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68 Cards in this Set

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Organic system of data storage

Info proccessing model

System for taking meaningless input and turning it into usable data


Process of grabbing specific inputs and marking it for storage and use.


Retention of meaningful data


Process of recalling encoded data

Eidetic Memory

Psychologic term for near perfect image memory

Sensory Memory

Data from your senses is taken and designated in order to help generate context.

Working Memory

Takes recent memories and stores them for a limited amount of time

Long-Term Memory

Last stage of memory where memory is comitted

Maintenance Rehersal.

Memory technique where you strictly repeat the information.


Technique of taking multiple pieces of information, and making it one piece of easier to remember data

Elaborative Rehersal

Connecting new information to already learned info.

Acoustic encoding

Specefic encoding sequence that pertains to sound

Lack-of-Proccessing Theory

Theory that states the more you connect previous information to new, the better it will stick

Procedural Memory

Section of memory involved in creation and maintanence of your how-to book

Declarative Memory

Memory dealing with facts and experiences in your life

Episodic Memory

Subsection for all personal events

Semantic Memory

Section of memory strictly for meanings and concepts


Physical storage for memory or changes to memory from stimuli

Anterograde Amnesia

Scientific term for the inability to form new memories


When a memory goes from short term to long term


Idea that permenant memories fade over time

Forgetting curve

Graph demonstrating memory decay relaying to a data set

Absent Mindedness

Loss of a memory because not enough attention was paid


A phenomenon caused when another memory interferes with retrieval/storage

Proactive Interference

Previously learned data blocks new, less important information from being stored

Retroactive Interference

Phenomenon where new info interferes with retrival of old info

New generations interfere with old ones

Serial Position Effect

Theory that data at the begining and end of a set is easier to remember than middle info


Flaw that occurs when the wrong context is to a memory during retrieval. Attitiude plays into context aswell.



Quality of altering a memory with false but probable info

Misinformation Effect

False memory resulting from suggestability

Retrograde Amnesia

Inability to access previous memory

Flash bulb Memory

A specific type of memory that results from an emotionally charged event.

Implicit Memory

A type of memory that does need to be focused on. Like riding a bike or walking.

Explicit Memory

A type of memory requiring focused recall, like facts/experiences

Retreival Cues

Stimuli used to access previously committed memories


Memory procedure specifically used for retriving implicit memories


Process of remembering previously stored data


Ability to identify known data

Encoding Specifcity Principle

Theory that emotion and context weigh in on how a memory is encoded/retrieved

Mood Congruent Memory

Someones mood depends on the memories they are able to retrieve

TOT Phenomenon

Inability to recall known information

Tip of the Tounge


Mental characterizations for ideas and knowledge


System of categorization

A category would be furniture. A member would be a chair, a subordinate would be a kitchen chair. The category is also known as a superordinate.

Artificial Concepts

Ideas defined soley by assumed data- like mathimatical formulas

Concept Hierarchies

Different levels of a concept

Animal -> Lion, Tiger, Fox

Event-Related Potentials

Brain wave responses from stimulation. Measured via EEG


Knowledge cluster about a topic in life


Exprctations for a certain action/behavior in society


A course of action or actions used to solve a problem

Expectancy Bias

Contents of a memory alter to fit ones expectations

Self-Consistency Bias

Common theory that we are smarter, and better behaved than is true


Inability to rid yourself of negative memory


Proccesses that can improve memory via connection to already learned data

Meathod of Loci

A technique used when memorizing a list using familiar, physical objects

Natural Language Mediators

Words associated with new information. Like acronyms; (Language Aquisition Device -> LAD)

Language Acquisition Device

Biologically pre-programmed brain structure that already contains basic grammar rules


Rules of how to structure a language


Meaningful bits of a language like prefixes and suffix's


Incorrectly applying a grammar rule to others (goed & went)

Computer Metaphor

The common concept that the memory system is similar to that of a computer

H.M Case

Victim of botched brain operation. Resulted in Anterograde Amnesia

Natural concepts

Concepts drawn from direct experiences

Mental Set

Human reaponses are generally the same to different problems

Functional Fixedness

Inability to see a new/different solution to a problem

Anchoring Bias

Faulty rule of thumb based in an unrelated quantity

Respresentitivness Bias

Once a something/someone is cartegorized, they all share the features of said category

Availability Bias

A flawed way of judging probability based on how many times it has occured before