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43 Cards in this Set

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A __________ entails identifying the environmental variables (antecedents and consequences) that control the behaviors of interest.
functional anaylsis
__________ was derived from Vygotsky's method for evaluating a child's mental development and involves delberate deviation from standardized testing procedures to determine if an examinee has the ability to profit from assistance or instruction. It works from the assumption that cognitive abilities and processes are modifiable.
Dynamic assessment
___________ a type of dynamic asessment, involves providing an examinee with additional cues or prompts. It is ordinarily done after standard administraiton of the test to preserve the applicability of the test's norms. For example, it is done with Rorschach after inquiry phase and involves making suggestions to the examinee about specific aspects fo the inkblot that are normally seen but were overlooked by the examinee to determine if he is able to percieve popular concepts.
testing the limits
___________ involves interpreting an examinee's test performance in terms of what the examinee can do with regard to a particular content domain. For example, a studet's academic ability might be described in terms of the reading level he has attained.
domain-referenced testing
Actuarial vs clinical predictions
Acturial are based on statistics
Clinical is based on experince and knowledge
What are the two primary goals when interviewing children?
establinhing rapport and maintaining the child's cooperation.
Horn and Cattell extended spearman's theory by arguing that g consists of two components - ____________ refers to acquired knowledge and skills and is affected by educational and cultural experiences. In contrast __________ enables an individual to solve novel problems and perieve relations and similarities and does not depend on specific instruction.
Crystallized intellegence
Fluid inteligence
The _________ suppports the role of environment on intellegence, which shows that IQ scores are increasing generation to generation.
The flynn effect
___________ intellgence declines as aging occurs while, _____________ increases.
Gender differences are most evident on ________ tasks, with men scoring higher.
Which gender is highly represented in the extreme scores...low and high?
The _______________________ was published in 2003 and is appropriate for individuals aged 2 to 85+. It ws designed not only as a measure of general cognitive ability but also to assist in psychoeducational evaluations, the diagnosis of developmental disablilites and expectationalities, research on cognitive abilities, and forensic, career, neuropsychological, and early childood assessment.
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Sclaes, fifth edition
The Stanford-Binet is divided into __________ and _________ domains that each measure the same five cogntive factors. Tese five factors are: Fluid Reaoning, Knowledge
Quantitative Reasoning, Visual-spatial processing, working memory.
verbal and nonverbal
The ____________ is appropriate for people aged 16 to 89. It views intellignece as a global ability comprised of numerous interrealted funcitons that allow the individual "to act ppurposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his enviornement."
The WAISIII ___________ subtests are considered the most stable and accurate measure of general mental ability. Low score suggests low intelligence, poor education, alternate cultural background, or early brain injury. Shows the greatest resistance to mental deterioration, aging, and emotional disturbance and is used to estimate premorbid functioning.
The WAIS III subtest __________ measures general mental ability and long-term memory. Poor performance may indicate educational deficits, alternate cultural background, or low intelligence, significantly poor performance by a person who was once normal suggests psychosis or brain damage. Can be used to assess premorbid functiong since brain deterioration in later life usually has little effect on this subtest.
The WAISIII subtest ____________ evaluates short-term emmory, attention, and immediate auditory recall. Poor performance suggewts brain damage, mental retardation, anxiety, distractibility, or a hearing impairment. An extremely low score relative to other subtrest scores may indicate psychosis.
Digit Span
The WAIS III subtest _________ measures social judgemnt, insight, and common sense. Poor performance may indicate impaired judgement, psychosis, early brain damage, or other long-term dysfunction.
The WAISIII subtest ___________ is a measure of verbal reasoning and abstract and associateive thinking. Low score has been linked to long-term deterioration, severe brain dysfuncion, schizoprenia, and depression.
The WAIS III subtest __________ is most sensitive verbal subtest to aging.
letter-number sequencing
The WAIS III subtest ________________ assesses visual discrimination, concentration, and reasoning. Poor performance suggests schizophrenia, psychotic depression, poor conxentration. Relatively unaffected by brain damage.
picture completion
The WAISIII subtest _________ measures visual-motor coordination, visual short-term memory, psychomotor and processing speed, and persistence. Low score may indicate anxiety, depression, spcyomotor slowing, impaired memory or concentration, schizoid or manic tendencies, or brain damage. Considered the most brain-sensitive subtest since it is affected by lesions in many areas of the brain, also the WAISIII subtest most sensitive to the effects of aging.
digit symbol - coding
Interpretation of the WAISIII is a multilevel process. The first step is to intereprete the ______________. The second is to compare ________ and ______________ IQ's and scores on two _____ and two________ factors. Third involves a ______________ which involves comparing each subtest score to the mean full-scale, verbal, or performance subtest score to derive infomraiotn about the examinee's strengths and weaknesses. There are five total steps.
full scale IQ
Verbal/Performance 2x
Profile Analysis
A ____________ discrepancy of 12 points is statistically significant. but research indicates it should be closer to 17.
V-P Discrepency
The WAIS III provides scores on four factors which includes.
Verbal comprehension, working memory (verbal) and perceptual organization and processing speed (performance)
WAIS III factor ______________ includes vocabulary, similarities, and information processing and evaluates verbal conceptualization, knowldege, and expression. _________________ is coprised of arithmetic, digit span, and letter-number sequencing stubtests and measure snumerical ability and sequential procesing. ______________ consists of the picture completion, block design, and matrix reasoning subrtess and assesses nonverbal thiking and visual motor coordination. ________ is comprimised of the digit symbol-coding and symbol serach subtests and provides information on response speed.
verbal comprehension
working memory
perceptual organization
procesing speed
The __________ is appropriate for ages 6 years to 16 years 11 months. It is more closely based on neurocogntive models of information processing and measures six of the eight cattell-horm-carroll cognitive abilities. NO longer provides performance and verbal IQ and yeields scores on four indexes - verbal comprehension, perceptual reaonsing, working memory, and processing speed.
Children with _________ score highest on Block designe, matrix reasoning, picture concepts and lowest on comprehension, symbol serach, coding.
Children with ____ score highest on picture concepts, picture completion, word reasoning, similarities and lowest on cancellation, arithmetic, and coding.
Children with _________ score highest on picture completion, block design, word rasoing and lowest on arithmetic, letter-number sequencing, and coding.
Learning Disorders/ADHD
The _________ is appripriate for children 2 years, 6 months through 7 years, 3 months.
The _______ is a screening tet for crystallized intellgience it is approriare for individuals 4 thorugh 65 and may be used with indivdiuals with visual impariments.
slosson tests
The case of Larry P. v. Riles was about what?
african-american children who wer overrepresented in special education. Found that tests were racialy and culturally biased
The ___________________________ was designed to evaluate personal and social skills of children and adults with mental retardation, autism specturm, adhd, braini injury, or denentia and for assisting in teh development of educaitonal and treatment plans. It provides adaptive behavior composite score as well as scores for three domains of adaptive funcing, daily living skills, and socializztion as defined by the
American Association of Mental Retardation.
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
The Columbia Mental Maturity Scale, Peabody Picture vocabulary Test, Haptic Intelligence Scale, and Hiskey-Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitutde were all designed for what?
individuals with disablities.
THe Kuhlman-Anderson Test, Woodcock Johnson III and Wonderlic Personnel Test are all
Group Intelligence Tests for School and Industry.
______________________ involves periodic assessment of school-aged children with briedf stadardized and validated measures of basic academic skills that reflect the current school curriculum.
curriculum-based measurement
___________________ is considered the "centerpiece" of goals,Clinton Administration. It involves "observing and judging a pupil's skill in actually carrying out a physical activity. Proponents of argue method of evalution and, conseqently, is useful for assessing members of culturally and linguistically diverse groups.
Performance Based Assessment
_____________________ mesures verbal and mathematical reasoning abilities and is most often used to predict the collecge success of high school seniors.
Scholastic Assessment Test
MMPI-2 ______ scale - A high score indicaes an attempt to present oneself in a very favorable light or lack of insight into one's own motivaitons. A low score suggests frankness in responding, exaggeration of negative characteristics, or independence. The scale is used to dertermin if test results can be valid.
L scale
The MMPI-S _____scale - A high score suggests eccentricity, deliberate malingering, gross eccentricity, random responding, or respnding to all items as either true or false. A low score may indicate tendncy toward social conformity or an absence of significant psychopathology.
F Scale
MMPI2 ______ scale - A high score indicates a high degree of clinical defensiveness or a desired to "fake good" and is associated with poor treatment prognosis. A very low score suggests escesive frakness, self-criticism, or a diesire to fake bad. It is considered to be a "suppressor variable" since scores correlate with defensiveness, educaiton level, and socioeconomic status, which are unrelated to what is measure dby the cliical scale. Used to correct score on certain clinical scales.
ON the MMPI-2 a t-score of ______ or high is clinically significant.