore the slip-ups and give positive rewards.

Negative: Calling someone names and can lead into depression.