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21 Cards in this Set

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E. L. Thorndike
Law of Effect - precursor to operant conditioning
Kurt Lewin
Theory of Association - forerunner of behaviorism (grouping things together that occur in the same time/space)
Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning - pairing of a neutral stimulus with a non-neutral stimulus to get a particular response
John B. Watson
Behaviorism - learning occurs through stimulus-response chains, conditioning develops these chains
B.F. Skinner
Operant Conditioning - influencing behavior through reinforcement strategies

Skinner Box - rats in box w/lever
Charles Osgood and Percy Tannenbaum/ Fritz Heider/ Leon Festinger
Congruity Theory/ Balance Theory/ Cognitive Dissonance - People desire to be balanced with respect to their feelings and behaviors
Clark Hull
Performance = Drive x Habit - individuals motivated by drive then according to successful habits.
Edward Tolman / Victor Vroom
Expectancy-Value Theory - people motivated by goals they expect to be able to meet
Henry Murray / David McClelland
Need for Achievement/ Theory of Motivation
Neil Miller
Approach-Avoidance Conflict - the further one is from the goal, the more you focus on the pros/ closer to the goal, focus on cons
Donald Hebb
Yerkes-Dodson effect - medium arousal is best for performance; simple tasks require higher arousal than complex tasks
Albert Bandura
Bobo the clown experiment - modeling
John Garcia
Nausea experiments on rats - some conditioning helped or hindered by evolutionary predispositions
M.E. Olds
Electrical stimulation of pleasure centers in brain used as pos. reinforcement.
Noam Chomsky
Transformational grammar - different surface structure does not automatically change deep structure (intended meaning)

Language Acquisition Device - inborn ability to adopt generative grammar rules
Benjamin Whorf
Whorfian hypothesis - language influences a culture's perspectives
Roger Brown
Children's understanding of grammatical rules develops as they form hypotheses about how syntax works and self-correct with experience
Kathrine Nelson
Onset of Active speech (after 1st year) marks beginning of learning language
William Labov
"Black" English is not incorrect English, but has own complex internal structure
Lev Vygotsky and Alexander Luria
Word meanings altered by personal experiences. Language is a tool in developing abstract thought.
Charles Osgood
Semantic differential charts - people with similar backgrounds and interests plot word meanings near one another