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143 Cards in this Set

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acting out?
behaviors to distract person to relieve tension thru activity and not verbalization
repressed material, esp painful experience of conflict, is brought back to consciousness. The person relives experience
expression of suppressed feelings, ideas or events to other group members. It relieves a sense of sin or guilt
get relief when expressing thoughts, ideas, and suppressed material
psychotherapy for borderline?
want individual and group therapy. Group therapy has diluted transference. Group is good for stability and moderation to the extreme ways borderlines see others.
why individual and group therapy?
individual therapy allows for the reflection of feelings in group and responses of others to them from group.
automatic thoughts?
way of perceiving situations. Cog therapy tries to find them and eliminate
behavior therapy?
focused on behaviors and not on possible underlying factors causing behaviors. Not uncovering unconscious things. Just changes maladaptive behavior to adaptive
focus of interpersonal psychotherapy?
communication analysis, then change the communication patterns by role playing or trying out diff forms of communication. It fcuses on pt's role and communication style in imp relationships, and how the role may be causing or complicating the illness, like depression.
interpret transference, point out resistance, character change. Can use hypnosis
Sx of wernickes encephalopathy
First step?
Thiamine def (B1).
Bilateral CN6 palsy; horizontal nystagmus; ataxia; global confusion w/apathy
-First step is IV thiamine: excess thiamine doesn't do anything
signs and sxs of EtOH w/d
unstable vitals
signs of folic acid def
bipolar depression drugs
Buproprion, lamictal, TCAs
acute stress disorder vs PTSD
PTSD persists for over 4 weeks post traumatic event.
-oculogyric crisis
-torticolos and retrocollis
-spasm of muscles of extraocular motion
-spasms causing abnormal positioning of head
-jaw spasm
Bulimia labs?
Thyroid function is intace
-hypochloremic alkalosis
-high serum amylase
opiate intox signs? X4
pupillary constriction
impaired attention and memory
slurred speech
opiate w/d sxs? x4

ab pain
muscle aches
lacrimation or rhinorrhea

clonidine, buprenoprhine and methadone
What are the 2 intelligence tests?
-Age range?
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale:
-assess overall intellectual functioning
-2 parts: verbal and visual-spatial
Stanford-Binet Test
-tests intellectual ability in pts 2-18
Objective personality assessment test?
-standardized answer format; objective
-tests personality for diff pathologies and behavioral patterns
Projective assessment tests? x2
For personality
-No structured response
TAT: create stories based on pics of people in situations.
-evaluates motivations behind behavior
Rorschach: IDs thought disorders and defense mechanisms
idea of reference defn?
things in the world are talking about them: TV is speaking to the person
-type of delusion
Types of delusions?
i)idea of reference ii)thought broadcasting iii)delusion of grandeur iv)delusion of guilt v)paranoid delusion
clinically, how do you know someone is psychotic?
i)perceptual disturbance (hallucinate) ii)disorganized thinking iii)delusions
olfactory hallucination cause?
aura ass'd w/epilepsy
loss of ego boundaries defn?
Unaware of where one's mind and body end and someone elses begins
medical causes of psychosis (CNS dz)
-Temp lobe epilepsy
-parkinson's and huntington's
-prion dz
medical causes of psychosis (nutrition)
B12, folate, B1
Medical causes of psychosis: other
CT disease: SLE, temporal arteritis
3 phases of schizophrenia?
1)Prodrome: decline in functioning that precedes 1st psychotic episode: w/drawn and irritable; interest in cult
3)Residual: b/w episodes of psychosis w/negative sxs.
Disorganized type schizophrenia characteristics
-poor functioning type; early onset
1)disorganized speech 2)Disorganized behavior 3)Flat or inappropriate affect
Catatonic type
2 of following
-motor immobility
-excessive purposeless motor activity
-extreme negativism or mutism
-pecular posture or movement
-echolalia or echopraxia (mimic phrase or behavior)
genetics/epidemiology of schizophrenia
-50% concordance among monozygotic twins
-40% if both parents have it
-10% if 1st degree relative has it
DA pathways responsible for Positive and negative symptoms
-PFC: negative
-mesolimbic: positive
treatment for EPS
antiparkinson drugs: amantadine, benztropine, benzos
short term treatment for TD
benzos, B blockers, cholinomimetics
side effect of mellaril
retinal pigmentation
side effect of chlorpromazine (thorazine)
deposits in lens and cornea
prognosis of schizo vs other types
mood d/o>brief psychotic d/o>schizoaffective d/o>schizophreniform>schizophrenia
subtypes of delusional d/o
somatic (physical delusion); persecutory type
jealous type
mixed type
TX of folie a deux
-remove patient from person causing it
-drugs if sxs not improved after 1-2 weeks after removing pt
Medical causes of depressive d/o
viral illness
carcinoid syndrome
lymphoma and pancreatic carcinoma
collagen vascular disease
medical causes of manic episode
-neurological: temporal lobe seizure; MS
-HIV infection
medication/substance cause of depression
-antipsychotics and anticonvulsants
medication/substance cause of mania
autonomic Sxs of anxiety
-urinary urgency and frequency
neurotransmitters in anxiety
-increased NE
-decreased GABA
-decreased 5HT
epidemiology of anxiety
-higher socioeconomic groups
Types of anxiety d/o
-panic d/o
-specific and social phobia
-Acute stress d/o
-secondary to substance or medical condition
2ndary causes of anxiety
-Vit B12 def
-pg 38
Panic disorder:
-caffeine/nicotine; hyperventilation
Associated conditions w/panic d/o
Major depression
substance dependence
social and sp phobias
DDX for panic
Medical: heart; temp lobe epilepsy, MS, pheo, carcinoid syndrome, COPD
Mental: depression, phobia, OCD, PTSD
Treatment of Panic
-Benzos->SSRI (start SSRI low and work up)
-maintenance: paxil
OCD assns
-eating d/o
-anxiety d/o
-higher if 1st degree has tourettes
-abnl reg'l of 5-HT
-need higher than normal doses of SSRI; TCA
-BT: exopsure and response prevention
-ECT or cingulotomy as last resort
most common mental d/o
1)phobia 2)substance induced d/o 3)MDD 4)OCD
-TCAs: imipramine and doxepin; SSRIs; anticonvulsants (flashbacks and nightmares)
-avoid benzo b/c of high drug abuse
comorbidity w/GAD
-MDD; social/sp phobia; panic d/o
tx of GAD
1)Buspar 2)benzo 3)SSRI 4)venlafaxine
Cluster A personality disorders:
-patients are eccentric, peculiar, or w/drawn\
-ass'd w/psychosis
Cluster B
-mood disorders
Cluster C
-obsessive compulsive
anxious or fearful
anxiety d/o
men personality d/o
ASPD; schizoid; schizotypal; paranoid; OCPD
women personality d/o
histrionic, BPD; dependent;
inability to perform previously learned motor skill
inability to name objects outside of an aphasia
inability to read
inability to recognize faces
what parts of brain are affectd in schizo
-parahippocampus gyrus
pulling hair out compulsively
schizophrenia tracts involved
mesolimbic: positive symptoms
amygdala: emotional sxs
What is prodromal schizo composed of?
-increasing neg sxs in absence of positive sxs.
-difficult to tell apart from depressive sxs
-include autistic features
neuroanatomy of anxious state
locus ceruleus is the alarm center of the brain and hyperactive in anxiety states.
-has the most NE neurons in brain.
CT: hypointensities
lacunar stroke
defn of externalization
generalized form of projection. See the patterns of behavior in others but really its true about oneself
channel fears or conflicts into goals that become gratifying
Where is 5HT synthd in CNS?
dorsal and medial raphe nucleus of brainstem.
Diff b/w tertiary and secondary amines
-tertiary: inhibit reuptake of 5-HT more than NE
-secondary: inhibit reuptake of NE more
ability to suddenly speak languages
repetitive and meaningless talking
loosening of ass'n
lack of logical connections b/w ideas but sentence structure is intact
flight of ideas
every sentence or 2 is new idea but connections b/w the 2 are seen.
chlorpromazine S/E
obstructive jaundice
thioridizine s/e
pigmented retinopathy
one depressive decompensation can lead to another
double depression
MDE superimposed on dysthymic d/o
when does EtOH w/d happen?
-tremulousness, w/d seizures, w/d delirium: 5 days after drinking
-w.d seizures: 48 hours after EtOH consumption ceases
developmental milestones
-copy circle at age 2
-age and gender; ride trike: age 3
-copy a square and id left hand at age 5
positive prognostic factor in autism
-can converse meaningfully with others
common findings in anorexia nervosa
-normocytic normochromic anemia
-hypochloremic-hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis
signs of anorexia
state of starvation=bodily functions suppressed
-rest energy expenditure decreased
-sinus bradycardia
-low estrogen and testosterone
-ventricular-brain ratios increased
true or false: more affective sxs in schizo of kid is prognostic factor
common feature b/w ADHD and mania in kids
ADHD kids have low self esteem
age of when kids understand death
7 years old: need to be aware of continuity of time, able to fantasize, solid sense of his or her own individuality
most common adverse effect of clonidine
sedation (not hypotension!)
Tourette's family hx and depressed
Identification (defense mech)
adopt other people's characteristics
emotions shifted from one idea or object to another that resembles original but evokes less distress
person's character or sense of identity is temporarily but drastically changed to avoid emotional distress
defn stereotypic movement d/o
self inflicted bodily injury severe enough that you need medical attn (bleeding rectum and anemia)
catatonic schizophrenic presentation
-motor behaviors
-nonverbal communication like facial expressions
-echolalia and echopraxia
disorganized schizo presentation
severe thought disorder that can be refractory to neuroleptics
sexual arousal connected to nonliving objects
-need social impairment
haldol and chlorpromazine teratogenicity?
Class C drug: seen in animals
Txs of PMDD
SSRi, OCPs, spironolactone, benzos
causes nystagmus
-etoh w/d
high tyramine content
infarcts of braine:
-L frontal hemispheres (LMCA)
-right MCA
-diffuse bilateral frontal injury
-Left: depression
-Right: euphoria, inappropriate indiff, mania
-Obsessive compulsive behaviors
impotence and ages for psych etiology
-90% of impotence in 30-50=psychological
-after 50, becomes more medical
metabolite measured in CSF of suicide, impulsive, and aggressive peeps
causes of amnestic disorders
-EtOH and benzos
-trauma or tumor or CVA
treatment of dissociative amnesia
-help pts retrieve lost memories to prevent future recurrences
-use ativan or sodium amobarbital to help them talk more freely
-the strong emotion peeps get when talking about a traumatic event
somatoform disorder r/o causes:
Who are they most common in?
-CNS dz
-endocrine d/o
-CT d/o
-most common in women except hypochondriacs
comorbidity w/somatoform
-treatment in somatization d/o
-not many meds; relaxation tx hypnosis; group and individual
-won't see a psychiatrist
what d/o ass'd w/labelle indifference
hypochondriasis DSM
-fear for 6 months
-persist despite medical evaluation
-misinterpreted body sxs.
commonly feigned sxs in factitious
-psychiatric: hallucinations, depression
-medical: fever, ab pain; seisures, hematuria
factitious epidemiology
-higher intelligene, poor sense of identity, poor sexual adjustment
-child abused or neglected
somatization d/o age?
<30 years old
treatment of IED
SSRIs; anticonvulsants; Li; propanolol
anorexic electrolyte abnormality
-other physical findings
-hypochloremic hyperkalemic alkalosis
-melanosis coli
bulimia electrolyte abnormality
-hypochloremic hypokalemic alkalosis
what neurotransmitter abnormalities exist for sleep d/o?
-elevated DA or NE decreases total sleep time
-elevated Ach increases total sleep time and increased REM
-Increased 5HT increases total sleep time and increased delta wave sleep (stage 3 and 4). Have lowest f
Primary sleep sleep disorder subdivisions (x2)
1)dyssomnia: amt, quality, or timing ******
2)parasomnia: behavior or physiology of sleep ****** up
pharm therapy for primary insomnia
-pharm is 2nd line
-zalepon, trazodone, benedryl, ambien
ass'n of OSA and CSA
-what do they cause
CSA=heart failure
-EDS(excessive daytime sleepiness) due to abnormal sleep ventilation
treatment of OSA and CSA
-nCPAP (nasal cont pos airway press)
-CSA=bPAP (mechanical ventilation) with a backup rate
DA and 5HT effects on libido?
DA enhances
5HT inhibits
Treatment for insomnia using antidepressants
Use of nortriptylin
-least orthostatic hypotension
use of desipramine
-least anticholinergic, least sedating
use of clomipramine
-most 5HT specific, useful in OCD treatment
Major complications of TCA
convulsions (neurotoxic)
-lethal in overdose
Fcns of MAOA and B
-1st step in 5HT syndrome
A: reuptake of 5HT
B: reuptake of NE
-Both act on DA and tyramine
-Discontinue medication
fluvoxamine use
paroxetine imp facts
-most 5HT specific
-most activating
-highest risk for GI disturbance
-don't need to taper, longest 1/2 life
immediate treatment of mania
strongest indicator for suicidal attempt x
prior suicidal attempt
Picks symptoms
altered personality