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13 Cards in this Set

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Charles Darwin
Natural Selection
Konrad Lorenz
Founder of ethology, the study of animal behaviors.

Imprinting - Animals attach to first moving thing post-birth
Nikolaas Tinbergen
Fixed action patterns - complex instinctual chains of behavior performed by most members of a species upon a releasing stimuli
Walter Cannon
Fight or Flight

Karl von Frisch
Honeybee dancing
Wolfgang Kohler
A-ha! Moment - when working with chimps, Kohler found that chimps used flashes of insight to use tools to solve a problem.
Harry Harlow
Social isolation's affects on monkeys

Wiremother vs. Clothmother
R.C. Tyron
Heritability of behavior
Edward Thorndike
Instrumental learning - Learning that occurs through trial and error.

Law of Effect - successful behaviors are more likely to be repeated
Eric Kandel
Worked with sea slugs, learned that learning and memory are actual changes in neural pathways
Thomas Young and Hermann von Helmholtz
Tri-Color Theory - three types of receptors in retina (red, green, blue)
Ewald Hering
Opponent-color Theory - Two types of color sensitive cells in lateral geniculate body (red-green, blue-yellow)
David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel
Cells in visual cortex so specialized they respond only to very specific types of stimuli