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74 Cards in this Set

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What are positive symptoms in psychotic disorders?
disorg speech/behav
What receptors are positive psychotic symptoms assoc with?
dopamine receptors
What are negative symptoms in psychotic disorder ?
Flat affect
Social withdrawl
poor thought
What are the most effective treatment for negative symptoms?
Atypical antipsychotics
What receptors are negative symptoms assoc. with?
How long does schizo have to be for it to be a diagnosis?
6 mo and impair baseline functioning
What symptoms have to be present the positvie or neg in schizo?
Who does schizo present in at an earlier age, male or female?
male 15-25
What is the diagnosis for
<6 mo but >1month?
When positive symptoms are present for <1 month what is the psycotic diagnosis?
Brief psychotic disorder
When there is a history of symptoms for many years with no impairment of baseline functioning what should you think of?
delusiona disorder and personality disorder
What type of ddelusions are present in a delusional disorder?
What are you thinking if therer is a history of positive symptoms with no impairment of baseline function in a psychotic disorder?
pERSONality disorder---schizotypal personality disorder
What does schizotypal personality disorder present with?
peculiar thinking and social isolation but doesn't involve psychosis
Do people with delusional disorder or personality disorder respond to antipsychotics?
What is the preferred therapy to treat schizotypal personaility disorder or delusional disorder?
What are you thinking if you have auditory and olfactory hallucinations, feelings of deja vu or dissociation from surroundings?
Temporal lobe epilepsy
what is the risk of suicide attempt in schizo in a lifetime?
50 percent
how many of suicidal attemps are successful in schizo pts?
10 percent
Who are at a greater risk of depression and suicide ater the episode of psychosis resolves?
When there is a history of symptoms for many years with no impairment of baseline functioning what should you think of?
delusiona disorder and personality disorder
What type of ddelusions are present in a delusional disorder?
What are you thinking if therer is a history of positive symptoms with no impairment of baseline function in a psychotic disorder?
pERSONality disorder---schizotypal personality disorder
What does schizotypal personality disorder present with?
peculiar thinking and social isolation but doesn't involve psychosis
Do people with delusional disorder or personality disorder respond to antipsychotics?
What is the preferred therapy to treat schizotypal personaility disorder or delusional disorder?
What are you thinking if you have auditory and olfactory hallucinations, feelings of deja vu or dissociation from surroundings?
Temporal lobe epilepsy
what is the risk of suicide attempt in schizo in a lifetime?
50 percent
how many of suicidal attemps are successful in schizo pts?
10 percent
Who are at a greater risk of depression and suicide ater the episode of psychosis resolves?
When there is a history of symptoms for many years with no impairment of baseline functioning what should you think of?
delusiona disorder and personality disorder
What type of ddelusions are present in a delusional disorder?
What are you thinking if therer is a history of positive symptoms with no impairment of baseline function in a psychotic disorder?
pERSONality disorder---schizotypal personality disorder
What does schizotypal personality disorder present with?
peculiar thinking and social isolation but doesn't involve psychosis
Do people with delusional disorder or personality disorder respond to antipsychotics?
What is the preferred therapy to treat schizotypal personaility disorder or delusional disorder?
What are you thinking if you have auditory and olfactory hallucinations, feelings of deja vu or dissociation from surroundings?
Temporal lobe epilepsy
what is the risk of suicide attempt in schizo in a lifetime?
50 percent
how many of suicidal attemps are successful in schizo pts?
10 percent
Who are at a greater risk of depression and suicide ater the episode of psychosis resolves?
What is the greatest risk factor for progression ot schizo?
Schizophreniform...2/3 actually presgress
Who in general have a better prognosis and repond better to treatment?
Which type of schizophrenia pt. are more responsive to treatment than those with other kinds?
What is the intial steps in managmt of acute psychotic disorders if case desribes bizarrre or paranoid symptoms?
Hospitalize the pt.
What should you do in the management of agitation of schizophrenia?
Give Benzo for agitation
How long should antipsychotic meds be given for?
6 months
what is the most effective therapy to prevent further episodses?
Antipsychotic meds
When are long-term antipsychotic meds given?
if there is a history or repeat episodes
What elese other than giving benzo for agitation, and starting antipsychotic meds should be done to treat schizo?
long-term psychotherapy
What has an immediate quieting effect in acute psychotic attacts (schizo, depression with psychotic features, mania in bipolar)
What delays relapses in schizo?
antipsychotic meds
What are 2 other indications for antipsychotics?
1.Sedation when Benzo are contraindicatied or as an adjunct

2. Movement d/o Huntington and Tourette
Why do you give antipsychotics in movement disorders?
to suppress tics and vocalizations
What type of antipsychotic is fluphenazine?
High Potency
What type of antipsychotic is haloperidol
High potency
What type of antipsychotic is thioridazine
Low potency
What type of antipsychotic is chlorpromazine
Low potency
What type of antipsychotic is risperidone
What type of antipsychotic is olanzapine
What type of antipsychotic is quetiapine
What type of antipsychotic is clozapine?
What is the A/E of fluphenazine or haloperidol?
What is the A/E of olanzapine,risperidone, quetiapine, clozapine?
only clozapine may cause agranulocytosis
What is the A/E of low potency tioridazine, chlorpromazine
Anticholinergic effects
More sedation
more postural hypotension
What are the advantages of High potency antipsychotics...
less sedating
few anticholinergic effects
Less hypotension
Can be used as depot shot
Give IM for acute psychosis if unable to do Oral
What are the adv. of Low potency?
Less likely to do EPS
What is the advantage of atypical antipsychotic
Greater effects on neg. symptoms

Little or no risk of EPS
What are the anticholinergic effects of low potency antipsychotics?
DRY everything up
urinary retension
dry mouth
blurry vision, and delirium
What is thioridazine assoc. with on EKG/
Prolong QT syndrome and arrythmias
What is thioridazine assoc. with for the eyes after many years of usage?
Retinal pigmentation
What are common alpha blockade see in men and reason of non-compliacane in males?
impotence and inhib of ejaculation
What is a common reason for non-compliance of antipsych meds in females?
Wt. gain
What is the most appropriate treatment antipsychotic to initiate in a newly diag schizo pt. with insomnia?
Olanzapine, quetiapine, aripiprazole
A schizo pt. has been maintained on olanzapine for the past 6 months. He complains of daytime sedation, and has lost 2 jobs in the past month because of impaired performance, what is the next step in management?