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95 Cards in this Set

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General tx OCD
SSRIs (higher dose than depression), TCAs, clomiprimine
General tx panic disorder
General tx eating d/o

NOT bupropion
General tx neuropathic pain
smoking cessation tx
Autism tx
General tx insomnia
mirtazapine, TCAs, trazodone
General info: TCAs!!
inhibit reuptake of NE and serotonin, increasing availability in the synapse

rarely used as 1st line agents because have higher incidence of side effects, require greater monitoring of dosing and can be LETHAL IN OVERDOSE!!!

pts usually started on low doses to allow acclimation to common early anticholinergics
ex of TCAs
imipramine (tofranil)

amitriptyline (elavil)

trimipramine (surmontil)

nortriptyline (Pamelor)

desipramine (norpramin)

Clomipramine (anafranil)

Doxepin (sinequan)

elavil...sedating, not tolerated well
TCA least likely to cause orthostatic hypotension
Nortriptyline (Pamelor)
TCA that is least sedating, least anticholinergic side effects and well tolerated
Desipramine (Norpramin)
TCA that is most serotonin specific, useful in treatment of OCD (if fail SSRI)
Mainstay of tx for TCA overdose
IV sodium bicarbonate
hallmark of TCA toxicity
widened QRS ( > 100 msec) - used as threshold to treatment
Histamine, adrenergic and muscarinic...

TCA side effects!!!
major complications of TCA side effects
convulsions, coma, cardiotoxicity (increased QTc)

avoid in patients with preexisting conduction abnormalities
Anti-histamine TCA side effect
Antiadrenergic TCA side effects
cardiovascular: orthostatic hypotension (alpha blockade)...most life threatening!!!

tachycardia, arrhythmias, cardiotoxic
Antimuscarinic TCA side effects
dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision, tachycardia
TCAs can cause weight gain.
thats all i have to say.
TCA lethality 2/2 OD
one week supply of these drugs is enough to be lethal in OD
Mechanism of MAO-I
prevent inactivation of biogenic amines like NE, serotonin, dopamine and tyramine

irreversibly inhibits MAO-A and MAO-B...increase amounts of neurotransmitters in synapses
preferentially works on serotonin

does dopamine and tyramine
preferentially works on NE/epinephrine

also works on dopamine and tyramine
MAO-I are NOT 1st line, but are effective in...
REFRACTORY DEPRESSION and in refractory panic disorder
phenelzine (nardil), tranylcypromine (parnate) and isocarboxazid (marplan)
examples of MAO-I
Common side effects of MAO-I
orthostatic hypotension, drowsiness, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, dry mouth, sleep dysfunction
Serotonin syndrome
occurs when SSRIs and MAOIs are taken TOGETHER!!!

initially characterized by lethargy, restlessness, confusion, flushing, diaphoresis, tremor and myoclonic jerks

may progress to hyperthermia, hypertonicity, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, convulsions, coma and death

Hypertensive crisis with MAOIs
when MAOIs are taken with tyramine-rich foods or sympathomimetics

foods with tyramine (red Chianti wine, cheese, chicken liver, fava beans, cured meats) cause a buildup of stored catecholamines
Why SSRIs are first line for depression
low incidence of side effects, no food restrictions and much safer in OD

inhibit presynaptic serotonin pumps, leading to increased availability of serotonin in synaptic clefts

also used in tx of some anxiety disorders, OCD and premenstrual dysphoric disorder


longest half life with active metabolites...do NOT need to taper...half life is about 1-3 days


highest risk for GI disturbances


most serotonin specific, most activating (stimulant)

effective, but can cause weight gain


currently approved only for use in OCD



levo enantiomer of citalopram; similar efficacy, fewer side effects, much more expensive
side effects of SSRIs
less side effects than TCAs and MAOIs because of serotonin selectivity

sexual dysfunction (25-30%)
GI disturbance (big at first)
Anorexia, weight loss
serotonin syndrome when used with MAOIs

weight gain - Paxil is the worst
Atypical antidepressants
SNRIs (serotonin/NE reuptake inhibitors)

NDRIs (NE/dopamine reuptake inhibitors)

SARIs (serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitors)

NASAs (NE and serotonin antagonists)

SNRI - serotonin/NE reuptake inhibitor

useful in refractory depression and CAP

low drug interaction potential

side effects similar to SSRIs


potential withdrawal symptoms can be seen with 1-3 missed doses...not life threatening, but very uncomfortable (including flulike symptoms and electric shock like symptoms/zaps)
Buproprion (Wellbutrin)
NDRI: NE/dopamine reuptake inhibitor

commonly used to aid in smoking cessation - also useful in seasonal affective d/o and adult ADHD


bupropion's dopaminergic effect in higher doses can exacerbate psychosis
Side effects of Wellbutrin
wellbutrin = bupropion

similar to SSRIs - increased sweating and increased risk of seizures and psychosis at high doses

can lower seizure threshold...use with caution in epileptics

not optimal for patients with significant anxiety and are CI in patients with seizure or active eating disorders and those currently on MAO-I
Nefazodone (serzone) and Trazodone (Deyrel)
SARI - atypical antidepressant

serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor

especially useful in tx of refractory major depression, major depression with anxiety and INSOMNIA (secondary to sedative effects)
Side effects of trazodone and nefazodone
nausea, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, SEDATION and PRIAPSIM!!!!
with trazodone...use epinephrine to reverse this.
Mirtazapine (remeron)
NE and serotonin antagonists

used for refractory depression, especially in patients who need to gain weight

side effects: WEIGHT GAIN, dizziness, somnolence, tremor and agranulocytosis

maximal sedative effect at doses of 15mg and les

at higher doses, increases NE uptake and is therefore less sedating
Traditional antipsychotics vs. atypical antipsychotics
traditional block dopamine receptors

atypical (newer) antipsychotics block both dopamine and serotonin receptors...effect on dopamine is weaker - associated with fewer side effects
Chlorpromazine (thorazine)

Thioridazine (Mellaril)
traditional antipsychotics

LOW potency - have a lower affinity for dopamine receptors and therefore a higher dose is required...POTENCY refers to action on dopamine receptors - not the level of efficacy
side effects of low potency antipsychotics
higher incidence of anticholinergic and anti-histaminic side effects than high potency traditional antipsychotics

lower incidence of EPSEs and neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Chlorpromazine (thorazine) - a/w sedation, orthostatic, dec BP
Thioridazine (mellaril) - a/w retinitis pigmentosa - loss of night vision

half life of 24 hours
high potency antipsychotics
greater affinity for dopamine receptors and therefore a relatively low dose is needed for effect

Haloperidol (haldol) - EPS common

Fluphenazine (prolixin), trifluoperazine (stelazine)
Perphenazine (trilafon)
Pimozide (orap)
side effects of high potency traditional antipsychotics
higher incidence of EPSEs and neuroleptic malignant syndrome

lower incidence of anticholinergic and antihistaminic side effects
traditional vs. atypical antipsychotics
both have similar effects in treating presence of positive symptoms - such as hallucinations and delusions

Atypicals have been shown to be more effective in treating NEGATIVE symptoms (such as flattened affect and social withdrawal)
long-acting haloperidol and fluphenazine

fluphenazine: administer q2-3 weeks IM

Halperidol: administer q4-5 weeks IM
anti-dopaminergic effects of traditional antipsychotics
extrapyramidal side effects -

1. parkinsonism - masklike face, cogwheel rigidity, pill-rolling tremor...tx with levodopa or amantidine
2. akathisia - subjective anxiety and restlessness, objective fidgetiness...tx with propranalol
3. dystonia - sustained contraction of muscles of neck, tongue, eyes (painful)...can use benztropine (congentin) to prevent this

HYPERPROLACTINEMIA: leading to decreased libido, galactorrhea, gynecomastia, impotence, amenorrhea and osteoporosis (realize that dopamine normally inhibits prolactin and acetylcholine secretion)
anti-HAM effects with traditional antipsychotics
caused by actions on histamine, adrenergic and muscarinic receptors

antihistamine - results in sedation

anti-alpha-adrenergic - results in orthostatic hypotension, cardiac abnormalities and sexual dysfunction

antimuscarinic - anticholinergic effects: dry mouth, tachycardia, urinary retention, blurry vision and constipation
Other side effects of traditional antipsychotics

elevated LFTs, jaundice

ophthalmologic problems - rashes and photosensitivity (blue-gray skin discoloration with chlorpromazine)

seizures - lower seizure thresholds; low potency antipsychotics are more likely to cause seizures than high potency ones
Tardive dyskinesia
side effect of traditional antipsychotics...

thought to be caused by increase in number of dopamine receptors, causing lower levels of acetylcholine

choreoathetoid (writhing) movements of mouth and tongue that may occur in patients who have used neuroleptics for more than 6 months

most often in older women

50% cases will spontaneously remit - untreated cases may be PERMANENT!
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
side effect of traditional antipsychotics

rare - most often in males in tx with neuroleptics...MEDICAL EMERGENCY...20% mortality rate if left untreated...often preceded by a catatonic state

characterized by:

Fever (most common presenting symptom)
Elevated CPK
Rigidity (lead pipe rigidity)
Treatment of NMS
discontinue current meds

supportive medical care (hydration, cooling, etc)

sodium dantrolene, bromocriptine and amantadine...useful but are infrequently used because of their own side effects

NOT an allergic reaction...patient not prevented from restarting same neuroleptic at a later time
Why atypical antipsychotics are better than traditional antipsychotics
block both dopamine and serotonin receptors - associated with FEWER SIDE EFFECTS...

more effective in treating negative symptoms

first line tx of schizophrenia
Clozapine (clozaril)
Risperidone (risperdal)
Quetiapine (seroquel)
Olanzapine (zyprexa)
Ziprasidone (geodon)
Abilify (aripiprazole)
atypical antipsychotics
atypical antipsychotics FDA approved for tx of mania
Quetiapine (seroquel) and ziprasidone (geodon)
Clozapine side effects
1% incidence of agranulocytosis and 2-5% incidence of seizures

must have weekly blood draws to check WBC counts because it can cause agranulocytosis
Olanzapine side effects (zyprexa)
can cause hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, weight gain, and liver toxicity

monitor LFTs
Quetiapine (seroquel) side effects
less propensity for weight gain but has been shown to cause cataracts in beagle dogs - periodic (q6 months) slit lamp examination recommended
Other uses for mood stabilizers
potentiation of antidepressants in patients with major depression refractory to monotherapy

potentiation of antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia

enhancement of abstinence of alcoholism

tx of aggression and impulsivity (dementia, intoxication, mental retardation, personality d/o, general medical conditions)
antipsychotics can be used as adjuncts to mood stabilizers for behavioral control early in the course of a manic episode if psychotic symptoms persist
: )
drug of choice for acute mania and prophylaxis for both manic and depressive episodes in bipolar disorder

mech unknown - alters neuronal sodium transport

secreted by kidney, onset of action 5-7 days
narrow therapeutic index of lithium
therapeutic range: 0.7 - 1.2

toxic > 1.5

lethal > 2.0
factors that affect lithium levels
NSAIDs (decrease levels)
dehydration (increase levels)
salt deprivation (increase levels)
impaired renal function (increase levels)
side effects of lithium
fine tremor, sedation, ataxia, thirst, metallic tast, polyuria, edema, weight gain, GI problems, benign leukocytosis, thyroid enlargement, HYPOTHYROIDISM and NEPHROGENIC DIABETES INSIPIDUS...can also have delusions
toxic levels of lithium can cause...
altered mental status, coarse tremors, convulsions and death

need to regularly monitor blood levels of lithium, thyroid function (TSH) and kidney function (GFR)

anticonvulsant mood stabilizer

especially useful in treating MIXED episodes and RAPID-CYCLING bipolar disorder

used in management of trigeminal neuralgia

acts by blocking sodium channels and inhibiting action potentials

onset of action 5-7 days
side effects of carbamazepine
skin rash, drowsiness, ataxia, slurred speech, LEUKOPENIA, HYPONATREMIA, APLASTIC ANEMIA and AGRANULOCYTOSIS

elevates LFTs and has teratogenic effects when used during pregnancy (neural tube defects)

pretx: CBC and LFTs...monitored regularly
valproic acid

anticonvulsant mood stabilizer

especially useful in treating mixed manic episodes and rapid cycling bipolar disorder

mech unknown

increase CNS levels of GABA
side effects of valproic acid
sedation, weight gain, alopecia, hemorrhagic pancreatitis, HEPATOTOXICITY and THROMBOCYTOPENIA

teratogenic effects during pregnancy (neural tube defects)

monitor LFTs and CBCs
long acting benzos

1-3 days
chlordiazepoxide (librium)

diazepam (valium)

flurazepam (dalmane)

long acting benzo (1-3 days)

used in alcohol detoxification, presurgery anxiety
valium...long acting benzo (1-3 days)

RAPID onset, used in treatment of anxiety and seizure control

less potent

long acting benzo (1-3 days)

rapid onset, tx of insomnia
tx of benzo OD

int acting benzo (10-20 hrs)

tx of panic attacks...dont use anymore

int acting benzo (10-20hrs)

tx of panic attacks, anxiety

slow onset, strong, potent

int activing benzo (10-20 hrs)

tx of panic attacks, alcohol withdrawal

int acting benzo (10-20 hrs)

tx of insomnia

short acting benzo...3-8 hrs

short acting benzo...3-8hrs

rapid onset, tx of insomnia
Zolpidem (Ambien)

Zaleplon (Sonata)
short term tx of insomnia

selectively binds to benzo binding site on GABA receptor

no anticonvulsant/muscle relaxant properties

no withdrawal effects

minimal rebound insomnia

little or no tolerance/dependence occurs with prolonged use

Sonata - newer, shorter half life than ambien

chemically not a benzo, though has the same effect

alternative to benzos or venlafaxine to tx generalized anxiety disorder

slower onset of action than benzos - takes 1-2 weeks for effect

anxiolytic action is at 5HT-1A receptor (partial agonist)

does not potentiate the CNS depression of alcohol (useful in alcoholics)

low potential for abuse/addiction
can use propranolol to treat akathisia (side effect of typical antipsychotics)
kill this sh*t.
meds that have HAM side effects
TCAs and low potency antipsychotics
Serotonin syndrome (2)
confusion, flushing, diaphoresis, tremor, myoclonic jerks, hyperthermia, hypertonicity, rhabdomyolysis, renal failure and death

when SSRIs and MAOIs are combined

tx: STOP f'ing drugs
happens more with high potency traditional antipsychotics

...also hyperprolactinemia occurs with high--potency traditional antipsychotics...

high potency antipsychotics - tardive dyskinesia

monitor pts with various screening exams...AIMS and DISCUS q6months
drug induced psychosis
may be caused by sympathomimetics, analgesics, antibiotics (like isoniazid), anticholinergics, anticonvulsants, antihistamines, corticosteroids and antiparkinsonian agents
drug induced depression
may be caused by antihypertensives, antiparkinsonian agents, corticosteroids, calcium channel blockers, NSAIDs, antibiotics and peptic ulcer drugs